6CO2+ 6H2O (in the presence of sunlight)= C6H12O6+ 6O2
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step 1 of light reactions
sun energy in photosystem II is transferred to chlorophyll
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step 2 of light reactions
energy from other chlorophyll bumps out an excited electron from the middle chlorophyll
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step 3 of light reactions
water is split into 2H+ and O, the electron is sent to replace the previous one that was bumped out of the chlorophyll
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step 4 of light reactions
electron is passed through an electron transport chain which pumps hydrogen ions across cell membrane
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step 5 of light reactions
light energy excites chlorophyll in photosystem and another excited electron is bumped out of middle chlorophyll. Chlorophyll's electron is replaced by previous electron from P680.
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reduction reaction
gaining hydrogen
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oxidation reaction
loss of hydrogen
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step 6 of light reactions
excited electrons are passed onto NADP+ and H+, a reduction reaction happens and it becomes NADPH.
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step 7 of light reactions
H+ ions diffuse across the membrane into the enzyme ATP synthase
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step 8 of light reactions
ATP and NADPH move from the thylakoid membrane into the stroma
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step 1 of calvin cycle
enzyme rubisco combines CO2 and RuBP to make an unstable 6 carbon sugar intp 6 3-PGA
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step 2 of calvin cycle
6 NADPH releases electrons and a hydrogen (NADP+) and 6 ATP releases energy (ADP + P) to each 6 3-PGA, forming 6 G3P
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step 3 of calvin cycle
five of the G3P is being reused in the cycle, one of the G3P is pushed aside to make glucose
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step 4 of calvin cycle
a series of reactions that use 3 ATP from light reactions from the light reactions convert the 5 G3P into 3 RuBP to be used to restart the cycle