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swallowing is the act of…
getting food from the mouth to the stomach
define presbyglutition
“old swallowing” aka presby dysphagia
changes in swallowing as we age
age-related biological and physiological changes that occur with the structures and muscles involved in swallowing
swallowing disorders can result in ___
malnutrition, dehydration, and illness
direct changes in swallowing (5)
atrophy of laryngeal musculature
atrophy of oral and laryngeal muscles
dentition changes
ossification of cartilages
slowness and decreased range of the swallowing mechanism
indirect changes in swallowing (3)
taste changes may impact intake
decreased salivary flow/dry mouth
medication side effects
an exchange of information between a sender and a receiver
what are the two tools used for communication
language and speech. these make communication more efficient
a complex and dynamic system of conventional symbols that is used in various modes for thought and communication
language is RULE-GOVERNED by content, form, and use
what are the three rules of language
content or semantics
form or syntax
use or pragmatics
what is semantics
aka content
the meaning of words and the rule systems for combing words into meaningful patterns or sententces
what is syntax
aka form
rule system that governs word order and sentence structure
i.e The dog chased the cat NOT Chased the cat the dog
what is morphology
the rule system that governs structure of words and construction of word forms, smallest unit of meaning
the sound system of language and the rules that govern the sound combinations
i.e words in english don’t start with sd or tc
what is pragmatics
aka use
a system that governs social use, function or purpose of language
the “how and why” we use language( requests, deny, affirm, what is appropriate etc.)
pragmatics also includes body language( nonverbal and verbal rules)
the acoustic representation of language
how is speech produced
through sound production created in the larynx
what are the three dimensions of speech
the quality of the speech sound
how sounds are formed into speech
the smooth forward flow of speech
the quality of the speech sound
what is articulation? What are the three factors
how sounds are formed into speech
i.e bilabial, velar, lingua-dental etc.
manner (how)
burst vs long sounds (p vs s)
voicing (vocal fold vibration)
voiced vs voiceless sounds
the rhythm and flow of speech. Its smoothness, pauses, and repititions
T or F: Broca’s area is in the temporal lobe
F; its in the frontal lobe
what is broca’s area
part of the brain responsible for speech and expressive language production
the left temporal lobe is the ___
primary comprehension cortex
T or F: wernicke’s area is in the frontal lobe
F; located in the left temporal lobe
wernickes area(auditory cortex)
important for language comprehension and adding meaning to what we hear and read
the ___ lobe in the ___hemisphere interacts with auditory cortex in ___ for some langauge comprehension
parietal; left; temporal lobe
the __ cortex is in the frontal lobe
motor; this is responsible for speech production and motor movement
the right temporal lobe is important for processing ___
paralinguistic information like intonation, stress, and rhythm
what is the prefrontal cortex responsible for
aspects of cognition and language (mainly social or pragmatic language)
which subcortical structures are important for cognition and language
thalamus and hippocampus
what does the cerebellum do for speech
assists with control of purposeful muscle movement for speech
brain development and performance are impacted by __
heredity and environment
what do the lungs do for speech
organ of respiration
provide breath support for speech
large muscle that seperates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and many other muscles
what is the larynx
the primary organ of sound production
composed of cartilages, muscles and other tissue
what are the vocal folds
muscles in the larynx that produce sound by vibrating
__ means open
abducted; this is for breathing
__ means closed
__ occur with the vocal folds for speaking
rapid vibrations
what is the resonance system
it directs airflow for speech and contributes to the quality of speech
made up of the pharyngeal/nasal cavities and oral cavities
soft palate
hard palate
muscular tube formed by pharyngeal walls and back of tongue
soft palate
the muscular portion of the roof of mouth( posterior)
hard palate
the boney portion of the roof of the mouth(anterior)
what is the articulatory system? Which structures does it include(7)?
structures used to produce speech sounds. Structures move via muscles to change shape or oral cavity and shape and position of tongue. This produces speech sounds in a language
hard palate
soft palate
communication can be indirectly influenced by which social factors__
role transition, financies, isolation, and illness
communication can be indirectly influenced by which physical factors ___
touch, taste
perceived health status
auditory comprehension
understanding of content, form, and use of language
T or F: Vocabulary comprehension never changes
F; it tends to be maintained or grows
a slight but consistent decline in language comprehension may be due to__
slowed processing time.
can also decline because of added auditory or visual distractions and removing visual cues
Which hemisphere branch of sentences is harder for a senior to understand
left branch sentences are harder
LEFT: Although it was difficult, Sally was able to finish the test on time
RIGHT: Sally was able to finish the test on time, although it was difficult
Name five factors that negatively impact comprehension
Hearing loss
Poor acoustics/noise
Multiple speakers at once
Rapid topic shift
Unfamiliar context
Rapid speech rate
Unfamiliar accent
Name five factors that positively impact comprehension
Quiet environments
Good acoustics
Speaker uses appropriate rate
Repeat, rephrase, summarize
One speaker at a time
Clear transitions
__ changes affect reading comprehension
visual. important to note that previous experience with reading affects reading comprehension as you get older
what are the two types of written expression. Which one is easier for seniors?
Expository is easier
what does narrative mean when it comes to reading comprehension
someone’s personal story
contains abstract language
no definite chronology of events, flashbacks etc.
what does expository mean when it comes to reading comprehension
doesn’t include information that isn’t strictly necessary
name five factors that negatively impact reading comprehension
Visual changes/presbyopia
Type of text
Organization/style of text
name five factors that enhance reading comprehension
Allow time for reading
Consider visual needs
Good organization
Reduce distractions
Baseline interests and levels should be considered
T or F: verbal naming abilities decline, even while vocabulary comprehension continues to grow
T; changes in naming abilities may be due to retrieval problems
what are common retrieval problems (verbal expression)
tip of tongue study
recall of proper names is most difficult
less fluency more circumlocutions on naming tasks
story recall
T or F: when it comes to verbal expression, phonology and morphology experience changes as we age
F; no there are no significant changes or frank errors
what happens to our command of syntax as we age
some decrease in complexity with increase in sentence length
may use less grammatical forms
what is verbal fragmentation
an increase in pauses, increase in length of pauses, increase in interjections and revisions
name a cohesion problem that increases with age
use of ambiguous pronouns increases
Grandchild: “What’s new grandpa?”
Grandpa: “Oh yesterday he had to go to the store to get some, then we went to lunch.”
what are some declines in written expression
may be some decline in sentence complexity( syntax)
decline in spelling accuracy for irregularly spelled words
slower at typing
slower at editing
what are the physical changes to the respiratory system as we age? What does this mean functionally?
the lungs adapt well to the aging process
increased stiffness in the cartilage and muscles used for respiration
illness may cause decline( lung cancer etc.)
Functionally this may result in changes in the loudness and timing parameters of the voice.
What are the functionality changes of the respiratory system that occur with aging
fewer syllables per breath group
decreased maximum phonation time
increased starting volume
physical age related changes in the larynx include
bowing or gap in vocal folds
more in males
edema or swelling
more in females
atrophy of larynx
more in males
what are the functional age-related changes to the larynx
increased breathiness or hoarseness
decrease in pitch in females and increase in pitch in males
pitch range across both genders decreases
tremors in both sexes
what are the three physical age related changes in the articulatory system
compromised dentition: the arrangement or condition of the teeth in an individual
muscle atrophy
degeneration of nerves and sensory receptors
what are the three functional age related changes in the articulatory system
decrease in speed of articulatory movements
loss of precision in articulatory contacts
change in articulation “slutty perception”
T or F: there are no speech changes as a result of an aging articulatory system
T; no significant changes unless system is stressed until 85+