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Nationalism is identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. The effects of nationalism are different for different groups of people.

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commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.

Supports ...
A world before 1789
Restoration of royal families to power
A social hierarchy
Established church
Opposes ...
Freedom of the press

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A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.

Supports ...
written constitutions
separation of powers
freedom of speech, religion
Liberty, equality, property
Laissez-faire economics
Opposes ...
divine-right monarchs
old aristocracy
established churches

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Bonds of a Nation-State

culture, history, language, territory, nationality, religion

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Types of Nationalist Movements

Unify - These are mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands. Italy and Germany. The forming of one nation from two or more states.

Separate - These are people who share a culture but want to break away from the group: Kurds and Quebec.

Build a State - These are distinct cultural groups who want to form a nation by accepting a single culture. USA and Turkey.

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A sense of pride in one's country; differs from nationalism in the way that they do not believe that ones country is more superior than another.

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Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian nationalist whose writings spurred the movement for a unified and independent Italy (1805-1872). He was known as "the heart/soul" because of his writings. He was one of the creators of a secret organization called "little Italy"

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Camillo Cavour

The political mastermind behind all of Sardinia's unification plans, he succeeded in creating a Northern Italian nation-state. He was an aristocrat, was an experienced and skilled diplomat. He became Emmanuel's president of the Council of Ministers in 1852. Cavour used the tools of realpolitik.

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Giuseppe Garibaldi

(1807-82) An Italian radical who emerged as a powerful independent force in Italian politics. He planned to liberate the Two Kingdoms of Sicily. He was known as "the sword." He also gathered nationalistic volunteers called red shirts to fight with him against the Austrian Empire and those Italian monarchs who did not want to unify Italy.

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Victor Emmanuel II

King of Piedmont, Savoy, and Sardinia. Eventually became first king of a united Italy. Led the north in Italian unification and united with Garibaldi's south in 1861. Drove the pope into the Vatican city, and eventually made Rome the capital of Italy.

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Red Shirts

Nationalistic group/army created and led by Guiseppe Garibaldi to end foreign control of Italy during the 19th century.

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Young Italy

Nationalistic movement that wanted to end foreign control of Italy. Started in 1831 by Guiseppe Mazzini.

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Italian States (Sardinia and Sicily)

Sicily was a major threat to the stoppage of Sardinia's unity of Italy. But with the help of Garibaldi and his red shirts, Sicily was conquered by Sardinia in three days.

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Otto von Bismarck

Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire (714)

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Wilhelm I

He became king of Prussia in 1861 and sought to increase Prussian power. He appointed Otto Von Bismarck as his Prime Minister. In 1871, at the Palace of Versailles after the Franco-Prussian war, he was proclaimed Kaiser of the German Empire by Otto von Bismarck.

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Political realism or practical politics, especially policy based on power rather than on ideals.

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Blood and Iron

"Blood and Iron" was the speech that Otto Von Bismarck gave with the belief that a strong industry and military was needed in a country to have success. The blood represented the military but it also can represent the same blood in ethnicity throughout a country while the iron represented the industry of Germany.

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German Nationalism

Language: German
Culture: Germanic
Religion: Protestant

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German States (Prussia and Austria)

During the unification of Germany, Austria stood in the way of Prussia. Prussia would go on to attack/invade Austria but not too severely. This was done so they could make Austria weak enough to not rebel but not so weak that they would have a feeling of revenge. Bismarck was scared of rebellion/revenge. Austria could possibly join other countries if their defeat was too severe.

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