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first civilization began in mesopotamia (land between rivers)
Classical period
period of meso(middle) potam (river) between tigris and euphrates rivers
Classical period
period of agriculture irrigation and wheels for chariots
classicql period: first writing system in clay tablet photographs
classical period: Ur (mountain of god), a temple to serve god and goddesses
Uruk city
classical: first city, no building stones, made of sunbaked bricks
classical: group of deities/skygod, royal blood
classical: base 60 system
Sargon of akkad
classical/babylonian: akkadian empire
conquered by a man named sumu abum
most popular city/ state from ancient mesopotamia
Code of hammurabi
babylonian: laws by hammurabi (first law giver) city to empire
The hanging gardens of babylon
babylon: one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, by king nebuchadnezzar for his wife queen amytis (plants, trees, vines)
period of weapons made from bronze material, sexagasimal system w/ positional
period of nile river, king narmer to king’s pharaohs
period of temples, mummification, pyramids (pyramid of giza)
Egyptian arabic or masri
egyptian: famous dialect
Abstract form of hieratic
egyptian: writing
fruit basket of europe/greece
egyptian: writing system used to record history and religious text
egyptian: most significant person
egyptian: 19 years old young pharaoh whose tomb
egyptian: paper like material from papyrus plant used for documents
studying egypt
currently known as iraq, located between Tigris and Euphrates rivers, home to ancient civilizationsÂ
use sailboats and chariots as means of transportation
Ptolemaic dynasty
egyptian: dynasty that ruled Egypt for 275 years , founded by Ptolemy I Soter who’s a general under Alexander the Great, founded after the death of Alexander the Great
romans: republic ruled by the senate
forum, basilica, the oantheon, colosseum, maison caree
roman cities
Aqua appia
romans: first aqueduct
romans: first newspaper
Julius ceasar
most successful Roman empire
conquered Egypt where Cleopatra is the queen
conquest of gaul
romans: the last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, she was known for her political acumen and romantic relationships with Roman rulers Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.
Mark antony
romans: funeral oration, second husband of Cleopatra with twins and the youngest
romans: Emperor of modern-day Istanbul
First roman emperor to convert into a ChristianÂ
Last emperor of Rome
The first to put his face in a coin
byzantium (constantine the great)
romans: father of algebra
one of the world's four ancient civilization, middle kingdom
Shang dynasty
chinese: the written history of China dates back to this period
known as the earliest dynasty in Chinese history
a period of significant technological and cultural advancementsÂ
a period of silk, tea production, gun powder, compass, paper, medicine, porcelain, seed drill, wheelbarrow, GREAT WALL OF CHINA
Marco polo
drew the map of china, downfall of the empire
chinese: confiucianism
Lao tzu
chinese: all wise man, father of taoism
Silk road
china to mongolia to middle east
Alexander the great
greek: invaded Persia (currently known as Iran) and freed Egypt from the largest empire at that time which is the Persian Empire (332 BC)Â
he founded Alexandria in Egypt, which became the center of learning, trade, and cultural exchange
greek: socratic method
Father of Philosophy
Father of Good Logic
First founder of AcademiaÂ
he believes that all living things have soul
“the unexamined life is not worth living”
died due to hemlock (poison)Â
greek: student of Socrates
Established the first university in Europe, the Academy
Theory of Forms
producer of Mathematician
“love is a serious mental disease”
greek: Student of PlatoÂ
Teacher of Alexander the Great
Father of geology, biology, scientific method
founded the Lyceum
Theory of Five Elements (fire, water, earth, air, aether)
According to him, Earth is Geocentric
made a book which classifies living beings
Thales of miletus
greek: considered as the first philosopher
one of the Seven Sages of Greece
known for his idea of cosmology based on water with Earth floating on a vast seaÂ
was known for his trigonometry, engineering, and astronomy
He discovered the solstice (earth is far from sun) and equinox (sun and earth is near)
Known for his Pythagorean TheoremÂ
fascinated on pyramid leading to the formation of his concept of trigonometry
believes that the universe follow mathematical laws
known to predict the future as he can communicate with animals
he likes to observe the cosmos and saw a bright star that he then called morning star (now Venus)
gave the idea of Four Classical Elements (fire, water, earth, air), a theory that all substances are made of four pure indestructible elements
Father of Mechanical Physics
discovers the simple machines including the screw, fulcrum, and lever
inventor of the catapult (used to destruct walls against invaders)
he approximated the value of pi
Principle of BuoyancyÂ
made the idea of the “powers of 10”
student of Thales
developed the first idea of cosmos which is the Apeiron
known for his cosmology, a systematic philosophical view of the world
first to developed the map of the world
uses Klepsydra as clock
Zeno of elea
dialectic, paradoxes, cosmology
Eratosthenes of cyrene
Father of geography
one of the friends of Aristotle
first librarian in Alexandria Library
amillary sphere
first to drew the concept map of the world with longitude and latitude
measured the circumference of the Earth around 25,000 miles
he got the idea of axis and rotation of the Earth
he conceptualized and created a calendar and the leap year
he drew the crater of the moon
the first to correctly explain the cause of solar eclipses
Father of medicineÂ
first scientist to accurately described disease symptoms like pneumonia, as well as epilepsy in children
Finger Clubbing (swelling or bloating of fingers)
Cure for hemorrhoids (disorder of the rectum and anus.Â
King of medicine
he drew human anatomy through dissecting a body.
roman’s greatest physician
he proposed the idea of Geocentric model of universe (earth is the center)
great grandpa of technology