A person of mixed European and Indigenous American ancestry, especially in Latin America or in this case Mexico.
A person of pure Spanish descent born in the Americas, both parents immigrated from Spain to Latin America.
La Reforma
A period of liberal reforms in Mexico during the mid-19th century, aimed at reducing the power of the Catholic Church and the military. There was freedom of religion and the church and the state were declared independent from each other.
Opposition or hostility towards the influence and power of the clergy or religious institutions. They are mainly targeted at the very powerful Catholic church in Mexico.
Benito Juarez
A prominent Mexican statesman and president known for his efforts in modernizing Mexico and implementing liberal reforms. 26th president of Mexico
A group of technocrats and intellectuals who held significant influence during the Porfiriato (Porfirio Diaz's regime). They preached “scientific politics”
A type of communal land tenure system in Mexican agriculture. This land would not earn money since it was used to grow enough food for everyone who farmed it.
Large estates or plantations, often owned by the elite, that were prevalent in Mexico before the Mexican Revolution. This land was used to produce food on a large scale and for profit.
Rural police force established during the Porfiriato. Mainly consisted of criminals turned police officers, one of the best in the world at that time since the criminals knew the backcountry really well.
An indigenous people of Mexico, particularly known for their resistance against Spanish and Mexican forces. They went to war when the government taxed them.
José Limantour
A key figure in Porfirio Diaz's government, serving as Minister of Finance. A key figure in the Científicos served until the end of the Diaz regime.
Porfirio Diaz
President of Mexico for much of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, associated with the Porfiriato, a period of authoritarian rule. Served seven terms consecutively as president.
James Creelman
An American journalist who interviewed Porfirio Diaz, which was very rare.
Francisco Madero
A leading figure in the early stages of the Mexican Revolution and the 37th President of Mexico. He created a coup to oust Diaz and became president but was later ousted himself and killed.
Plan of San Luis Potosi
A political manifesto by Francisco Madero that called for an armed uprising against Porfirio Diaz to overthrow him and his government.
Francisco “Pancho” Villa
A prominent revolutionary leader during the Mexican Revolution, helped oust Diaz and put Madero in power. Later when Huerta came to power he joined the anti-Huerta side.
Emiliano Zapata
A key figure in the Mexican Revolution, known for his role in advocating for land reform. Zapatistas were what his supporters were called.
Plan of Ayala
Emiliano Zapata's revolutionary plan that called for land reform and social justice. Also denounced Madero.
Pascual Orozco
A revolutionary leader during the early stages of the Mexican Revolution, helped Madero.
Victoriano Huerta
A military officer who played a controversial role in Mexican politics, serving as president after the ousting of Madero, was later ousted himself and fled to Spain.
Henry Lane Wilson
The U.S. ambassador to Mexico who played a role in the events leading to Huerta's rise to power.
Pact of the Embassy
An agreement between Huerta and U.S. Ambassador Wilson that contributed to strained U.S.-Mexico relations, allowed Huerta to become the president while undermining Madero.
Decena Trágica
A ten-day period of conflict in Mexico City that marked the start of the Mexican Revolution, Mexico City was bombed for ten days straight.
Venustiano Carranza
A revolutionary leader who became a key figure in the Constitutionalists faction during the Mexican Revolution, called himself the Primer Jefe in the Consitiutinoalist and was the 44th president of Mexico
Plan of Guadalupe
A revolutionary plan drafted by Carranza during the Mexican Revolution as a result of Madero’s death.
Alvaro Obregón
A military leader and politician who played a significant role in the Mexican Revolution and later became president. The 46th president of Mexico was going to serve two terms but was killed before he could serve his second term.
Factions led by Carranza and Obregón during the Mexican Revolution, supporting constitutional principles. Caused by Madero’s death and Huerta’s takeover of the government.
Convention of Aguascalientes
A meeting during the Mexican Revolution to attempt to reconcile the various revolutionary factions. Mainly Carranza, Zapata, and Villa.
Battle of Celaya
A major battle during the Mexican Revolution, where Carranza's forces defeated Villa's army. This caused Villa to have little military might afterward.
Punitive Expedition
A military operation led by the United States against Pancho Villa in response to cross-border raids.
Convention of Querétaro
Another attempt at reconciliation during the Mexican Revolution, but it ultimately failed. Mainly dominated by middle-class reformers instead of people who fought in the revolution.
José Vasconcelos
An intellectual and politician associated with the cultural aspects of the Mexican Revolution. Created the “cosmic race”.
A movement promoting the recognition and rights of indigenous peoples in Mexico.
Plutarco Calles
A politician and president of Mexico, associated with the post-revolutionary period and Calles' regime. He gained power after Obregon was killed, and was called the Maximato.
Cristero Rebellion
An uprising against anti-Catholic policies during the Calles administration.
Constitution of 1917
The current constitution of Mexico, drafted during the revolutionary period, it was very progressive.
Lazaro Cardenas
A president of Mexico known for his progressive policies and land reforms.
The period during the 1920s when Plutarco Calles held power in Mexico indirectly through puppet presidents, he had three puppet presidents that did not serve long
The era of Porfirio Diaz's presidency, was characterized by stability but also by authoritarian rule and economic inequality.
CROM (Regional Workers' Confederation of Mexico)
A labor union during the Mexican Revolution and beyond, controlled by the government.
PNR (National Revolutionary Party)
A political party that evolved into the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), playing a significant role in Mexican politics and even still to this day.