Pectoral Girdle
clavicle and scapula
restricts the scapulas range of movement
Which bone articulates with the acromion of the scapula at the acromial end?
Which bone articulates with the humerus to form the shoulder joint?
Supraspinous fossa
supra and infraspinatus muscles attachment point
Which bones are apart of the upper limb?
Humerus, radius, ulna, carpal bones, metacarpal bones, and phalanges
How many bones are apart of the upper limb?
60 bones
Which part of the humerus articulates with the scapula, forming the shoulder joint?
rounded head of humerus
Surgical neck
corresponds to the epiphyseal cartilage
Trochlear notch
articulates with the trochlea of the humerus
Elbow Joint
Trochlear notch of ulna + trochlea of humerus
Distal radio-ulnar joint
between the ulnar head and distal portion of the radius
Interosseous membrane
fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects ulna and radius along length of bones
Proximal radioulnar joint
radial head articulates with capitulum of humerus and radial notch of ulna
Radial tuberosity
attachment site for the biceps brachii
Wrist joint
distal styloid process of radius articulates with carpal bones
Carpo-metacarpal joints
carpal bones articulate with metacarpal bones
How many proximal carpal bones are there?
4 bones
How many distal carpal bones are there?
4 bones
Metacarpophalangeal joint
metacarpal bones articulate with phalanges
proximal and distal in the thumb
Inter-phalangeal joint
between the phalanges of the fingers
Pelvic girdle
articulates with the thigh bones
Coxal bones
articulate with the sacrum at the sacro-iliac joints and with the femur at the acetabulum
supports the bodys weight when sitting
Pubic bones
articulate at the pubic symphysis
slightly movable joint
Pelvic outlet
inferior opening of the pelvis
Pelvis consists of
hip bones, sacrum, and the coccyx stabilized by a network of ligaments
The female pelvis differs from the male pelvis by being:
smoother, lighter in weight, and has less prominent markings
Adaptations of female pelvis for child bearing include:
broad, low pelvis, larger pelvic outlet, and broader pubic angle
Components of lower limb include:
femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and phalanges (60 in total)
Hip joint
the head of the femur articulates at the acetabulum
Linea aspera
attachment for adductor muscles
forms within tendon of quadriceps femoris
Which structures of the tibia articulate with the lateral and medial condyles of the femur?
lateral and medial condyles of the tibia
Medial malleolus
large distal process that articulates with the ankle
Which bone of the lower limb does not articulate with the femur?
Which bone of the lower limb articulates with tibia inferior to the lateral condyle of tibia?
Which feature of the lower limb does not participate in the formation of the knee joint?
lateral malleolus
Which bones does the interosseous membrane connect?
tibia and fibula
Trochlea of talus
articulates with medial malleolus of the tibia and lateral malleolus of the fibula, which forms the ankle joint
Tarsometaphalangeal joint
form between the tarsal and metatarsal bones
Longitudinal arch of the foot
transfers weight along the foot
Transverse arch of the foot
degree of curvature change from medial to lateral borders of the foot
Synarthroses examples
suture, gomphosis, and sychondrosis
Which functional classification of joints can be both fibrous or cartilaginous?
Suture joint
connects skull bones with dense irregular connective tissue
Gomphosis joint
a ligament binding each tooth in the socket
between the first pair of ribs and the sternum
ex) epiphyseal plate
fibrous joint connected by a ligament or fibrous sheet of connective tissue (interosseous membrane)
cartilaginous joint between bones separated by fibrocartilage pad
ex) intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis
fibrocartilage pads that function as shock absorbers
Which accessory structure of the knee joint can also act as cushions?
fat pads
packets of connective tissue containing synovial fluid
inflammation of bursa that restricts motion and produces pain
inflammation of joints due to damage of the articular cartilage
The sole of the foot is supported by
metatarsal bones
In a newborn, the large bones of the skull are joined by fibrous connective tissue but later form immovable joints. Structurally, which types of joints are these?
While jumping off the back steps at his house, 10 year old Cesar lands on his right heel and breaks his foot. Which bone is most likely broken?
Types of Angular movement
flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, circumduction
decreasing the angle between articulating bones relative to anatomical position
Moving the leg anteriorly at the hip is an example of which type of synovial joint movement?
moving a limb away from the midline
moving a limb toward the midline
moving the limbs in a loop
Rotational joint movements
pronation and supination
moving wrist and hand from palm-facing-front to palm-facing-back
turning palm-facing-back to palm-facing-front
twists the sole of the foot inward
twists soles of foot outward
elevates the sole at the ankle, as in digging in your heels
Plantar flexion
extends as in pointing the toes
moving the thumb toward the palm to grasp
moving a body part anteriorly in the horizontal plane
Moving of the scapulae away from the spine is an example of what type of motion?
moving a body part posteriorly
Moving of the scapulae toward the spine is an example of what type of motion?
Plane joint (gliding joint)
moves in multiple directions in a singular plane
Examples of plane (gliding) joints
joints at the ends of clavicles
joints between the carpal, tarsal, and facets of vertebrae
joints at the sacrum and hip bones (sacroiliac joints)
Hinge joint
moves angularly in a singular plane
Examples of hinge joints
joints at the elbow, knee, and ankle
between the phalanges (interphalangeal joints)
Condylar joint
moves angularly in two planes
Examples of condylar joints
joint between the radius and proximal carpal bones (wrist joint)
joints between the phalanges of fingers (metacarpalphalangeal joints)
joints between the phalanges of the toes with metatarsal bones (metatarsophalangeal joints)
Saddle joint
moves angularly in two planes and circumduction
Examples of saddle joints
carpometacarpal joint at the base of thumb
Pivot joint
rotates in a singular plane
Examples of pivot joints
joint between atlas and axis
joint between head of radius and proximal shaft of the ulna
Ball and socket joint
angular, rotation, and circumduction
Examples of ball and socket joints
shoulder and hip joints
The two types of articulations between vertebrae
gliding joints between the superior and inferior articular process and symphyseal joints between the vertebral bodies
Elbow joint consists of two parts:
hinge joint between the humerus and ulna
weak joint between humerus and radius
Hip joint is extremely stable because:
very dense and strong joint capsule
capsule reinforced by several ligaments
strong surrounding muscles
Which is more common: hip fractures or hip dislocations?
hip fractures
Hip joint is formed by
ball and socket joint from the head of the femur and acetabulum
The knee joint functions as:
hinge joint between femur and tibia
Three separate articulations of the knee joint:
two between femur and tibia where condyles contact
one between patella and femur
Medial and lateral menisci
fibrocartilage pads between femur and tibia
Which parts of the knee joint also assist in reducing friction?
fat pads and bursae
Which ligaments stabilize the back of the knee?
posterior ligaments