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Evolution of metabolism
Glycolisis → proton pump → ETC + chemiosmosis → photosynthesis splitting H2S → photosynthesis evolving O2 → aerobic cellular respiration
Cause of mass extinctions
Volcano, Asteroid, Climate Change, Natural Disasters
6th mass extinction
Caused by humans accelerating climate change
States of chemical evolution of life
1) abiotic synthesis + accumulation of small organic molecules (monomers) like amino acids
2) joining of these into polymers, including proteins + nucleic acids
3) aggregation of abiotically produced molecules into droplets, protobionts that hold chemical characteristics different from their surroundings
4) origin of heredity (maybe before the droplet stage)
Characteristics of the first organism
Prokaryote, asexual, anaerobic, nutrition chemoheterotrophic (oxidates (losing electrons) organic compounds)
3 domains of life
Bacteria, Archea, Eukarya
Supporting evidence for three domains of life
Bacteria the only ones with peptidoglycan, archea and eukarya both us Met for START in proteins synthesis, both bacteria and archea have a circular chromosome.
Archea is more closely related to Eukarya than bacteria.
Bacterial shapes
Coccus - spherical
Bacillus - rod shaped
Spirillum - spiral shaped
The prokaryotic chromosome, single and circular
Gram - vs. Gram +
+ has more peptidoglycan and a simpler wall, stains purple
-has less peptidoglycan but a more complex cell wall, stains red/pink
Means of locomotion in prokaryotes
Axial filaments (bundles of fine fibrils)
Movement towards/away from stimulus (directed movement)
Repreoduction in prokaryotes
Binary fission (asexual)
Conjugation (sexual - sex pilus)
Transduction (sexual - virus carries DNA to another cell)
Metabolism types
Chemoautotroph - energy source is inorganic chemicals, carbon source is CO2 (ONLY IN SOME BACTERIA)
Photoautotroph - energy source is light, carbon source is CO2 (PLANTS, BACTERIA, PROTISTS)
Chemoheterotrophic - obtains both energy and carbon from organic compounds (ANIMALS AND BACTERIA)
Photoheterotrophic - obtains energy from light and organic compounds as source of carbon(SOME WEIRD BACTERIA)
Specialized nitrogen-fixing cells found in certain cyanobacteria that facilitate the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, providing a source of nitrogen for the organism.
Enteric bacteria
A group of bacteria that reside in the intestinal tracts of humans and animals, including pathogenic strains such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella, often associated with gastrointestinal diseases.
Endo vs. Exotoxins
Exotoxins - produces specific symptoms, proteins secreted by bacterial cells
Endotoxins - components of outer membranes of Gram - bacteria, produces aches and fever
Koch’s postulates
Connecting a specific bacteria to a specific disease. The four postulates are: 1) The microorganism should be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease but should not be found in healthy organisms. 2) The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. 3) The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. 4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
Characteristics of Archeabacteria
cell walls lack peptidoglycan
Lipid cell membrane + unique enzymes
Methanogens, Halophiles, Thermoacidophiles
Microorganisms that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct in anoxic conditions. They are a type of archaea found in diverse environments, including wetlands and the digestive tracts of ruminants. Methanogens play a key role in the carbon cycle by decomposing organic matter.
Organisms that thrive in high-salinity environments, often found in salt lakes and salt mines, characterized by specialized adaptations to survive osmotic pressure.
Microorganisms that thrive in both high temperatures and acidic environments, often found in hot springs and geothermal areas. They are a type of extremophile that can survive in harsh conditions.
Importance of prokaryotes
Decomposers (can recycle for ecosystems ex: cleaning oil spills!)
Fix N2 + CO2, generate O2
Symbiotic relationships
Pathogens (opportunistic)
Can be used to make food, antibiotics.
Symbioses in prokaryotes
Mutualism - both benefit
Ex: bacteria in legume roots for N2 fixatioN, vaginal bacteria regulating pH
Commensalism - symbiont benefits, host unaffected
Ex: bacteria on the skin like Staph
Parasitism - symbiont benefits at host’s expense
Ex: most pathogens
Endosymbiont theory
How the first eukaryotic cell came about, larger prokaryote engulfed a smaller aerobic prokaryote, lived symbiotically, became so dependent couldn’t live independently anymore, thus became mitochondria. Smaller photoautotrophic bacteria engulfed and became chloroplasts.
Supporting evidence of endosymbiont theory
Double membrane
Mitochondria and chloroplasts the size of typical prokaryotes
Have their own ring DNA like prokaryotes
Have their own ribosomes which are more similar to prokaryotes
Both can do binary fission
Characteristics of protists
They’re all eukaryotic
Protozoans (ancestors of animals), Algal protists (ancestors of plants), Fungus like protists (ancestors of fungi)
Characteristics of protozoans (Makes them similar to animals)
nutrition by ingestion
No cell walls
Characteristics of algal protists (what makes them plant-like)
Similar pigments
Have cell walls
Characteristics of fungus-like protists
fungus way of reproducing (stalks)
Decomposers, chemoheterotrophic
Diversity of protists
Protozoans are classified by locomotion
Ex: Rhizopoda use pseudopods, Ciliophora use cilia, Apicomplexa use no locomotion, Zoomastigina uses flagella
Algae classified by cell wall components
Ex: chlorophyta uses cellulose
Alternation of generations (During lifecycles)
Haploid becomes diploid, meiosis to half diploid back to haploid
Importance of protists
Some are producers (creating oxygen)
Symbiotic relationships (Ex: termites)
Diatoms used in toothpaste or cleaning products, diatomaceous earth or swimming pool filters
Seaweed in foods, some algae used to make agar
may be filamentous
motile forms glide
live in freshwater, saltwater, and damp soil
chlorophyll A in thylakoids
heterocysts in some useful for N2 fixation
phototrophic bacteria
green + purple sulfur
get electrons from H2S
pigment in bacterioentorophyll
usually anaerobic
soil, aquatic
most versatile chemoheterotrophs
helical shaped; corkcscrew movement
large cells
saprophytic (dead host) or parasitic
Example of a spirochete
Treponema pallidum, which causes syphillis
Endospore forming bacteria
produce spores - dehydrated cells with thick walls
autoclave necessary to kill spores up to 120 degrees Celcius
Example of endospore forming bacteria
Clostridium botulinum causes botulism
Rickettsias + Chlamidias
very small (dependent parasites) Ex. Chlamidia
colonial, resembling fungal bodies
causes TB + leprosy
“dirt smell” in soil
gliding bacteria
elaborate colonies
erects bulbous stalk (fruiting body)
spore producing
brightly colored
phylum Chlorophyta
green algae
unicellular, colonial or multicelluar
2 or more flagella
cellulose cell walls
phylum Acrasiomycota
cellular slime molds
ameboid unicellular + multicellular stages
terrestrial heterotrophs
ex: Dictiyostelium