Flowering plant ( and produces seeds)
What is an angiosperm
non flowering plant
What is an gymnosperm
When a plant captures light to turn it into a food source
non flowering plants require water to move gametes
What is the major difference between flowering and non flowering plants
algae, mosses, and ferns
What are some examples of plants that do not make seeds
A plant that produces two seed leaves and has a fibrous root
Plant that produces one seed leaf and has a tap root
Dermal, vascular, and ground tissue
The three types of plant tissue
Forms a covering on the outer surface of leaves, stems and roots
What is the main function of dermal tissue and where is it found
The epidermis
What does dermal tissue form
Prevents evaporative water loss , prevents damage to leaves, and protect leaves from pathogens and herbivores
What is the purpose of the waxy cuticle on a leaf’s epidermis
What are the hairs on the leafs epidermis called
oils and excess salts used for balancing ions
What do trichomes secrete
Protect leaves and prevent evaporative water loss
What is the purpose of trichomes
Dry areas
Where are plants with trichomes commonly found
absorb water and nutrients
What is the function of the root epidermis
increases surface area- higher rate of exchange/ water absorbtion
What is the function of root hairs
ground tissue ( chloroplasts)
In what tissue does photosynthesis occur
Support and structure, site of photosynthesis, storage of carbohydrates
What are the functions of ground tissue
ferns, seed plants, woody plants
In what plants is vascular tissue found
xylem and phloem
What area the two types of vascular tissue
transports water and ions
What is the function of the vascular tissue xylem
transports carbohydrates and other nutrients
What is the function of the vascular tissue phloem
Roots, stems, and leaves
What are the three types of organs in plants
Shoot system
What system do multiple stems and leaves form
branches buds and leaves
What do shoot systems produce
root system
What system do multiple roots form
flowers, buds, branches, seeds, and fruits
Give some examples of organ systems in plants
it is interdeterminate ( continue to grow throughout their life)
What is unique about a plant’s growth
region of undifferentiated cells ( youthful stem cells) that produce new tissues by cell division
What is a meristem
Produce new tissues in specialized areas
What is the main function of a meristem
a meristem at the tip of every shoot
What is a shoot apical meristem
root apical meristem
What is the meristem that is at the tip of every root
expanding size of existing cells and producing more
How do plants grow in size
stem node, internode, and leaf and bud axillary meristems
What does the shoot module consist of
many apical meristems located in shoots and roots
What do embyonic apical meristems give rise to
behind apical meristems
Where do primary meristems develope
protoderm, forms the epdermis
What are the primary meristems of dermal tissue and what does it do
Procambium, produces primary xylem and phloem
What are the primary meristems of vascular tissue and what does it do
ground meristem, forms ground tissues
What are the primary meristems of ground tissue and what does it do
causes stem elongation and produces new primary tissues
What is the function of a primary meristem
lateral meristems
What helps a plant grow in girth
coordinate plant development and act as chemical messengers
What is the function of plant hormones
may give rise to secondary lateral meristems
What do primary meristems give rise to
woody plants
In what plants do secondary meristems usally arise
increase diameter of stems and roots by producing secondary tissues
What do secondary meristems do
secondary xylem and phloem
What is the secondary vascular tissue
What is an example of secondary dermal tissue
thickening of older stems and roots
What does secondary growth do in stems
vascular tissues have secondary growth along their stems that grow the tree in circumfrence
How is wood formed by secondary growth
An undifferentiated cell that is found in meristems
What is a stem cell
Support and protection
What is the function of wood
thin ring of tissue near the outer edge
A majority of wood is dead, where is the only living part located
meristem in the upper angles of a tree ( in the armpit) where a new shoot or leaf emerges
What is an axillary meristem
apical meristems
Where do axillary meristems arise from
an axillary bud
What do axiallary meristems generate
New flowers or branches
What does an axillary bud produce
true or false apical meristems may give rise to axillary meristems in axillary buds
wherever there is a meristem new organs can grow, and their are repeated units
What does it mean for plants to be modular
change their form to take advantage of opportunities or respond to challenges such as low moisture , low sunlight, or little space to grow
What do meristems allow plants to do
What is the flattened portion of a leaf called
the stalk atteching leaf to stem
What is a petiole
What are the primary site for photosynthesis
flat shape helps to absorb solar energy and thin to avoid overheating
What are the advantages of the leaf shape
layer on outer surface of leaf epidermis cells
What is a cuticle on a leaf
allows carbon dioxide enter leaves, and water vapor and oxygen to exit
What is the function of stomata
Bundles of vascular tissue
What are leaf veins composed of
simple and compound
What are the two types of leaf shapes
Parallel and palmate
What are the two ways that leaf veins are organized
They reflect adaptations to environmental challenges and reflect the conditions of their environment
Why do leaves have different shapes
More predators for this plant, direct sunlight, differences in moisture
Why might the thickness of a waxy cuticle be different between species
What provides support for a leaf
bud scales and spines
What provide protection on leaves
What part of the leaf functions for attraction
helps with attachment to structures
What is the function of threadlike tendrils
horizontal stems that store food for renewing growth of the shoot after periods of stress
What is a rhizome
ginger and iris
What are examples of plants that produce rhizomes
Swollen regions of stems that store food for subsequent growth
What is a tuber
potatoes and yams
What are examples of plants that produce tubers
Stem from which modified fleshy leaves develope to store nutrients
What is a bulb
low surface to volume ratio and store large amounts of water
What is a succulent stem
desert or very dry areas
Where are plants with succulent stems usually found
Protect plants from grazing animals
What are the function of thorns
modified leaves that aprotect plants from grazing animals
What is a spine
Absorb water and nutrients, store nutrients, and anchor plant in soil
What are the three functions of roots
Tap root is long and skinny and a fibrous root is wide with many branches
What is the difference between a tap root and fibrous root
Root apical meristem and root cap, zone of elongation, and zone of maturation
What are the three zones in roots
protects developing tissues
What is the function of a root cap
Pushes the root tip through the soil
What is the function of the zone of elongation
Zone of maturation
In what zone do you find root hairs
Root cell differentiation and specialization
What is the function of the zone of maturation
Do roots have a waxy cuticle
Central vascular bundle
What conducts water and nutrients in roots
What meristemic tissueguves rise to branch roots
support, gas exchange, and storage
What three forms and functions that roots may change
What does meiosis produce in plants, like it does gametes in animals
What developes from spores
it is multicellular
What is unique about a plants haploid generation
produces specialized haploid cells by mitosis that fuse together to form this
How does a plant form a diploid zygote
What is the dominant growth form for plants