4.6 billion
Earth is approximately _____ years old
the particles that accreted to make early planets are called _________
erosional or non-depositional contacts representing different depositional ages
what is the term 'unconformity' explained in geology
ripple marks on biloxi beach
What's NOT considered evidence to support the continental drifting hypothesis
a surface of erosion on metamorphic or igneous rocks, below sedimentary rocks is a
lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle, outer core, inner core
layers of the Earth based on physical properties
According to the Principle of ________, in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, the oldest rocks are at the bottom of the sequence
too hot
what is the reason for no life on Early Earth
divergent, convergent, transform
What are the three major plate boundaries
What is NOT a component in rock cycle?
not located at a plate boundary
The Hawaiian Volcanoes are __________
thinner and denser
oceanic crust is __________ than the continental crust
minerals with the same chemical composition but different forms are called _________
The first time period in the Paleozoic Era, where most of the animals with hard body parts evolved would be ________
Give an example of an opaque mineral
the mineral that shows conchoidal fractures would be ______
principle of original horizontality
folding or tilting can be used to determine the relative ages of the rock layers. The principle related to these is called ________
trace fossils
coprolites, foot prints, burrows.... these are _______
slab push
what is NOT a force related to plate motion
continental hotspot
Yellowstone national park lies atop a
James Hutton was an important 18th-century English geologist and proponent of
true or false: earth had oxygen from the beginning of its formation
the rocks of the _____ are denser than the rocks of the mantle
plant or animal material that has been preserved for long time periods in Earth's history
What is a fossil
What is the most stable mineral on the earth's crust/
C-C convergent margin
formation of the Himalayan mountains is an example of ________
index fossils
a fossil represents a specific time period in the geological time scale are called ____________
faults, intrusion/fault
________ and _________are considered as younger features in sequence of stratigraphy
_______ is defined as the surface expression of a subduction zone
________ is a type of fossil preservation
__________ is younger than existing rocks according to the principle of cross-cutting relationships
weathering and erosion remove materials from the lithosphere while deep-seated materials _______ balancing the gravity
melting points
partial melts form due to the different _________ of minerals
earth's layers were determined using ______ waves
oceanic-continental, ocean-ocean, and divergent margins
What are all the possible tectonic settings to form volcanoes?
naturally occurring, inorganic, solid, crystalline structure, chemical composition
what are the five requirements for something to be a mineral?
talc, topaz, quartz, and feldspar
list all silicate group minerals in the Moh's hardness scale
disconformity; when there is a break between sedimentary rocks, typically from erosion or non-deposition
explain one type of unconformity(sketch with labels)
the state of gravitational equilibrium between Earth's crust and mantle such that the crust "floats" at an elevation that depends on its thickness and density
what is isostasy?
It means the "key to the past". We now can have a better understanding of past processes when using modern techniques to look back in time
What is meant by the term 'uniformitarianism'?
precipitation and evaporation
explain two mechanisms of forming minerals
Example of a radiogenic mineral
14C dating
What dating technique is NOT related to relative dating
100 million years
if an isotope has a half-life of 50 million years and 25% of the sample remaining consists of unstable isotopes (parents), what is the age of the rock from which it was taken?
half life is determined by parent/ daughter isotope ratios
What is true about half-life?
fast cooling makes phaneritic texture
What is NOT true about igneous rocks
the molten rock at the Earth's surface is called __________
which type of igneous rocks have the HIGHEST silica content?
what is NOT an example of mechanical weathering?
Sediments produce by the process of _______
water, air, and organic matter
Good soil consists of
the most important component useful in chemical weathering is
detrital sedimentary rocks are formed via precipitation
What is NOT true about sedimentary rocks
chemical, physical, and biological changes happen to the sediments after the deposition in a sedimentary environment is termed as _______
what is the main mineral in sandstone
sea level rising
transgression means?
ductile, brittle
folding is a _______ response to deformation while faulting is a ______ response to deformation
what is an example of a continental depositional environment
coal is a mineral
What is NOT true about coal?
climate, parent rock, surface area of rock
What could affect the rate of weathering?
true or false: silicates weather faster than carbonates
gravel, sand, silt, clay
The designation of sediment grain size, from largest to smallest, is
'symmetrical ripple marks' represent ________environment
What is NOT a chemical sedimentary rock?
forms as a result of chemical weathering of Feldspar
______ is a foreign Earth material embedded in the igneous rock
anticlines have ______ rocks at the center of the fold
Coquina is a ______ sedimentary rock
strike, dip
_______ is a horizontal measurement while _____ is a vertical measurement
Chert, Limestone, and Evaporites are ________ sedimentary rocks
a _______ fualt is an example of a vertical fault type
_________ is metamorphosed coal
fining upward sequence is marked by _________
on the top
hanging wall of a fault is the one _______ of the fault plane
weathering is the entire process of how sediments break down and includes erosion in the entire process
Define weathering
movement of sediment from its source
define erosion
forming minerals at different temperatures as magma cools
What is fractional crystallization?
transgression- regression cycles relate to glacial-interglacial cycles in the way that they form and melt. Transgression happens when the sea level rises, therefore when glaciers melt the sea level rises. When glaciers form it causes regression because there is less water due to it being frozen
What is the potential relationship between Transgression-Regression cycles and glacial-interglacial cycles? explain well
rock units represent a unique depositional environment and these facies can tell us what kind of environment. Examples would be sandstone, shale, and limestone in regression
What is facies and explain how it is useful in geology
temperature, rock type, confining pressure, climate
what are the factors affecting rate of weathering
Residual soils forms nest to parent rock and is not transported
What is meant by 'residual soil'?
What is an example of a metamorphic rock?
rough parallel layers of mineral crystals aligned perpendicular to the direction of the pressure
What is foliation?
slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss
list the rocks in increasing metamorphic grade from lowest to highest
the zone where you would find the minerals that are representing the metamorphic grade
What is meant by the term "metamorphic zone"?
the metamorphism that is associated with sediment deposition in a basinal environment is called ________ metamorphism (the lowest grade metamorphism)
intrusive igneous bodies
dike, sills laccoliths, batholiths are ________
composite cone
The most explosive type of volcano would be _________
shield volcano
the volcano type with caldera would be _________
cinder cone
Which kind of volcano occurs in clusters
which of the following geological formations would have the highest porosity? (granite, slate, claystone, peridotite)
which of the following geological formations would have the highest permeability? (sandstone, granite, slate, claystone)
dissolution of carbonates
Sinkholes in karst topography form due to __________
movement of water through the soil particles until reaches to the groundwater table
What is meant by the term "infiltration" in the water cycle
saltwater intrusion with degrading water quality is a common problem in _______ regions
unconfined aquifers are always sandstones
What is NOT true about unconfined aquifers
rate of rainfall
Unconfined aquifers are sensitive to ____________
unconfined aquifers store and transmit _______
ground surface
water table is below the ____________
sinkholes are common in granites
What is NOT true about sinkholes