@ Jannace - SEHS - '25 (P5)
industrial revolution
transformation of economy through mechanization, new power sources and chemical process
fabric woven from the fibers of wool, cotton or flax
labor productivity
average amount of goods/services produced per worker per unit of time
fossil fuels
natural fuel derived from the fossilized remains of living organisms
commercial farmers
farmers who raise crops and livestock to sell to the market for profit
wage labor
employer pays worker for a task ( per day or hour)
wokring class
people in an industrial economy who depend on wage labor to obtain necessities of life
capitalist class
people who owns the means of production and pay the wages of workers
middle class
people who are salaried professionals or office wage workers
labor unions
workers in a particular industry established to collectively bargain with capitalists
mass production
manufacture in large quantities
assembly line
manufacturing completed one steps @ a time until complete
mass consumption
purchase large amounts of mass-produced goods by large #'s of people
International Division of Labor
labor forces in different countries and world regions
economic sectors
grouping of industries based on what is produced and the activities of the workforce
primary sector
extraction of raw materials
secondary sector
manufacturing (transforming raw materials into usable forms)
tertiary sector
provide services and includes salaried professionals
quaternary sector
service that require knowledge
quinary sector
decision makers
base industry
the industry of disproportionate economic importance and on whose existence other industries and employment sectors depend
countries with elements of core and periphery (BRICS)
break of bulk point
cargo switches modes of transportation (boat to train)
transport using shipping containers
least-cost theory
(Alfred Weber) location of manufacturing is influenced by labor and transportation costs
World Systems Theory
coutnries are interdependent
Dependency Theory
periphery are poor bc they rely on core during colonialism and imperialism
commodity dependence
occurs when commodities account for more than 60% of the value of a country's exports
Gross National Product
value of all goods and services made by a country's residents and businesses, regardless of production location
Gross Domestic Product
measures production inside of a country, no matter who makes it
Gross National Income
the total amount of money earned by a nation's people and businesses
GDP per capita
a country's GDP divided by total population
Purchsing Power Parity
measures prices @ different locations
Gender Inequality Index
measure of inequality between women and men in: reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market
Human Development Index
measure of a country's average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: health, knowledge and standard of living
informal sector
the part of any economy that is not officially recorded, monitored or taxed by the government
formal sector
the part of the economy that is officially recorded by the government
income distribution
how a country's total GDP is distributed among the individuals in its population
Gender Empowerment Measure
a measure of inequalities between men's and women's opportunities in economic participation and decision making
gender parity
way of documenting progress toward gender equality (using access to education, average income and workforce participation)
a very small loan to people with little income or collateral intended to help them establish or expand a small business
each country strives to export more than it imports in order to accumulae wealth
trade rules that restrict imports in order to accumulate wealth
absolute advantage
a country's ability to produce a good or service more efficiently than another country
comparative advantage
a country’s ability to produce one product much more efficiently than other products within its economy
measure of how well one country’s export profile matches another country’s export profile
Transnational Corporation
company with operations in multiple countries
competitive advantage
anything that gives a company an edge over its competitors
market oriented reform policies (ie. eliminating price controls)
International Monetary Fund
works to foster financial stability, facilitate international growth and promote sustainable economic growth
World Bank
provide funding and expertise promote sustainable economic growth in developing countries
World Trade Organization
regulates trade among 184 member states, providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements and resolving trade disputes
free trade agreements
a treaty between two or countries that reduces tariffs and promotes foreign investment
tax on imported goods and services
customs union
an agreement between two or more countries to remove trade barriers and lower or eliminate tariffs
customs union including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
an international trade agreement designed to regulate the output of oil
trade embargo
official ban on trade with a a specific country or good
financial market
marketplace where financial instruments are traded
debt crisis
occurs when a governments debts exceed its tax revenues to the point that it cannot meet its own loan payments
import substitution industrialization
trade and economic policy that advocates replacing foreign imports with domestic production
the system of mass production that was pioneered in the early 20th century by the Ford Motor Company
corporate disinvestment
companies stop investing in construction, equipment and improvement
relocation of manufacturing and support services from one country to another
the practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services or create goods
decline in industrial activity of a region or economy
special economic zones
an area in a country that has different economic regulations than other regions within the same country
export processing zone
industrial zone with special incentives to attract foreign investments to places where imported materials undergo processing or assembling before being re-exported
free trade zone
where goods may be handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and reexported without the intervention of the customs authorities
new international division of labor
shift manufacturing from developed countries to developing countries
modern industrial production has moved away from mass production in huge factories to specialized markets
just-in-time manufacutring
the production of small batches of goods as needed by customer demand
high technology industry
industries having high concentrations of workers in STEM
agglomeration economies
large number of companies, services, and industries exist in close proximity to one another
multiplier effects
creation of new businesses and jobs in other industries as the result of the investment in a different industry
growth poles
location chosen to stimulate economic expansion within a larger geographic area (centered around an industry)
sustainable development
development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
resource depletion
the consumption of natural resources faster than they can be replenished
environmental pollution
the contamination of the physical land and biological components of the environment to the point that normal function are negatively affected
point source pollution
any identifiable source from which contaminants are discharged
nonpoint source pollution
contaminants originating from multiple different sources
climate change
a long term shift in global or regional climate patterns
carbon offsets
activities that lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
carbon neutrality
achieving zero carbon dioxide releases through a combination of emission reduction and carbon removal
responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment, sustains the wellbeing of the local people and involves interpretation and education