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what are the characteristics of civilization

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what are the characteristics of civilization

advanced cities, specialized occupation, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology

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describe the impact of the Neolithic revolution

People began to grow their crops/raise their own animals for food. This change led to people from being nomadic to settling in a single area. Cities could start to form and people could turn their attention to other aspects of life.

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Describe the development of the 4 major river valley civilizations

  • Mesopotamia: Fertile between the Tigris and Euphrates River

  •  Nile River: Along the Nile River in Egypt

  • Indus River: between the Ganges and the Indus River

  • China: Between the Huang He and the Yangtze River

  • All of these civilizations were allocated on rivers and had good climates that helped with agriculture

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What are the characteristics of Hinduism?

  • Reincarnation, karma, and Caste system

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Characteristics of Buddhism

Eightfold path, 4 noble truths, reincarnation

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Characteristics of Judaism

Monotheistic and follows the 10 commandments

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What were the law codes of this period?

  • Hammurabi’s Code: strict punishment for crimes and it was the 1st law code written

  • 10 commandments: code of laws delivered to Moses for the Jewish people

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What was Legalism?

  • A highly efficient and powerful government is key for social order, punishments are useful to maintain social order, thinkers & ideas should be strictly controlled

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What is Confucianism?

Filial Piety: respect elders and parents, Social order, harmony, and good government, basic family roles

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What is an Empire?

The large political entity that an emperor/empress rules/ an extensive territory made up of formerly independent states.

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Explain the impact of geography on the development of Greece.

Due to mountains, it was hard to be united so Greece was made up of city-states. The water and seas that surrounded Greece allowed for trade and movement. It acted like Greece's highway system.

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Describe Democracy and a republic

Democracy: power is held by the people

Republic: power given to citizens to elect representatives

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How did Christianity impact the Roman Empire

As conditions in the empire worsened the appeal of christianity grew. People felt included, it gave hope to the powerless and promised eternal life. Became the official religion in 380 CE

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How was Christianity able to spread through the Roman Empire?

The Pax Romana and extensive roads helped Christianity spread

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Identify the elements of American law and politics that originated in Greece and Rome.

  • Rome = republic

  • Equal treatment under law, strong central government, innocent till proven guilty, burden of proof on accuser, punished for actions, not thoughts, unreasonable or unfair laws can be set aside.

  • Greece: Democracy

  • Citizens vote on laws, majority rules, practiced in Athens

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Explain the factors that led to the fall of Rome in western Europe

Corrupt gov., inflation, decline of patriotism, food shortage, invasion of germanic tribes

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  1. What are the major cultural achievements of Greece, Rome, and byzantium?

  • Rome: architecture(domed/vaulted ceilings), art(sculptures= real people), warfare and weapons, entertainment, latin lang.

  • Greece: architecture, music, philosophy, drama/comedy, olympics, art.

  • Byzantium: Hagia sophia, justinian code, constantinople: its loc. Between europe and asia allowed new ideas

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Hellenistic  culture

  • Spread of greek culture

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explain the developement of christianity as a unifying social and political factor in the Byzantine Empire.

Constantine made christianity legal in the empire. The church divided Roman Catholic in the west and Eastern orthodox in the east.

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explain the characteristics of eastern orthodox

conducted in greek, the patriarch and other bishop head the church as a group, priests may be married

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how is Justinian code relevant in the US judicial system

Contains 5,000 Roman laws still considered useful

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explain the characteristics of Islam

Monotheistic, quran is sacred text, Muhammad is the most important Prophet, 5 pillars of islam, pray 5 times a day

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how did the Muslim empire continue to develop after Muhammads death?

Continued to expand and develop because of the vast trade networks like the silk road and had strong powerful military that could conquer new lands

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how was the relationship between religion and politics different from other empires?

The religion and gov. Were something. Sharia law of Islam governed the people with

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explain the impact Islam had on the areas around it

Saved the advancements made by greece and rome, spread islam to africa, made advancements in science, math, medicine

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what are the major accomplishments of the Tang and Song Dynasties in China? and what was their impact on Eastern Asia

Gunpowder, movable type, paper money made trade easier, and growth in tech., trade, urbanization, and pop. size

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Analyze how the silk Road and the Gold-salt trade facilitated the spread of ideas and trade.

Trade networks that connected different cultures to each other and allowed for luxury good to be traded

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describe the interaction between the Mongols and the people they conquered.

Ruthless warriors but they still allowed for trade to occur

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what was the extent of the Mongol Empire

Spreads from China to poland in the 1200s, the largest unified land empire in history

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what were the 3 western African Trading Empires? And how did they benefit from the Gold-Salt Trade?

Ghana, mali, songhai, all three became wealthy from trade

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how did Islam become prominent in Africa?

It was spread from the middle east through trade networks

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explain the factors that led tot he development of feudalism in Western Europe.

No central gov. Meant people needed to rely on each other for protection

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why did Christianity become a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe?

  1. The time period was dangerous and bleak. Religion gave people hope. The church was the center of people's lives/most power

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explain the structure/hierarchy of Roman Catholicism

The pope is the head of the catholic church

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describe problems that arose with the RC church during the Middle Ages.

Became a secular/ worldly display of wealth, started raising armies and started the crusades(they lost), the great schism (many popes), scholastic, Bubonic plague

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describe the relationship between feudalism and manorialism

Feudalism is the social class system and mannerism is the economic system where peasants farm the land

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what factors led to the end of medieval Europe

The crusades: knights died ruining feudal system, lessen power of church, bitterness between catholics and muslims

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describe the crusades

War between the christians and muslims over the control of the holy land, even though the christians lost it still promoted trade and cultural diffusion

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explain how the Magna Carta began the idea of limited government

Guaranteed basic political rights to nobles, ended taxation w/o representation

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briefly describe the ottoman empire

Helped spread culture

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how did the location of the Ottoman Empire facilitate (make easy) for trade

its in The middle of Europe and asia

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how did Islam influence law and government in the Muslim world?

Sharia law (Muslim law)

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what were the causes of the Renaissance? Why did it began in Italy

Black death meant the redistribution of wealth, the rediscovery of classical Greek and Roman manuscripts, printing press that increased learning.

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what the relationship between christianity, individualism, and secularism in the Renaissance?

Church was being challenged bc it was becoming more and more secular(focused on arts and wealth), human achievement was important, renaissance = rebirth

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what were the causes and effects of the reformation

The Church was becoming more worldly and corrupt. This led to people to start to question authority and hypocrisy. Led to Christianity to began church into several different religions

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describe the major influence of Elizabeth I during the Reformation

She made Protestantism(church of England (the main religion)

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how was the Northern Renaissance significant?

Focused on religious change and reform

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explain the impact of the printing press on the Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe.

Helped to spread the ideas of Renaissance and reformation

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describe the key characteristics of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations

Maya: Yucatan peninsula, Inca: south America(Peru), Aztec: Mexico

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explain how the Inca and Aztec empires were impacted by European exploration/colonization

They were both conquered by the European explorers and many died to the spread of diseases

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what caused the need for the expansion of the slave trade

Native American pop. died off so the Europeans needed a new labor source

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how did the Atlantic Slave Trade affect West Africa and the Americas?

Ripped apart families, brought african culture to America, triangular trade: went from Europe to africa to America

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analyze the causes of European expansion from 1450-1750

God, gold, glory, Ideas of mercantilism(an economic idea that countries' power came from their wealth, There was  snow shift of focus from the Mediterranean to Atlantic ocean

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explain the impact of Columbian Exchange on the Americas and Europe

Brought new plants and animals, diseases

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what attitudes did Europeans and East Asians have towards global trade differ?

Europeans wanted to trade w/world, east Asians wanted to protect their culture and isolate themselves from trade

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explain how mercantilism contributed to the success of Europe’s economics

Countries wanted to show their power through wealth so many countries made colonies, brought money & raw materials

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explain the impact the English Civil war had on the development of democratic-republican government

It eventually led to a constitutional monarchy

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describe LouisXIV’s regin

Absolute ruler in France

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what led to absolutism

Feudalism declined & the power of the church, a rise of centralized authority, middle classes backing the monarch, Thomas Hobbes idea of social contract, divine right theory

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describe and explain the significance of the Glorious Revolution in England

Mary and William of Orange took the throne without bloodshed. Signed bill of rights and created a constitutional monarchy

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what enlightenment ideas are found in the US Constitution

Natural rights from john locke(life, liberty, and property)

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what was the impact of political and legal ideas contained in the English Bill of Rights.

Took power from the monarch

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what led to the rise of absolutism in Europe?

Feudalism declined and so did the power of the church, the rise of centralized countries, cities grew

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why was the English Bill of Rights important

Gave rights and power to people

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what concept did “divine right” lend credence (accepting something is true) to?

Divine right is where god gave the kings the power and authority to rule

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why did England have a constitutional monarch by the end of the 1600s?

Enlightenment ideas

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describe the characteristics of an absolute monarch

Rules with absolute power and controls all aspects of society, seen through control of nobility, military, and lifestyle

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what is the significance of Peter the Great?

The absolute monarch of Russia brought Western culture to Russia, helped with education

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how did the significance Revolution lead to the enlightenment?

People started to question old theories of the world and science which created new ways of thinking

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what did the Enlightenment promote?

People use reason, looking at the government.

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who were the major philosophes of the Enlightenment and in what ideas did they believe?

Voltaire: fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion & speech Montesquieu: believed Britain was the best governed, Rosseau: individual freedoms, Beccaria: criminal justice, Mary Wollstonecraft: education of women & rights, John Locke: life, liberty, property

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how did the Enlightenment ideas impact the world?

people started to challenge the monarch, church, and social classes, this led to the American and French revolutions.

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