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having this area intact can keep a person alive as heart rate, breathing and swallowing is regulated here
Corpus Callosum
while splitting this band of fibers can decrease the severity of seizures in epileptic patients, it literally creates two brains in the individual
ties in with our instinctual drives such as hunger, thirst, emotion and sex drive
Pituitary Gland
this part is responsible for not only activating puberty in the individual, it also plays a part in the body’s biochemistry including metabolism
CPU of the nervous system/brain connection; sensory messages arrive here and are processed to determine necessary motor response
one of the most important areas of the brain; serves as a kind of storage area for learning, remembering, thinking, emotion, voluntary movements, sensations and consciousness
plays key role in taking the body through the stages of sleep and arousal; also serves as the bridge between the medulla and other brain areas
no wonder a sense of dizziness is associated with earaches as this area of the brain is found about where our ears lie; responsible for balance, coordination and even muscle tone
part of the brain that is activated when an individual is stressed or afraid; releases hormones that deal with “fight or flight;” also ties in with strong emotions for memories
Basal Ganglia
hands on learners most likely have this area highlighted since it is responsible for movement and learning
damage to this area would make it difficult to retrieve long term memories and information
conduction and switching center of the brain
Reticular Formation
postal system of the brain, it directs messages as they come in and directs others out; also involved with arousal, attention, movement and reflexes
Cerebral Cortex
during a brain operation, this is the area underneath the top of the skull; 3 mm thick, it also is used to described the outer layer of the cerebrum
Spinal Cord
superhighway of the body’s nervous system relaying sensory and motor messages
Central nervous system
consists of the brain and spinal cord; the center of the body
Peripheral nervous system
spider web of nerves that extend from the central nervous system to all other areas of the body
Autonomic nervous system
works with the other two main nervous systems to run the internal organs and regulate hormones of the glands of the body
Sympathetic nervous system
serves as an alarm system for the body and brain as it creates the response of “fight or flight” during times of danger or high emotion
Parasympathetic nervous system
when a person is trying to calm down after a period of anxiety, this nervous system steps in; helps to regulate heart rate, breathing and digestion
Parietal lobe
bodily sensations register here such as touch, temperature, pressure and other somatic sensations
Occipital lobe
weird that this is the primary visual area considering its location
Frontal lobe
removal of this part of the brain would leave the person unable to process information, reason, move, show emotion or any personality traits
Temporal lobe
if an injury were sustained here, not only would the person’s hearing be affected, but also his/her ability to process language and express oneself
Limbic system
tie to our instinctual past, this area plays a major role in producing emotion and motivated behavior