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To talk about fluctuations you need a benchmark
Potential output- level of of output is output you would get if all the economies resources are deployed in most efficient allocation
Potential output
Potential output is like at normal utilization rates, IT IS NOT THE MAXIMUM LEVEL OF OUTPUT OF an ECONOMY this is determined by supply side factors
supply side factors
activities that determine the economy;s productive capacity (labor, physical capital, technology, natural resources, human capital
Output gap
The percentage deviation from actual output
Business cycle
The business cycles is fluctuations between the level of the potenial output, understanding the potential fluctuations.
Very hard to predict, hard maginituded, irregular timing and duration
Recessionary Gap
Negative output gap, econmy is producing less than its potential: workers cant find jobs, physcial capital is underused
Inflationry gap
Positive output gap, economy is producing more than its potential (expansion or boom), Unsustainable intensity only possible for a short while
Multplier model
Understand the short fun flucuations
-prices are fixed, prices do not move
only in the long run do they adjust
In the short run
Prices are sticky, firms take a long time to adjust prices in the economy-
GDP changes because of changes in demand-side factors
firms respond to changes in demand by adjusting their production rather than their prices. Producers will supply as many goods and services as buyers are willing to purchase. If demand increases firms will increase their production to meet thid extra demand TLDR firms adjust production qty not price
What does the multiplier model state
Small changes in demand lead to huge changes in production-
more spending leads to more production as producers meet demand
more production leads to more income
more income leads to spending
and the cycle continuues… where does it stop?
Marginal propencity to consume, basically how much of the dollar do you consume and how much do you end up saving
1-MPC is equal to the marginal propensity to save
Autonomous consumption
Any consumption that is not related to income no matter what that is ur consumptuion, any change in consumption that is not related to income or mpc or even taxes is going to enter into C, like a higher interest rate, which is part of the autonomous consumption