Adolescence Test 1

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themes and approach’s to the perspectives of adolescence

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themes and approach’s to the perspectives of adolescence

  • ecological systems approach

  • stages

  • globalization & cultural diversity

  • practical applications

  • educated consumers

  • negative/positive psychology

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ecological systems approach

looks at interplay between adolescence and environment

child is at centre of universe, microsystem, medosystem, ecosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem

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stage - environment fit

as adolescence get older they change and want more independence - parents don’t want to give them - the fit between what adolescence want and need vs what parents are willing to give

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globalization & cultural diversity

increasingly more important - we have instantaneous access to what's going on in the world adolescence can see what's happening in world around us and try to understand 

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practical application

we have theories and research but need to apply it to better the lives of adolescence

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educated consumers

we can look at research and decide if it merits the conclusions - judge merits and draw conclusions about research for self

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negative/positive psychology

we tend to focus too much on negative rather than positive despite their being much positive aspects to research and at play

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adolescence definition

stage in development

time period in which individuals go through puberty

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adolescent definition


adolescents go through puberty

word comes from “to grow up”

1500s peoples argued of times periods of growing up & wanted teens separated from children

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what is the ages of adolescence

childhood → adulthood

between ages of 13→18/19 some people say 12→22

when child starts to go through bodily changes

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how do people see adolescents vs adults

how much does person rely on parents

how much they know about themselves

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what kind of bodily changes do adolescents go through to indicate their age

 growth spurts

sexual maturation (when can they have own kids) - think sign that adolescent is growing up

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two sorts of transitions



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normative transitions

change that happens to most people at the same age

  • puberty, high school graduation

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idiosyncratic transitions

change that happens to an individual at unpredictable times

  • serious illness, moving to new province, parental divorce 

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phases and tasks of adolescence

Early adolescence: 11-13 - adapting to puberty

Middle adolescence 15-18 - independence and intimacy

Late adolescence 19-22 - work, relationships and values - sense of self

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Robert Havighurts tasks and phases of adolescence

  1. Body image: accepting ones body image - accepting who you are

  2. Emotionally autonomy from parents - healthy relationship - independence with support

  3. Understanding gender: own gender and others

  4. Develop friendships with other genders

  5. Behave in socially responsible ways - lean what their causes are (what they care about socially - climate change)

  6. Establish a meaningful set of values - able to make boundaries with family/friends

  7. Prepare for vocation - figure out what you want to do in future

  8. Prepare for significant relationships: spouse and family

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adolescence in Ancient times: 4th centaury C BCE to 3rd C CE GREECE

when a boy reached puberty he began formal training in grammar, music, gymnastics

They get citizenship till 18 (take oath of allegiance to city state) but you weren't considered a full citizen until about 30 (people typically married at 30 - 18 they train to be solider

Girls - never considered citizen - minor forever - married at 15 despite men being about 30

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adolescence in Ancient times: 4th centaury C BCE to 3rd C CE: ANCIENT ROME

boys can marry as young as 13 but not seen as adults

at 16 they wear same type of toga as adult men - not full citizen till 1 full year of military pursuits

girls are considered minor whole life - can marry at 12

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adolescence in Life cycle service in pre-industrial Europe (middle ages)

Ruel areas - boys start at 10/12 you provided for what the village needed (ex: needed a baker - boy lives with current baker to learn)

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adolescence in 18th century Rousseau:

believed we should cherish childhood, adolescence

Inherent nature of human nature is decency, goodness and kindness - innate purity

Argued in early Latin schools that we should tease apart children and adolescence - argued for different stages and tailor education to said stages

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adolescents in 19th century

child labour in American and Canadian industry: adolescence seen as a social problem

  • Sent to place to work especially if family had a lot of kids and they were to expensive - needed way to bring money back into family

  • Worked in mines - until in coal mine in England (queen Victoria)  and there was such a bad storm that the river overflowed and the water flooded mines and may children drowned

  • 1929 great depression

  • "Baby boom"

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adolescence in the 20th century

The age of adolescence

  • Role of child labour laws and longer schooling

  • Farm went to oldest son so other kids went to factories in cities

  • Build places for them to stay but then children started drinking too much and began social problem

  • Age stratification

  • Teenagers in novels, movies, comics

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1929 great depression

tough 10 year period - not money or work - in family's they told teenage sons to stay ins school so they could get better job in future  - dads would make money/ jobs if available till then

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baby boom

"Baby boom" after world war 2 - all the kids born started to become adolescent in 1950s

sexual revolution - music revolution - coming of age - governments couldn’t ignore their voice because there was so many of them

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age stratification

when children started dividing selves by age groups to hang out with (adolescence, teenagers)

  • Social science discovers adolescence

  • Teenagers in novels, movies, comics - people started making things geared towards different age groups

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Canadian teenagers today

Stereotype of sex, drugs, rock and violence

  • Seeing the effects of changing family structure - a lot of teens are living with parents but parents are separated - step siblings

  •  growing influence of peers

  • Consumerism

  • Mixed messages about adolescent sexuality

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what is the growing influence of peers of adolescents

obsession with being in touch with each other - instant gratification - social media - can lead to cyberbullying

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consumerism in adolescence

having to have the right stuff (brand names, electronics) - today teenagers have 4x the amount of clothes then there parent had when they were a teen - plays into peer groups

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adolescence; population pyramid

Young at bottom older at the top

  • Looks at the amount of adolescents based on ages/gender - looking at how many females are different ages

  • People at top of pyramid pay for the things people at the bottom of pyramid need in society

  • expansive, constrictive, stationary

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expansive population period

large base

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constructive population pyramid

middle is larger than base

baby boom

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stationary population pyramid

similar throughout

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what part of Canadas population is between 10-19


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what part of Africas population is between 10-19


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what part of South Asia population is between 10-19


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what part of middle east population is between 10-19


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Trends and problems in adolescence today

  • Glamorization of teens in western society

  • Fitting in with the crowd

  • Schooling for all

  • Benefits and dangers of moving to the city

  • The scourge of HIV/AIDS - found after sexual revolution

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What do adolescence need to survive and grow?

  • A caring relationship with at least one adult: serve as a mentor - be there and help them when needed

  • Social support systems: families, schools, communities, health care

  • Social competence and life skills: have the skills to be able to make wise and competent choices by self

  • Motivated for life long learning

  • Ability to live with uncertainty and change: seems right now adolescence have hard time with coping with change/disruption

  • Belief in a promising future: belief that things will be better in the future - something to hope for and look forward too

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G.Stanley Hall biological & evolutionary perspectives

trained students to deal with adolescents - brought the attention to adolescent population - influenced by Charles Darwin

  • Ontogeny & recapitulates phylogeny

  • Recapitulation

  • Storm and stress

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development of the species is mimicking the species

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We are historically mimicking the development of the human race

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storm and stress

theory that adolescence is a period of stress - normal for them to be in period of anxiety and stress due to biological changes that are occurring because of puberty

(we don’t accept this ? Dismisses depression as everyone goes through it - we may miss a warning sign)

Contrast effects - stress at this point compared to other times

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Anna Freud: psychoanalytic view

Focused of structures of personality: ID (impulses, instant gratification) , ego( tries to balance ID and superego  and superego (morality police)

  • Sexual maturation results in the development of the structures of personality

  • A lot of emotional turmoil in adolescence and that creates a rise in the ID (disorderly conduct)

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which of ericksons stages concerns adolescence

8 stages of development - one in adolescence

  • identity vs role confusion  

    • are you doing what you want to do or what someone else wants you to do

  • understanding of self vs confusion of self

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what happens if you do not find self identity and are confused of self

If identity achievement does not occur - leads to confusion and confusion can lead to self doubt

  • Confusion can trigger anxiety resulting in drug and alcohol use

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Piagets theory of adolescence

cognitive theory: adolescents and formal operations

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skinners theory of adolescence

learning theory: operant conditioning

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Banduras theory of adolescence

social cognitive theory: vicarious learning

  • Bobo doll

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whats in the center of ecological system


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all those with direct contact with adolescent

  • important players

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the interactions/interrelationships among the people in the adolescents microsystem

  • parent/teacher

  • parent/friend

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things that indirectly affect the adolescent

  • types of job parents have (affects what child can have: by car @ 16 vs not, vacations)

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we all live within laws, culture, values - important things that surround us (holidays & celebrations)

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dimension of time

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what is puberty

when one is now capable of reproduction

  • Begins with hormone production in the brain

  • Hormones are produced by Endocrine system

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area of brain of that controls the endocrine system - includes pituitary, gonad's (ovaries in females and testis in males)

  •  responsible for 4 basic biological behaviours: 4 Fs

  • Pituitary ; responsible for sending messages about hormones

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4 Fs of behaviors

  1. Fighting

  2. Fleeing

  3. Feeding

  4. Mating

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 adrenal glands produce DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) - hormone levels start to rise

  • Why? What starts/triggers this? We don’t really know!

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hormones changes during puberty for boys

testosterone goes way up and estradiol on goes up a little

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hormones changes during puberty for girls

estradiol goes way up and testosterone goes up a little

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what does the increase in hormones during puberty mean

it initiate physical development, and sexual maturation

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what is one of the most important changes adolescence

adolescent growth spurt

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when do adolescent girls get their growth spurt

start at 10 and ends at 16

until this time boys and girls are about the same heights

Girls grow 4 inches taller then boys for first 2 years

girls grow about 8cm/yr

Muscle- fat ratio: 2/4

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when do adolescent boys get their growth spurt

starts at age 12 ends at 18

until about age 10 boys and girls are about the same heights - girls grow 4inch taller from 10-12

Boys grow about 9cm/yr

Muscle- fat ratio: 1-3

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how do adolescents Height, weight, muscles change during puberty

20% more muscle mass at 15

girls grown proportions with more fat, boys more muscle

body proportions: boys grow wider in shoulders & girls grow wider in hips

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what is the rate of development in adolescence similar to

Rate of development is similar to how fast you develop in infancy

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primary sex characteristics

organs & structure directly related to reproduction: penis, vagina, uterus

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sexual maturation of the penis during puberty

doubles in length and girth

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sexual maturation of uterus

doubles in length from ages 10-18

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secondary sex characteristics

physical signs we see of puberty but not directly involved with reproduction - things we can see

voice changes, breast development, pubic/underarm hair

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when do boys voices change

after age 12

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sign of sexual maturation in girls + age

menarche: first menstral period

ages 11-13: avg 12.7

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when does menarche start

when girl is at her maximum grow cycle

about 105 lbs & 23% body fat

  • Athletic girls with less fat and weigh less likely to get it early

  • Correlated with start of mothers cycle - around same age

  • Affected by nutrition and physical exercise/exertion

  • comes later in poorer countries

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does growth rate slow down after menarche


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body type if menarche occurred later than avg

taller and leaner figure

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body type of menarche occurred earlier than avg

shorter and more weight on them

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what marks sexual maturation in boys

first ejaculation

spermarche or semenarche - change because not much sperm at first

  • First time usually occurs  12 1/2 -13 1/2 

  • during wet dreams

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age of breast development and growth spurt in girls

age 10

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age of pubic hair for girls

age 11

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age of menarche for girls

age 12.7

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age of underarm hair for girls

age 13

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age of oil/sweat glads + acne for girls

ages 13+

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age of testes + scrotum development + growth spurt + penis growth in boys

age 12

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ages of maximum penis growth for boys

ages 14-16

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age of underarm hair growth for guys

age 13

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age of voice changes in boys

ages 14-16

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age of facial hair growth for boys

age 14

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age of oil/sweat development in boys

ages 14+

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4 types of timing of puberty

early maturing boys

early maturing girls'

late maturing boys

late maturing boys

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early maturing boys

Larger size and muscular build

Good coordination - athletic/jocks - social advantages/popular = good self esteem and concept

  • adult resemble hypothesis

  • Typically people see more advantages then disadvantages

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adult resemblance hypothesis

 the more you look like an adult the more people will treat you like one - and when you are a teen there is more pressure to behave like an adult

  • start to hangout with guys that look like that that are typically older - correlated with delinquency and substance use from hanging out with older people

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early maturing girls

starts at age 10

  • Disadvantage in elementary

  • First to develop breasts - have to get bras before anyone else - self conscious and uncomfortable bc people are pointing out and embarrass them

  • Disadvantages continue till junior high/high school - look older - older guys attracted to younger girls - more boyfriends

  • Problem start dating young - earlier first sexual experiences might not understand protection

  • Bustier and shorter due to mensural starting early

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late maturing girls

  • Mixed feelings/advantages/disadvantages

  • Treated like little girls

  • Petite and small

  • High school - linear body build due to growing slower longer

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late maturing boys

  • high disadvantages

  • Group w most disadvantages - not as strong, coordinated and developed as boys around then

  • Lower self esteem and higher anxiety

  • Class clown

  • More creative and scholarly as an adult

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how do parents respond to puberty

Parents have to adapt to adolescent changes

Teens demand more input, fewer restrictions

Conflict occurs more likely in early adolescence - start to decrease conflict bc adolescent has worn parent down so parent eases up

Gender intensification

distancing hypothesis

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gender intensification on adolescence

push toward traditional roles - more lenient with sons than daughters growing up

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distancing hypothesis

conflict decreases because they spend less time together

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how do different cultures respond to puberty

  • Puberty rites recognize transition to adulthood

  • Sweet sixteen Quinceañero bas/bar mitzvah, Hunting passages (other cultures)

  • Drivers licence/drinking age/voting age (western)

  • Religious: confirmation

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brain development in puberty:

synaptic pruning


decision making areas of cortex

pleasure centres

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