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Nominative (s.)
-a (1st), -us (2nd m.), -um (2nd n.), varies (3rd), -us (4th c.), -ū (4th n.), -ēs (5th)
Vocative (s.)
-a (1st), -e (2nd m.), -um (2nd n.), varies (3rd), -us (4th c.), -ū (4th n.), -ēs (5th)
Accusative (s.)
-am (1st), -um (2nd), -em (3rd), -um (4th c.), -ū (4th n.), -em (5th)
Genitive (s.)
-æ (1st), -ī (2nd), -is (3rd), -ūs (4th), -eī (5th)
Dative (s.)
-æ (1st), -ō (2nd), -ī (3rd), -uī (4th c.), -u (4th n.), -eī (5th)
Ablative (s.)
-ā (1st), -ō (2nd), -e (3rd), -ū (4th), -ē (5th)
Nominative and Vocative (pl.)
-æ (1st), -ī (2nd m.), -a (2nd n.), -ēs (3rd), -ūs (4th c.), -ua (4th n.), -ēs (5th)
Accusative (pl.)
-ās (1st), -ōs (2nd m.), -a (2nd n.), -ēs (3rd), -ūs (4th c.), -ua (4th n.), -ēs (5th)
Genitive (pl.)
-ārum (1st), -ōrum (2nd), -um (3rd), -uum (4th), -ērum (5th)
Dative and Ablative (pl.)
-īs (1st), -īs (2nd), -ibus (3rd), -ibus (4th), -ēbus (5th)
1st Nom. s., 1st Voc. s., 2nd (n.) Nom. pl., 2nd (n.) Voc. pl., 2nd (n.) Acc. pl.
2nd (c.) Nom. s., 4th (c.) Nom. s., 4th (c.) Voc. s.
2nd (n.) Nom. s., 2nd (n.) Nom