The takeover of a region by a stronger nation, dominating its economic, political, and cultural life.
Berlin Conference
A meeting from 1884-1885 where European nations set rules for the division of Africa, disregarding ethnic divisions.
Social Darwinism
The belief that stronger nations have the right to rule over weaker ones, used to justify imperialism and social inequality.
Economic causes of imperialism
Driven by the Industrial Revolution's demand for natural resources, competition for markets and resources among European nations.
The Raj
The period of British rule in India from 1858 to 1947.
Sepoy Rebellion
A rebellion in 1857 where Indian soldiers revolted against British rule due to cultural insensitivity regarding rifle cartridges.
Civil disobedience
Nonviolent resistance against a government for ethical reasons, famously employed by Mohandas Gandhi in India.
Mohandas Gandhi
Leader of the Indian independence movement who advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience.
Indian Civil Service (ICS)
The administrative service that governed India during the British rule, mostly composed of British officials.
Economic impact of British imperialism in India
Led to the exploitation of India's resources, collapse of local industries, and famines due to prioritization of cash crops.
Partition of India
The division of British India into two independent countries, India (Hindu) and Pakistan (Muslim), in 1947.
Exploratory motives of imperialism
The desire to explore new territories and expand knowledge of the world, often linked to economic and political motives.
Cultural causes of imperialism
The belief in the superiority of European civilization, used to justify the control over non-European societies.
Impact of the Berlin Conference on Africa
Led to the uncontrolled division of Africa among European nations, ignoring existing ethnic and cultural divisions.
Jawaharlal Nehru
Leader of the Indian National Congress and a central figure in the struggle for Indian independence.
Muhammed Jinnah
Leader of the Muslim League, worked to protect Muslim rights during the independence movement.
Amritsar Massacre
A tragic event in 1919 where British troops fired on a crowd of Indians, leading to widespread outrage and resistance.
Imperialism in Africa vs. India
While Africa faced fragmented colonial rule, India was governed as a single entity primarily through indirect rule.
Economic importance of India for Britain
India served as a market for British goods and a source of raw materials during the British Empire.
Short-Term Effects of Imperialism in Africa
Included loss of land and independence, forced labor, and the spread of Christianity among African populations.
Long-Term Effects of Imperialism
Created artificial national boundaries leading to ongoing conflicts and economies geared towards European benefit.
Resistance to European rule
Included various forms of protests and uprisings by colonized peoples, influenced by leaders like Gandhi.
Conflicts due to artificial boundaries
Modern nations in Africa face strife and instability due to borders drawn without regard for ethnic groups.
Dividing British India
The independence in 1947 led to significant migration and violence between Hindus and Muslims, causing large scale displacements.