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trade and taxation flourished under their rule
relocated artists, musicians, and administrators across their empire
allowed freedom of religion for conquered nations
their trade network helped spread goods and knowledge across continents
their policies on diversity and free trade were somewhat ahead of their time
Extreme Brutality
Genghis Khan and his armies killed millions and destroyed countless cities
No Lasting Empire
mongols eventually assimilated into other cultures and were replaced by the Ming Dynasty in China
No Architectural Legacy – Since they were nomadic, they didn’t build grand palaces or cities.
since they were nomadic, they didnt build grad palaces or cities
Black Death Spreaders
they may have intentionally used biological warfare by launching plague ridden corpses into enemy cities
Senseless Destruction
Entire civilizations were wiped out, and they left behind little lasting culture beyond their military and trade systems.
Covered most land
The empire covered the most contiguous territory in history
They conquered more land in 25 years than the Romans did in 400
1206-1368 Controlled more than 11 million contiguous square miles of land
Created nations -> Russia and Korea
Had religious tolerance and created the first free trade zone
Expanded bc of advanced technology and hordes of nomadic warriors
Genghis Khan(Temujin)
Eldest son of Mongol Chief
Provided strength as a warrior when he retrieved his wife bc she was kidnapped; he united Mongol tribes after a civil war (he won)
Won civil war for two reasons
Promoted people because of merit rather than family position
Brought lower classes of people into his own tribe; removed leaders of conquered people
Peasants loved him, rich hated him
Genghis Khan as a ruler
United Mongolia’s tribes
The Mongolians had to travel frequently to survive - the disease could wipe them out VERY fast
He removed a sense of uncertainty by supporting China’s peasant economy by stabilizing taxes and establishing ways to help rural citizens. He reformed laws and started a military-feudal form of government.
Adopted advanced new technology such as the composite bow, leather armor, and gunpowder.
Supported trade and religious freedom
Relied on new technological and tactical innovations from conquered people
Hit and run attacks, psychological warfare, the stirrup
Mongol Empire overall
Engaged in 162 years of aggressive expansion
At their peak, they controlled 12 million square miles (Over 3x the size of the US)
Engaged in “Pax Mongolica” or Mongol Peace (1279-end of Mongols)
Period of peace, stability, trade, protected travel
Their reputation spread bc of the cities they destroyed/ conquered
This made mass migration
Revived the Silk Road for trade and taxation
They put it back into use because they could tax it and keep their peeps safe
But bubonic plague spread down this too
It is more likely that it spread on fleas on rats from boats
Trade wouldn’t have happened if not for mongols and their interactions
Mail delivery services
Passed info from one end of the empire to the other
The mail system was called the Yam system
precursor to modernity
Spices spread -> helped modern
Very tolerant of various religions, new ideas→resembles modern acceptance
Forcibly relocated people to where they were needed in the empire
Artists, musicians, administrators
Cross-cultural colonization/pollination
Why they were bad(in a not good way)
Brutal conquerors estimated to have killed millions
Mongols destroyed millions of cities
Their empire didn’t last…replaced by the Ming Dynasty in China
In Persia they moved from nomads to settlers - they blended in so well that they were no longer the Mongols (lost their flair)
Did not leave behind art or architecture (bc u cant leave a tent yk; they didnt have palaces)
Spread the Black Death - it was on purpose bc they would catapult their plague-ridden dead bodies (cadavers) to hurt enemies INSANE WORK
But prob not the actual reason why the plague spread- more so the fleas on rats on ships
Senseless destruction (is that what he said…?)