Age of Revolution Art

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Origins of Neoclassicism

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Origins of Neoclassicism

  • order, symmetry

  • throwback to greek and romans

  • stuff discovered in pompeii

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  • order

  • calm, serious tone

  • greek and roman history

  • draw with lines not color

  • inspirational

  • founder = David

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Oath of Horatii

  • David, Louvre

  • Horatii's brothers’ oath to dad that they’ll win fight with rival bros (Alba Longa)

  • 3 v 3 fight

  • left: 3 hortii, right: sister hortii engaged to curaitli brother

  • loyalty of brothers - loyalty to country

  • women = passive, males = active

  • roman form of painting → neocassical

<ul><li><p>David, Louvre</p></li><li><p>Horatii&apos;s brothers’ oath to dad that they’ll win fight with rival bros (Alba Longa)</p></li><li><p>3 v 3 fight</p></li><li><p>left: 3 hortii, right: sister hortii engaged to curaitli brother</p></li><li><p>loyalty of brothers - loyalty to country</p></li><li><p>women = passive, males = active</p></li><li><p>roman form of painting → neocassical</p></li></ul>
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Death of Marat

  • David 1793, neoclassicism

  • marat dead in bath

  • hero of FR

  • killed working in a bathtub

  • propaganda - corday = bad, marat = good

  • marat - writing a letter

  • david saw marat before his death

<ul><li><p>David 1793, neoclassicism</p></li><li><p>marat dead in bath</p></li><li><p>hero of FR</p></li><li><p>killed working in a bathtub</p></li><li><p>propaganda  - corday = bad, marat = good</p></li><li><p>marat - writing a letter</p></li><li><p>david saw marat before his death</p></li></ul>
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Napoleon Crossing the Alps

  • David, neoclassical

  • Nap leading troops across alps

    • against Austria

  • comissioned by king Charles IV (Spain)

  • not accurate

  • davids signature (breast of horse)

<ul><li><p>David, neoclassical</p></li><li><p>Nap leading troops across alps</p><ul><li><p>against Austria</p></li></ul></li><li><p>comissioned by king Charles IV (Spain)</p></li><li><p>not accurate</p></li><li><p>davids signature (breast of horse)</p></li></ul>
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La Grande Odalisque

  • 1814, Louvre, neoclassicism

  • Ingres

  • Odalisque - harem girl

  • staying in Seraglio - women’s apartments of a sultan

  • comissioned by nap’s sister (Ingres never got the money bc nap died) :(

  • VERY criticized

    • nude but not god

    • direct eye contact w viewer

    • drugs on her bed (hash pipe)

    • closeup view

  • problems w painting

    • rly long back

    • leg not rly attatched to hip

    • no bones??

      • defenders think ingres wasn’t trying realism

<ul><li><p><strong>1814, Louvre, neoclassicism</strong></p></li><li><p>Ingres</p></li><li><p><u>Odalisque</u> - harem girl</p></li><li><p>staying in <u>Seraglio</u> - women’s apartments of a sultan</p></li><li><p>comissioned by nap’s sister (Ingres never got the money bc nap died) :(</p></li><li><p>VERY criticized</p><ul><li><p>nude but not god</p></li><li><p>direct eye contact w viewer</p></li><li><p>drugs on her bed (hash pipe)</p></li><li><p>closeup view</p></li></ul></li><li><p>problems w painting</p><ul><li><p>rly long back</p></li><li><p>leg not rly attatched to hip</p></li><li><p>no bones??</p><ul><li><p>defenders think ingres wasn’t trying realism</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
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Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker

  • 1806, Canova, neoclassical

  • napoleon roman statue style

  • nap didn’t want to be nakey for this

  • idealized figure; roman god like

  • kinda contrapposto pose

  • holding nike in his hand

  • nap didn’t want to display this

  • people thought he made himself look good on purpose

  • nap and french critics hated it

  • Canova knew this

    • he was annoyed that napoleon allowed looting of italian art pieces

    • he was a devout catholic and pope supporter - napoleon was against church

<ul><li><p>1806, Canova, neoclassical</p></li><li><p>napoleon roman statue style</p></li><li><p>nap didn’t want to be nakey for this</p></li><li><p>idealized figure; roman god like</p></li><li><p>kinda contrapposto pose</p></li><li><p>holding nike in his hand</p></li><li><p>nap didn’t want to display this</p></li><li><p>people thought he made himself look good on purpose</p></li><li><p>nap and french critics hated it</p></li><li><p>Canova knew this</p><ul><li><p>he was annoyed that napoleon allowed looting of italian art pieces</p></li><li><p>he was a devout catholic and pope supporter - napoleon was against church</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Chiswick House, 1725 & Monticello, 1770-1896

  • both are neoclassical

  • pediment, frieze, colums, domes, symmetry

  • Chiswick house - Britain neoclassical

    • symmetry = reaction against baroque

  • Thomas Jefferson took neoclassical stuff to colonies when he designed his house Monticello

  • neoclassical

<ul><li><p>both are neoclassical</p></li><li><p>pediment, frieze, colums, domes, symmetry</p></li><li><p>Chiswick house - Britain neoclassical</p><ul><li><p>symmetry = reaction against baroque</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Thomas Jefferson took neoclassical stuff to colonies when he designed his house Monticello</p></li><li><p>neoclassical</p></li></ul>
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Romantic Art

  • return to nature

  • justice for all

  • emotion > reason

  • less poised and restrained tan neoclassical

  • sublime: nature creates pain in viewer

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The Bloody Massacre

  • Paul Revere

  • propaganda of boston massacre, we hate britain

    not an accurate representation

  • british: stoic, colonists: horror

  • Crispus Attucks - first person killed

  • poem by paul revere

  • engraved by PR, someone else drew it

  • revolutionary

<ul><li><p>Paul Revere</p></li><li><p>propaganda of boston massacre, we hate britain</p><p>not an accurate representation</p></li><li><p>british: stoic, colonists: horror</p></li><li><p>Crispus Attucks - first person killed</p></li><li><p>poem by paul revere</p></li><li><p>engraved by PR, someone else drew it</p></li><li><p>revolutionary</p></li></ul>
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Third of May

  • Goya

  • nap marching and conquered spain

  • shows massacre of spanish freedom fighters

    • bc they tried to rebel

  • propaganda against french

  • nap = no mercy, suffering of spanish

  • Goya = French > before but now spanish >

    • painting was to “apologize”

  • people not at peace with death

  • romantic

<ul><li><p>Goya</p></li><li><p>nap marching and conquered spain</p></li><li><p>shows massacre of spanish freedom fighters</p><ul><li><p>bc they tried to rebel</p></li></ul></li><li><p>propaganda against french</p></li><li><p>nap = no mercy, suffering of spanish</p></li><li><p>Goya = French &gt; before but now spanish &gt;</p><ul><li><p>painting was to “apologize”</p></li></ul></li><li><p>people not at peace with death</p></li><li><p>romantic</p></li></ul>
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Liberty Leading the People

  • Eugene Delacroix

  • notre dame in back

  • July Revolution of 1830

  • dead ppl: french military, vulnerability of the time

  • She leads ppl from all classes (bourgeouise → man in top hat; young student → boy with pistolts)

  • bare breast = antiquity

  • revolutionary

<ul><li><p>Eugene Delacroix</p></li><li><p>notre dame in back</p></li><li><p>July Revolution of 1830</p></li><li><p>dead ppl: french military, vulnerability of the time</p></li><li><p>She leads ppl from all classes (bourgeouise → man in top hat; young student → boy with pistolts)</p></li><li><p>bare breast = antiquity</p></li><li><p>revolutionary</p></li></ul>
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Rain, Steam, and Speed

  • Turner

  • industrial revolution → “pushing Europe forward”

    • celebrate railroad, v. fast (contrast btwn old brige and new, modern bridge on right)

    • loose brush strokes → impressionism

  • revolutionary

<ul><li><p>Turner</p></li><li><p>industrial revolution → “pushing Europe forward”</p><ul><li><p>celebrate railroad, v. fast (contrast btwn old brige and new, modern bridge on right)</p></li><li><p>loose brush strokes → impressionism</p></li></ul></li><li><p>revolutionary</p></li></ul>
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The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

  • Francisco Goya, romanticism

  • “Los Caprichos” series (80 pieces)

    • satire - exposes bad stuff bout spanish society

  • Goya asleep @ desk with a nightmare

    • Creatures associated with evil

    • caption: art is reason and imagination

  • VERY criticized - disturbing piece

  • “aquaint” - resin/wax on metal - not a painting

    • metal dipped in acid

  • romantic

<ul><li><p>Francisco Goya, romanticism</p></li><li><p>“Los Caprichos” series (80 pieces)</p><ul><li><p>satire - exposes bad stuff bout spanish society</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Goya asleep @ desk with a nightmare</p><ul><li><p>Creatures associated with evil</p></li><li><p>caption: art is reason and imagination</p></li></ul></li><li><p>VERY criticized - disturbing piece</p></li><li><p>“aquaint” - resin/wax on metal - not a painting</p><ul><li><p>metal dipped in acid</p></li></ul></li><li><p>romantic</p></li></ul>
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Saturn Devouring His Son

  • Goya

  • not meant for public

  • painting on a wall - Goya’s dining room

  • Saturn eating sons so they don’t overthrow him

  • represents dictators afraid of losing their own power

    • or maybe Goya went insane in old age

  • romantic

<ul><li><p>Goya</p></li><li><p>not meant for public</p></li><li><p>painting on a wall - Goya’s dining room</p></li><li><p>Saturn eating sons so they don’t overthrow him</p></li><li><p>represents dictators afraid of losing their own power</p><ul><li><p>or maybe Goya went insane in old age</p></li></ul></li><li><p>romantic</p></li></ul>
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The Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

  • isolated frail man (cane)

  • Friedrich

  • nature stuff, vast, sublime

  • ruckenfigure: person viewed from behind

  • maybe self-portrait

  • Germany

  • romantic

<ul><li><p>isolated frail man (cane)</p></li><li><p>Friedrich</p></li><li><p>nature stuff, vast, sublime</p></li><li><p><strong>ruckenfigure</strong>: person viewed from behind</p></li><li><p>maybe self-portrait</p></li><li><p>Germany</p></li><li><p>romantic</p></li></ul>
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Raft of Medusa

  • Gericault

  • Survivors of French naval ship

  • survivors of boat as ship coming to rescue them (titanic vibes)

  • many died; cannibalism

  • sailed to safety in africa

  • ship in painting passes by them

  • criticized by neoclassical artists

  • romantic

<ul><li><p>Gericault</p></li><li><p>Survivors of French naval ship</p></li><li><p>survivors of boat as ship coming to rescue them (titanic vibes)</p></li><li><p>many died; cannibalism</p></li><li><p>sailed to safety in africa</p></li><li><p>ship in painting passes by them</p></li><li><p>criticized by neoclassical artists</p></li><li><p>romantic</p></li></ul>
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The Slave Ship

  • Turner

  • slaves pushed overboard

  • capitains are still paid if slaves die from ocean, not if from disease

    • orders sick and dying slaves off

  • so much nature, slave insurance money

  • humans suck, nature good

  • beautiful sunset v. gruesome death → fear, panic

  • dehumanization of slave trade

  • romantic

<ul><li><p>Turner</p></li><li><p>slaves pushed overboard</p></li><li><p>capitains are still paid if slaves die from ocean, not if from disease</p><ul><li><p>orders sick and dying slaves off</p></li></ul></li><li><p>so much nature, slave insurance money</p></li><li><p>humans suck, nature good</p></li><li><p>beautiful sunset v. gruesome death → fear, panic</p></li><li><p>dehumanization of slave trade</p></li><li><p>romantic</p></li></ul>
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Background to Baroque Art

  • religious tensions, more science, growth of absolutist monarchies

    • cath v. prot, science and exploration, growth of monarchies

    • church said art should be religious

    • dissection and anatomical realism

    • rich catholics comission paintings

  • rough, irregularly shaped

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Baroque Art

  • extravagant display

  • dramatic realism

  • everyday realism

  • chiaroscuro: light & dark; light adds dimension

  • Tenebrism: dark bakground and light from a source outside the painting

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The Calling of St. Matthew

  • Caravaggio

  • Levi the tax collecter

  • jasus pointing at levi to follow him

  • drama and realism

  • looks like a photo

  • greedy guy Levi → apostle St. Matthew

  • don’t know who Levi is

  • baroque

  • tenebrism

<ul><li><p>Caravaggio</p></li><li><p>Levi the tax collecter</p></li><li><p>jasus pointing at levi to follow him</p></li><li><p>drama and realism</p></li><li><p>looks like a photo</p></li><li><p>greedy guy Levi → apostle St. Matthew</p></li><li><p>don’t know who Levi is</p></li><li><p>baroque</p></li><li><p><u>tenebrism</u></p></li></ul>
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The Cardsharps

  • Caravaggio

  • strong cardplayers prey on weaker players

  • rich guy playing with “card sharks”

  • Car’s first masterpiece

  • shady pickpocket guy (finger w/o gloves)

  • trying to rob rich player guy in black

  • tenebrism from left side = evil

  • moment of drama and realism

  • boy = repercussions of straying from the church

  • baroque

<ul><li><p>Caravaggio</p></li><li><p>strong cardplayers prey on weaker players</p></li><li><p>rich guy playing with “card sharks”</p></li><li><p>Car’s first masterpiece</p></li><li><p>shady pickpocket guy (finger w/o gloves)</p></li><li><p>trying to rob rich player guy in black</p></li><li><p><u>tenebrism</u> from left side = evil</p></li><li><p>moment of drama and realism</p></li><li><p>boy = repercussions of straying from the church</p></li><li><p>baroque</p></li></ul>
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Las Meninas

  • “ladies in waiting”

  • Velazquez

  • painting of king and queen of spain

  • princess margaret theresa being attended to by ladies in waiting

  • in Madrid at Museo del Prado

  • baroque

<ul><li><p>“ladies in waiting”</p></li><li><p>Velazquez</p></li><li><p>painting of king and queen of spain</p></li><li><p>princess margaret theresa being attended to by ladies in waiting</p></li><li><p>in Madrid at Museo del Prado</p></li><li><p>baroque</p></li></ul>
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The Night Watch

  • Rembrandt van Rijn

  • men of Captain Cocq and Liutenant Ruytenburch

  • militia group, action shot

  • group paid Rembrandt for a portait; posed

  • dead chicken = mascot

  • not supposed to be nightime, dark bc of dust and dirt

  • baroque

<ul><li><p>Rembrandt van Rijn</p></li><li><p>men of Captain Cocq and Liutenant Ruytenburch</p></li><li><p>militia group, action shot</p></li><li><p>group paid Rembrandt for a portait; posed</p></li><li><p>dead chicken = mascot</p></li><li><p>not supposed to be nightime, dark bc of dust and dirt</p></li><li><p>baroque</p></li></ul>
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  • in action, throwing stone at Goliath

  • more dramatic, assymetrical → emotion on face

  • realism - everyday

  • different from michealangelos (his was sstoic

  • baroque

<ul><li><p>in action, throwing stone at Goliath</p></li><li><p>more dramatic, assymetrical → emotion on face</p></li><li><p>realism - everyday</p></li><li><p>different from michealangelos (his was sstoic</p></li><li><p>baroque</p></li></ul>
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St. Theresa of Avila in Ecstasy

  • Bernini

  • nun, had a vision that angel would stab her in the heart with a flaming arrow → painful ecstasy

  • scare people who left catholicism to come back to catholic church

  • in Cornaro burial chapel (very detailed, borderline rococo)

  • baroque

<ul><li><p>Bernini</p></li><li><p>nun, had a vision that angel would stab her in the heart with a flaming arrow → painful ecstasy</p></li><li><p>scare people who left catholicism to come back to catholic church</p></li><li><p>in Cornaro burial chapel (very detailed, borderline rococo)</p></li><li><p>baroque</p></li></ul>
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Baptistère of Saint Louis

  • Secular Islamic art

  • went from Mamluk Sultanate to the French court - unknown how

  • louvre

  • detailed

  • fleur-de-lis (small round disks or decorative medallions)

  • roundels -  symbol of the French royal family

  • scenes from the Mamluk court

  • not religious

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  • many were prayer rugs

  • many secular

  • Ardabil carpet - many years to complete

  • geometric patterns

  • golden medallion

  • 2 lamps

  • lots of knots

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