silk roads
land based trade routes that linked many regions of Eurasia, they were named after the most famous product traded along these routes
sea roads
the world’s largest sea-based system of communication and exchange before 1500 CE, centered in India, it stretched from Southern China to eastern Africa
a malay kingdom that dominated the critical choke point in Indian Ocean trade at the Straits of Malacca between 670mand 1025 CE, like other places in Southeast Asia, it absorbed various cultural influences from India
Angkor Wat
The largest religious structure in the premodern world, this temple was built by a powerful kingdom in the twelfth century CE to express a Itindu misunderstanding
Swahili Civilization
diverse African cultures, made up of a confluence of peoples
Great Zimbabwe
the name for the stone remains of a medieval city in southeastern Africa
Zheng He
Chinese Admiral in the Indian Ocean
Sand Roads
Arabian camel
a large even-toed ungulate, of the genus camelus, with
West African Civilization
A series of important states that developed in the region stretching from the Atlantic Coast to Lake Chad in the period 500 to 1600 CE. Developed in response to the economic opportunities of trans saharan trade, it included the states of Ghan, Mali, Songhai, and Kanem, as well as numerous towns and cities.
an empire in ancient West Africa
a West African Empire that flourished in the 13th and 14th centuries.
trans-saharan slave trade
a fairly small scale trade that developed in 12th century CE. Exporting West African slaves captured in raids for sale mostly as Islamic household servants in Islamic North America. Difficulty traveling through the terrain limited the trade.
a city in Mali, West Africa which was an important trade center of the Mali Empire flourished 13&15th CE.
House of Wisdom
a major Abbasid public academy and intellectual center in Baghdad or to a large private library belonging to the Abbasid Caliphs during the Islamic Golden Age.
American Web
the network of trade that linked parts of the pre-Columbian Americans.
Chaco Phenomenon
the ancestors of the pueblo building people, they inherited their architecture and made their civilization and structure in the chaco canyon for around 350 years.
professional, long-distance traveling merchants in the Aztec Empire.