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Balanced Reciprocity
giving with the expectation of a straightforward immediate or limited-time trade
Generalized reciprocity
gift giving without any immediate or planned return
a form of redistribution - similar to taxation but using unpaid labour
a feast among Pacific Northwest Native Americans at which great quantities of food and goods are given to the guests in order to gain prestige for the host(s)
the accumulation of goods (or labour) by a particular person or in a particular place and their subsequent distribution
being accorded particular respect or honor
Class Societies
societies containing social groups that have unequal access to economic resources, power, and prestige
the ability to make others do what they do not want to do or influence based on the threat of force
Economic Resources
things that have value in a culture, including land, tools and other technology, goods, and money
a category of people who have about the same opportunity to obtain economic resources, power, and prestige
a ranked group, often associated with a certain occupation, in which membership is determined at birth and marriage is restricted to members of one's own caste.
a class of people who do not own their own labor or the products thereof
the granting of freedom to a slave
the belief, without scientific basis, that some "races" are inferior to others
Gender Roles
roles that are culturally assigned to genders
Gender Stratification
the degree of unequal access by the different genders to prestige, authority, power, rights, and economic resources
Primary Subsistence Activities
the food-getting activities: gathering, hunting, fishing, herding, and agriculture
Secondary SubsistenceActivities
activities that involve the preparation and processing of food either to make it edible or to store it
Sexually Dimorphic
A marked difference in size and appearance between males and females of a species
Bride Price (or bride wealth)
A substantial gift of goods or money given to the bride's kin by the groom or his kin at or before the marriage.
Bride Service
Work performed by the groom for his bride's family for a variable length of time either before or after the marriage
Children of siblings of the opposite sex. One's cross-cousins are the father's sisters' children and mother's brothers' children.
A substantial transfer of goods or money from the bride's family to the bride
The rule specifying marriage to a person within one's own group (kin, caste, community)
the rule specifying marriage to a person from outside one's own group (kin or community)
Extended Family
A family consisting of two or more single-parent, monogamous, polygynous, or polyandrous families linked by a blood tie
Incest Taboo
Prohibition of sexual intercourse or marriage between mother and son, father and daughter, and brother and sister; often extends to other relatives
Indirect Dowry
Goods given by the groom's kin to the bride (or her father, who passes most of them to her) at or before her marriage
A custom whereby a man is obliged to marry his deceased brother's wife
Marriage between only one man and only one woman at a time
Nonfraternal Polyandry
Marriage of a woman to two or more men who are not brothers
Nonsororal Polygyny
Marriage of a man to two or more women who are not sisters
Nuclear Family
A family consisting of a married couple and their young children
Parallel Cousins
Children of siblings of the same sex. One's parallel cousins are the father's brothers' children and the mother's sisters' children.
A custom whereby a woman is obliged to marry her deceased sister's husband
A category of people who happen to fall within a particular, culturally distinguished age range
a group of people of similar age and the same sex who move together through some or all of life's stages
Ascribed Qualities
Those qualities that are determined for people at birth
An organization group not based exclusively on kinship or territory
Affinal Kin
One's relatives by marriage
Ambilineal Descent
The rule of descent that affiliates individuals with groups of kin related to them through men or women
Avunculocal Residence
a pattern of residence in which a married couple settles with or near the husband's mother's brother (uncle in law)
Bilocal Residence
A pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near either the husbands parents or the wife's parents
Consanguineal Kin
One's biological relatives; relatives by birth
a bilateral set of close relatives who may be called upon for some purpose
a set of kin whose members trace descent from a common ancestor through known links
The rule of descent that affiliates individuals with kin of both sexes related to them through women only
Matrilineal Descent
The rule of descent that affiliates individuals with kin of both sexes related to them through women only
Matrilocal Residence
A pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's parents
a unilineal descent group in a society that is divided into two such maximal groups; there may be smaller unilineal descent groups as well
Neolocal Residence
A pattern of residence whereby a married couple lives separately, and usually at some distance, from the kin of both spouses
Patrilineal Descent
the rule of descent that affiliates individuals with kin of both sexes related to them through men only
Patrilocal Residence
A pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near the husband's parents
a plant or animal associated with a clan (sib) as a mean's of group identification; may have other special significance for the group