1950's and 1960's Study Guide

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Economic Impacts

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Economic Impacts

Gross national product (GNP), which measured all goods and services produced, skyrocketed to $300 billion by 1950, compared to just $200 billion in 1940; by 1960, it had topped $500 billion, firmly establishing the united states as the richest and most powerful nation in the world

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Social Impacts

Because of World War II, we saw the roots of the civil rights movement, the women's rights movement, widespread college education, and health insurance benefits

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Political Impacts

Following the close of ww2, a wave of anti-communist sentiment swept the united states, called the red scare and sometimes McCarthyism, after senator joseph McCarthy; this tidal wave of anti-communism peaked between 1947 to 1953

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9% at the beginning of the ’50s, and 90% of all households had TVs by the end of the ’50s. 500 Tv shows by the ’60s. Most popular shows, News, Kid’s shows, comedies, variety shows, talk shows, and Westerns. Glorified the role of the housewife, and glorified violence. Sold Tv dinners and magazines that advertised different channels at store checkouts.

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Rock & Roll

A way for teens to express themselves, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Elvis were big artists of the ’50s. Most rock artists were African Americans, while the majority of the consumers were White. Was considered rebellious by the older generation.

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Beat Culture

The Beats were a group of young people that came of age in the 1950's and rejected the traditional society of 1950. They spoke out against racism, war, and consumerism while they embraced drug use and homosexuality.

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Family Dynamics

During the 1950s and 1960s, family dynamics in the United States were largely characterized by traditional gender roles and a focus on the nuclear family. Men were typically the breadwinners, while women were expected to stay at home and take care of the children and household. Divorce rates were relatively low, and extended families often lived close to one another and provided support. However, this era also saw the beginning of social and cultural changes that would eventually lead to more diverse family structures and roles.

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The Company Man

A term used to describe a person who is completely dedicated to their job and puts their work above everything else in their life. This person is often seen as a workaholic and may sacrifice personal relationships and hobbies for their career.

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The Homemakers

A group of activists in the 1960s and 70s fought for recognition of unpaid household work as a valuable contribution to society. They aimed to challenge the gender roles of the time and advocated for better working conditions, wages, and benefits for homemakers.

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Allowed students to stay in school and have an allowance. Became the new consumer base for consumer industry. A most famous example of a teenager was James Dean.

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A residential area on the outskirts of a city, characterized by single-family homes, manicured lawns, and a relatively low population density.

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White Flight/Urban Renewal

Millions of white Americans left the cities for the suburbs

Isolated from other races/classes. Took economic resources, Cities could not keep up with the costs of public transportation, police, fire, and schools. Minorities had to live in dirty crowded slums. 1949: National Housing Act to provide a decent home and suitable living environment for every American family. Many families displaced

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Ads were focused on traditional gender roles, idealized families, and consumerism. Jingles and catchy slogans were popular.

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Planned Obsolences

Companies design products to break quickly or become obsolete to encourage sales

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Franchising increased after 1950 and offered Americans the opportunity to own a small business

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Automobiles/National Highway Act

The National Highway Act was passed in 1956, during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. It provided funding for the construction of a nationwide system of highways and interstate roads in the United States. Ralphs Nader’s testimony about unsafe automobiles helped persuade congress to establish safety standards for automobiles and tires

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Labor Unrest

4.5 million steelworkers, coal miners, and railroad workers went on strike. Rising prices and lower wage, Truman threatened to draft strikers

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Taft-Hartley act

A federal law passed in 1947 that restricted the power of labor unions and gave more rights to employers. It banned closed shop agreements and allowed states to pass right-to-work laws.

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Civil Rights

Created the President’s Commission on Civil Rights. Asked for a federal antilynching law, ban on the poll tax, and permanent civil rights commission. July 1948: Issued executive order for the integration of the armed forces

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1948 Election

Truman blamed for inflation and labor unrest. Southern Democrats formed the Dixiecrats after the civil rights platform (States Rights Democratic Party). Far-left Democrats formed the Progressive Party. In a stunning upset Truman Won and Democrats took control of Congress

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Fair Deal

Extension of FDR’s New Deal, Raised the minimum wage to 75 cents, Extended SS coverage to 10 million people, Initiated flood control and irrigation projects, Financial support for cities to build low-income housing units.

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Eisenhower’s Political Policy

Followed a middle of the road course wanted government to be conservative with money.

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I like Ike! & Use of Television

Truman’s approval rating plummeted after Korea and McCarthyism, Did not run in 1952. Eisenhower won 55% of the popular vote & Republicans took control of Congress. Had to deal with criticism of running mate Richard Nixon. Eisenhower followed a middle of the road course. Ads heavily influenced campaign.

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Red Scare Impact

One of the main impacts of the Red Scare was the suppression of civil liberties. Many people were accused of being communists or sympathizers, and were subjected to intense scrutiny and persecution.

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Lavender Scare

Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10450. Expanded Truman’s loyalty program to people with “sexual perversion”. McCarthy claimed gay men posed a threat to national security. Thought to be vulnerable to blackmail with weak moral character. Linked with the Red Scare by implying a psychological imbalance. Prevented gay men from serving in the military, backfired during the Vietnam draft, In effect until “Don’t ask, don’t tell” in 1995, repealed in 2017

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1960 Election

The 1960’s election was a very close fight. Nixon and Kennedy fought tooth and nail for every vote. Kennedy only one by .2%

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Domestic Policy

Kennedy's domestic policies align with liberal policies of FDR and Truman. More of his revolutionary ideas could not go through as many did not want to expand.

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Cuban Missile Crisis

13 days from start to finish \n - 6 days can also be an answer

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Berlin Crisis

June 1961: Khrushchev threatened to have all access roads to West Berlin closed. August 13, 1961: Khrushchev had East German troops form the Berlin Wall along West Berlin. Since separation, 3 million East Germans fled to West Berlin. Further aggravated tensions

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Easing Tensions with the Soviet Union

After two conflicts, Kennedy began looking for ways to tone down his hardline stance. 1963: Kennedy announced the hotline between the White House and Kremlin should another crisis arise

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New Frontier

  • Boost the economy: Wanted lower taxes, less unemployment (unemployment was too high for Kennedy’s liking around 6%). Increased minimum wage to $1.25 an hour and extended unemployment insurance. Increased government taxes didn't matter if the government was spending more than they were taking. Increased Social Security benefits.

  • Build national defenses: Gave the military a 20% budget increase for new Nuclear missiles, Nuclear submarines, and the expansion of the armed forces.

  • Provide international aid: The Peace Corps was a volunteer-based program that helped developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Central America. By 1968, over 35,000 volunteers had served 60 nations worldwide. The Alliance for Progress program invested $12 billion dollars in Latin American nations Between 1961 and 1969. To prevent Latin American nations from adopting Castro's communist ideals.

  • Fund space programs: New industries would be developed in California, Texas, Florida, New York, etc. Paved the way for new industries and technological advancements. During Kennedy’s administration Space research and development spending would increase by over 3 billion dollars.

  • Domestic issues: Unemployment was up to 6%, Trying to adjust to poverty, Civil rights movement trying to invest racial injustices in the South

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On Friday, November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated.

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1960’s LBJ Domestic Policy

Johnson's Great Society program encompassed movements of urban renewal, modern transportation, clean environment, anti-poverty, healthcare reform, crime control, and educational reform.

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1964 Election

Jonson’s opponent Barry Goldwater believed that the government had no right or right socio economic wrongs, Americans were in favor of LBJ’s idea. LBJ capitalized on Goldwater’s threat to use nuclear weapons in Vietnam and Cuba. Johnson won the election with 61% of the popular vote and Democrats increased their majority in Congress

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The Great Society

Jonson fueled an activist era in all three branches of government. 1973: The war on poverty helped decrease poverty from 21% to 11%. The massive tax cut spurred the economy, though funding initiatives contributed to the debt. Conservatives backlash helped a new group of Republicans rise to power (Reagan in California)

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The war on poverty helped decrease poverty from 21%-11%. LBJ made a massive tax cut that spurred the economy, but still continued to fund indicatives that contributed to the national debt. Backlash from conservatives created a new group of Republicans to rise to power

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Location of the Invasion of Cuba

Bay of Pigs

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King of Rock and Roll

Elvis Presley

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First American to walk on the moon

Neil Armstrong

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Low cost health insurance for the elderly


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Ruler in Cuba

Fidel Castro

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Republican Congress passed this to overturn rights won by unions

Taft-Hartley Act

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Kennedy was assassinated in this city

Dallas Texas

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This phrase was added to the Pledge of Allegiance to battle Communism

“Under God”

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Artists, poets, and writers who rejected 50s culture


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The idea of men conforming to the idea of going to work, doing his job as asked, white collar jobs

The Company Man

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Developing a product with reduced life

Planned Obsolesces

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LBJs opponent who favored use of nuclear weapons

Barry M. Goldwater

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Organization set up by Kennedy to help developing nations

The Peace Corps & The Alliance for Progress program

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Families moved to these areas located outside of the cities, men could easily commute to work

The Suburbs

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Cold War tensions increased after conflict in this European city


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The movement of white Americans to the suburbs

The White Flight

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JFKs wife who captured national attention for her fashion

Jacqueline Kennedy

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Six day panic over nuclear war

The Cuban Missile Crisis

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Government response to run down cities

National Housing Act

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Shot the man who was charged with assassinating JFK

Jack Ruby

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Southern Democrats separated to form their own party


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Campaign slogan by Eisenhower

“I like Ike!”

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Mass Produced homes

Housing Crisis

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Truman’s extension of the New Deal

The Fair Deal

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Generation of children born during the 50s, largest generation the country had seen

Baby Boomers

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First American in space

Alan Shepard

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Chief Justice who looked to reform the legal system

Earl Warren

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Became president after JFKs assassination

Lyndon B. Johnson

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Eisenhower's VP and JFK's opponent

Richard Nixon

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Provided financial aid to Latin America to deter Castro

The Alliance for Progress program

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LBJs vision for America

Tax reduction of $10 billion spurring economic growth. Lowered the budget deficit from 6 to 4 billion. July 1964: Civil rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination. August 1964: Economic Opportunity Act (EOA). Approved $1 billion for youth programs, anti poverty measures, small business loans, and job training programs

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JFKs attorney general, investigated racial injustice

His brother Robert Kennedy

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Popular TV genre during the 50s. Ex: I Love Lucy, Honeymooners

Sitcoms and Comedies

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Kennedy's vision for a new America

Focus on domestic issues such as, the Economy, National Defense, International Aid, Funding Space programs

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Newly defined stage of life in between childhood and adulthood. Began rebelling


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Women were asked to leave the workforce and stay home conforming to this social ideal


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Panic over gay men in the government

Lavender Scare

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Charged with assassinating JFK

Lee Harvey Oswald

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First human in space

Yuri Gagarin

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Hosted a popular variety show during the 50s

Ed Sullivan

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JFKs Religion


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Provided veterans home loans and education

GI Bill

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Expanded the rights of people accused of crimes

Warren court

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He threatened use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam and Cuba

Barry Goldwater

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Part of LBJ's agenda to prohibit discrimination

Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Name of LBJ's vision for America

The Great Society

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Eisenhower popularized the use of this medium


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Eisenhower looked to modernize this during the 1950s


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Eisenhower passed an executive order that began targeting this group

Gay men

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What did JFK say when he arrived in Berlin

Ich bin ein Berliner \n " I am a citizen of berlin"

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Failed Invasion of Cuba

Bay of Pigs

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Truman saying implying he would not pass the responsibility off to someone else

The Buck Stops Here

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Which political party won control of congress in the 1946 midterm election


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He was rebel without a cause

James Dean

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He authored many books on how to raise children during the baby boom

Dr. Spock

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This became a housing development filled with mass produced homes


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JFK was an expert ______ prompting many Americans to take classes

Speed reader

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