All the vocab from the summer assignment
Paleolithic Era
200 BCE Period of human prehistory distinguished by the original development of stone tools (prehistoric tech)
Agricultural Revolution
400 BCE When people switched from nomadic lifestyles to settling down. (foundation for population growth, economic shift, towns growing) NEW STONE AGE
Pastoral Society
1500-700 BCE People who live a semi-nomadic lifestyle while still being caretakers of agricultural animals
2100-1500 BCE Derived from Greek: '“The rule of the father” refers to social system that men control society, commonly using inheritance
600 CE A religion that uses a caste system, in which you must move up in each life based on a point system (polytheistic: ‘multiple gods’) (uses upanishads)
800-400 BCE Sacred texts composed by anonymous thinkers from 800-400 BCE, used by hinduism to base beliefs and for worship
Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)
400 BCE Teacher of Buddhism, went on journey to eliminate desire (obtained/reached nirvana)
Theravada Buddhism
6TH CENTURY “Teaching of the elders” A form of buddhism where buddha is considered a wise teacher, but not divine PRACTICE>BELIEFS
Mahayana Buddhism
COMMON ERA “Great Vehicle” development of buddhism in centuries of the common era, where supernatural beings have big roles, and the buddha is considered divine.
Bhakti Movement
600-1300 CE Means “worship/devotion”, began in South India moving northward between 600-1300 CE, identification with particular devotion to god through song, prayer, or ritual (spiritual/social movement)
206 BCE Chinese philosophy made by Confucius moral examples of superiors as key element of social order
Han Dynasty
206-220 BCE Chinese Dynasty emerged after Qin, political and cultural patterns established, lasted to 20th century
6th Century BCE Chinese philosophy that consisted of the simple life involving nature, founded by Laozi. Carefree lifestyle: “who knows whats good or bad”
9th century BCEMonotheistic religion (first of many) from the middle east=Hebrew (social justice)
Jesus of Nazareth
9th-6th century BCE A man who died for his teachings (started christianity) ,was jewish
Saint Paul
9th-6th century BCE Christian messenger who spread the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
181-203 CE Christian who refused to have any faith towards Roman gods and emperor, died for her religion. Was an inspiration for many other christians then and now
The Prophet Muhammad
570-632 CE born in Mecca, prophet who decided to preach his new ideas. Founded Islam, considered the messenger for the gods
Holy text of Islam, written by Muhammed, considered the words of god.
7th century Islam community brought together by belief and nothing else
7th century Sumi and Shia, invented core teachings of islam (many serve as teachers/scholars)
700 CE The law of islam, taught ideas of politics, economics, ect. “a path to water” (sharia means justice)
7-8th century CE Islamic colleges to teach the meanings of the religion. High class and very formal
800-1000 CE Islamic faith that believed in practice, such as meditation and spiritualization
Silk roads
200 BCE-1200 CE Trade routes on land linking china and the mediterranean. Named because silk was commonly traded on this specific route
Sea roads
1500 CE Largest sea trading route in the world before 1500 CE. Stretched to China all the way to East Africa
Sand roads
1200 CE Trans-saharan trade route from West Africa to China, as well as from the Mediterranean to North Africa