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What is a tort?
a civil wrong that gives rise to an injury or harm (other than breach of contract)
Tort law limits
how people act and use their resources
Types of Torts
intentional, negligence, strict liability
Intentional Torts
deliberate action that causes injury or harm
the desire to bring about certain results
the plaintiff has to prove that the defendant intended to perform the act that caused the harm
Types of Intentional Torts
infliction of emotional distress
invasion of privacy
false imprisonment
malicious prosecution
injurious falsehood
tortious interference
placing another in immediate apprehension for their physical safety
touching of another without consent (does not require physical injury)
Additional Battery Elements
Did the defendant touch the plaintiff?
Was the touching intentional?
In what manner was the touching being done? In an offensive or harmful manner?
Infliction of Emotional Distress
outrageous, intentional conduct that carries a strong probability of causing mental distress to the person at whom it is directed (must show physical symptoms)
Invasion of Privacy
using a person’s name or likeness for personal gain/use
intrusion upon a person’s solitude
public disclosure of highly objectionable private information
False Imprisonment
intentional unjustified confinement of a nonconsenting person (buzzword is ‘detained’)
Malicious Prosecution
causing someone to be arrested criminally without proper grounds (false arrest)
Trespass to Land
entering another’s land without consent or to remain there after being asked to leave
Trespass to Chattel AKA Personal Property
when someone uses personal property without permission or otherwise interferes with the owner’s possession of personal property
wrongful exercise of power and control over personal (nonland) resources that belong to another
can be temporary or permament BUT must be a substantial or a serious invasion of property
defendant’s actions have rendered an item valueless to its rightful owner
Difference between Conversion and Trespass?
key difference is the degree of interference
publication (saying to a third party) of untrue statement about another that hold up that individual’s character or reputation to ridicule
spoken defamation
written defamation (including radio or tv)
What are the defenses to Defamation?
truth, privileged communication
Is the news media held to the same standard for defamation?
very hard to sue the media for defamation, have to show malic or complete disregard for the truth
intentional misrepresentation of a material fact that is relid upon someone to their injury
Fraud is both a tort and a crime
Injurious Falsehood
publication of untrue statements that disparage the business owner’s product or its quality
Difference between defamation and injurious falsehood
defamation is regard to character or reputation, injurious falsehood applies to a product
unreasonable bejaviour that causes injury
Elements of Negligence
Duty of Care
Breach of Duty
Causation in Fact
Proximate Causation
Actual Injury
Duty of Care
a responsibility to another person to exercise reasonable care and skill to avoid causing injury or harm
Standard of Care
Ask: what would a reasonable person do under the same or similar circumstances?
Is there a Duty owed for non-conduct
there is no duty owed to someone through non-conduct
Exceptions for non-conduct
special relationships: created a duty to take action and makes someone liable for their unreasonable non-conduct
Is the Standard of Reasonableness the same for everyone?
in most negligence cases the standard of reasonableness is that of a reasonable person
negligence of a professional is called
Breach of Duty
occurs when a person’s conduct fails to meet an applicable standard of care
Willful and Wanton Negligence
an aggravated level of negligence that is happening as a result of extreme lack of due care
How does Foreseeability come into play?
you cannot have a breach of duty if the danger is not reasonably foreseeable
Causation in Fact
before a person is liable to another for negligent injury, the person’s failure to use reasonable care must actually have caused the injury
But For Test
But for the act of the defendant, would the injury have occured?
Substantial Factor Test
The jury must determine whether the defendant’s conduct is a substantial, material factor in bringing about the injury
What happens when more than one person is responsible for someone’s injuries?
depends on the state, would be joint and several liability or pure several liability
How would be apply joint and several liability?
could make one person pay all of it, make them split equally, or split inequally however you want
Joint and Several Liability
the plaintiff can recover the amount of the judgement entirely from either of the defendants or get a portion of the judgement from each
Pure Several Liability
some states hold a defendant liable for only the portion of damages the jury believes that individual actually caused
Proximate Causation
Also known as Legal Cause. People engaged in an activity are only liable for the foreseeable risk that they cause
Do we have a foreseeable plaintiff?
Could the defendant expect the plaintiff to be a person who could be injured due to their their negligent act?
Do we have a foreseeable consequence or harm?
Did the defendant directly cause the injury?
Intervening Cause
Causes of injury that intervene between the defendant’s negligence and the plaintiff’s injury can destroy the necessary proximate causation
Actual Injury
A plaintiff in a negligence case must prove a legally recognized harm. It’s not enough that the defendant simply failed to use reasonable care.
Contributory Negligence
if the plaintiff is even partially at fault, ten the plaintiff cannot recover
Comparative Negligence
if the plaintiff is partially at fault, then damages will be apportioned according to fault
Asumption of the Risk
The plaintiff cannot recover if the plaintiff:
had knowledge of the specific risk
voluntarily assumed that risk
Strict Products Liability
Commercial Seller who sells an unreasonably dangerous defective product that causes injury of the product is strictly liable
Punitive Damages
awarded by courts to punish defendants for intentional torts and for negligent behavior considered “gross” or “willful and wanton”