CYS 593: Smart Grids final

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What is the purpose of using application whitelisting in a cybersecurity context?

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What is the purpose of using application whitelisting in a cybersecurity context?

To permit only known good applications to run on a system, minimizing the need for frequent security updates.

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What does DLP stand for, and what is its significance in Smart Grid security?

DLP stands for Data Loss Prevention. It monitors and protects sensitive data from unauthorized exfiltration attempts.

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Identify a key security measure that is particularly important for protecting SCADA servers.

Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (HIPS) are critical for detecting anomalies and performing deep packet inspection.

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Which industry was primarily targeted by the Shamoon malware?

The Oil Industry.

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What is the primary function of Network Behavior and Anomaly Detection (NBAD) tools in cybersecurity?

To analyze network behavior to detect and block anomalous activity indicative of potential cyber attacks or breaches.

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Why is securing endpoints like field devices and SCADA servers important in a Smart Grid environment?

Protecting endpoints is crucial to prevent operational disruptions and security breaches in the Smart Grid.

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What is a critical consideration when implementing security controls in a Smart Grid?

Ensuring security controls are compatible with endpoint limitations and do not compromise the reliability and availability of the Smart Grid.

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Describe the type of cyber attack that involves multiple failed login attempts followed by a successful one.

A brute force attack, indicating systematic password guessing.

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What is the primary role of grid operators in the Smart Grid ecosystem?

The primary role of grid operators in the Smart Grid ecosystem is to operate, maintain, and develop the transmission and distribution systems and their interconnections, ensuring the long-term ability to meet demands for electricity transmission and distribution. Grid operators include Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

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Which standard is focused on facilitating exchanges of information between control centers in the Smart Grid?

IEC 60870-6 is focused on facilitating exchanges of information between control centers in the Smart Grid.

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Describe the major issue faced by Zurich Insurance related to third-party handling of data.

Zurich Insurance faced a major issue when a subcontractor lost an unencrypted backup tape containing personal data on 46,000 policyholders during transfer to third-party storage. This incident highlighted the failure of Zurich UK to ensure effective systems and controls for customer data security in outsourcing arrangements.

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Which entity advises the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on standards for Smart Grid interoperability and cybersecurity?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) advises the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on standards for Smart Grid interoperability and cybersecurity.

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What type of standards are NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) requirements classified as?

NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) requirements are classified as mandatory standards enforced by regulators.

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What are the challenges of assessing third-party suppliers in the Smart Grid ecosystem?

Challenges of assessing third-party suppliers in the Smart Grid ecosystem include the resource-intensive nature of assessing each supplier, the multiplicative effect of having many suppliers and subcontractors, the need for annual assessments that leave gaps for potential security lapses, and the difficulty of supporting multiple assessments from various customers.

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What is the focus of IEC 62351 in the context of the Smart Grid?

The focus of IEC 62351 in the context of the Smart Grid is to address the cybersecurity of the communication protocols defined by other IEC standards.

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Why is outsourcing in the Smart Grid ecosystem a significant risk?

Outsourcing in the Smart Grid ecosystem is a significant risk because it extends beyond primary contractors to subcontractors, and outsourcing work does not transfer the associated risks. This can lead to financial and reputational impacts due to third-party security failures, as seen in high-profile data loss incidents.

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What is the role of energy regulators in the Smart Grid ecosystem?

The role of energy regulators in the Smart Grid ecosystem is to regulate energy networks to protect end customers, promote competition, ensure cybersecurity, enforce compliance with standards like NERC CIP, and impose penalties for non-compliance. They prioritize securing energy supplies and investments in networks, climate change, sustainable development, and support for vulnerable customers.

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What approach is commonly used to manage security in third-party relationships within the Smart Grid?

The common approach used to manage security in third-party relationships within the Smart Grid is to conduct annual security assessments of third-party suppliers and subcontractors, despite the limitations of potential security lapses during the year. Future initiatives aim for real-time, continuous assessment, and the importance of standards and certifications is growing.

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What is the primary aim of the principle of minimal disclosure in data collection?

The primary aim of the principle of minimal disclosure in data collection is to minimize the risk of damage in the event of a data breach by collecting only the necessary personal data.

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What is a key focus area of the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT)?

A key focus area of the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) is to analyze and respond to control systems-related incidents, providing support and situational awareness.

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In network security, what concept involves allowing only pre-approved operations?

In network security, the concept involving allowing only pre-approved operations is called whitelisting.

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What is a significant aspect of the security challenge for the Smart Grid?

A significant aspect of the security challenge for the Smart Grid is integrating and improving existing security tools while simplifying them for widespread use and embedding them in the grid infrastructure.

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What does the Smart Grid primarily focus on with respect to consumer data?

The Smart Grid primarily focuses on the privacy and security of consumer data, ensuring it is used only for specified purposes and with explicit consumer consent.

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What is the aim of the Sophia project in the context of Smart Grid security?

The aim of the Sophia project in the context of Smart Grid security is to monitor SCADA component interactions and alert on deviations from approved interactions, enhancing network traffic whitelisting.

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Which type of technology is being adapted to protect specialized use cases within the Smart Grid?

Technologies like firewalls, VPNs, and advanced chip-level protections are being adapted to protect specialized use cases within the Smart Grid.

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Which type of legislation mandates the notification of security breaches involving personal information in several U.S. states?

Legislation in several U.S. states mandates the notification of security breaches involving personal information.

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What does continuous improvement in Smart Grid security primarily aim to counteract?

Continuous improvement in Smart Grid security primarily aims to counteract the ongoing efforts of attackers to circumvent security controls.

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What is the main objective of ISA 62443 Group 1 (ISA 62443-1-x) within the ISA 62443 standards series?

The main objective of ISA 62443 Group 1 is to standardize terminology, references, metrics, and models to establish fundamental baselines for other groups within the ISA 62443 standards series. It provides a consistent framework for secure Industrial Automation and Control System (IACS) implementation.

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Identify the specific aspect of information security products that FIPS 140-2 validates.

FIPS 140-2 validates the implementation and use of cryptographic modules in cyber assets or systems. It focuses on the integrity of cryptographic elements like keys, secure hash standards, random number generators, and message authentication.

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Describe the level of assurance and evaluation approach provided by EAL 1 in the Common Criteria framework.

EAL 1 in the Common Criteria framework offers basic assurance with limited security target analysis and public domain vulnerability assessment. It provides a functional and straightforward approach to validate that security features are implemented as intended.

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Explain the focus of the ISA 62443-3-x group in the ISA 62443 standards series.

The ISA 62443-3-x group focuses on cyber security technologies, assessment and design methodologies, and security requirements and assurance levels. It provides detailed information on network zones, conduits, risk assessments, and a catalog of security controls for IACS.

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Which document is notable for its comprehensive approach to security vulnerability assessment in the petroleum industry, and who published it?

The document notable for its comprehensive approach to security vulnerability assessment in the petroleum industry is published by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association (NPRA).

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What is the main goal of the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) in the context of compliance standards?

The main goal of the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) is to normalize controls to a common "compliance taxonomy." This helps organizations comply with multiple regulations, reducing duplication of efforts and costs.

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Discuss the focus area of FIPS 140-2 Level 2 in terms of security validation.

FIPS 140-2 Level 2 focuses on ensuring physical data inaccessibility, even via disk drive removal. It provides more stringent controls to safeguard cryptographic integrity against physical tampering.

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What is the role of a Security Target (ST) in the Common Criteria evaluation framework?

In the Common Criteria evaluation framework, a Security Target (ST) defines the scope of evaluation during the certification process. It guides the evaluation and indicates what has been assessed post-evaluation.

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What is the primary purpose of the Common Criteria standards in the realm of cyber security?

The primary purpose of the Common Criteria standards is to certify security products. This framework validates that specific security controls are properly specified and implemented.

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Describe the primary focus of the 62443-4-x group within the ISA 62443 standards.

The primary focus of the 62443-4-x group within the ISA 62443 standards is on the secure development of IACS components. It includes guidance for component design, planning, code development, review, and testing against network aberrations and anomalies.

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What is the primary goal of business continuity management?

The primary goal of business continuity management is to ensure that an organization can continue its essential functions during and after a disruptive incident. This involves maintaining resilience and the ability to quickly recover and resume normal operations.

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Identify a non-essential element in a business continuity program.

A non-essential element in a business continuity program could be cosmetic improvements to office spaces. While they may improve employee morale, they do not directly contribute to business continuity.

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What should be included in annual training for business continuity?

Annual training for business continuity should include training on roles and responsibilities, emergency response procedures, and the use of continuity facilities. It should also involve exercises and tests to evaluate and improve preparedness.

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Define 'resilience' in the context of business continuity.

In the context of business continuity, 'resilience' refers to the organization's ability to adapt and respond to disruptions, maintaining essential functions and quickly recovering to normal operations. This involves both proactive planning and reactive measures.

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What is the main focus of crisis management in business continuity?

The main focus of crisis management in business continuity is to deal with disruptive incidents immediately following an emergency response. It provides guidance on quickly developing an organized, systematic response to maintain some level of continuity.

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Within what timeframe should a business continuity plan be operational after activation?

A business continuity plan should be operational within 12 hours of activation. This ensures that essential functions can continue with minimal disruption.

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What is the purpose of conducting an internal audit in business continuity management?

The purpose of conducting an internal audit in business continuity management is to evaluate the performance of the BCMS and ensure it aligns with management expectations and standards like ISO 22301. It helps identify areas for improvement and ensures compliance with the business continuity plan.

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What does a 'Business Impact Analysis (BIA)' help to identify in business continuity planning?

A Business Impact Analysis (BIA) helps to identify critical business functions and the impact of their disruption. It assesses the potential consequences and helps prioritize recovery efforts.

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Name an activity that is not part of the business continuity governance process.

An activity not part of the business continuity governance process could be routine office maintenance. This does not directly contribute to the governance of business continuity plans and procedures.

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What does 'maximum tolerable downtime (MTD)' refer to in business continuity?

'Maximum tolerable downtime (MTD)' refers to the maximum amount of time an organization can tolerate the disruption of a critical business function. It is a key parameter in planning recovery strategies.

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In the context of business continuity, what does 'hardening' refer to?

In the context of business continuity, 'hardening' refers to making systems and processes more resilient to disruptions. This can involve measures like enhancing security, redundancy, and backup capabilities.

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What is a key task performed by a crisis management team?

A key task performed by a crisis management team is to provide overall leadership and coordination during a crisis. This includes allocating resources, setting priorities, and resolving conflicts to manage the incident effectively.

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What is one of the goals of business recovery/restoration?

One of the goals of business recovery/restoration is to resume normal operations as quickly as possible after a disruption. This involves implementing recovery plans and restoring critical business activities.

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What is a characteristic of good business continuity metrics?

A characteristic of good business continuity metrics is that they help senior managers quickly see the performance of response and recovery solutions. They should convey important information and focus on performance rather than just activities.

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