aesthetic (adj.)
concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty (49%)
undermine (v.)
to damage or weaken the foundation; sabotage (49%)
profound (adj.)
having great depth or insight (45%)
refute (v.)
to prove false; overthrow by argument (45%)
skeptical (adj.)
doubtful; disbelieving (45%)
ambivalent (adj.)
having mixed feelings (44%)
hostile (adj.)
unfriendly; having ill will (44%)
condemn (v.)
to express strong disapproval of (40%)
assert (v.)
to confidently make a statement (38%)
nostalgia (n.)
a longing for the past (38%)
pretense (n.)
a false appearance or action intended to deceive (38%)
cynical (adj.)
wary of people's motives; believing people are selfish (36%)
obscure (adj.)
unclear; hard to perceive (36%)
convention (n.)
accepted tradition or practice (35%)
contempt (n.)
a feeling that someone is inferior or worthless; scorn (33%)
foster (v.)
to bring up; nurture (33%)
pragmatic (adj.)
practical; concerned with usefulness in the real world (33%)
revere (v.)
to regard with respect and awe (33%)
anecdote (n.)
short personal story (31%)
disparage (v.)
to speak of someone in a disrespectful way; belittle (31%)
exemplary (adj.)
perfect; worthy of following (31%)
substantiate (v.)
to support with proof; verify (31%)
trivial (adj.)
of little significance or value; unimportant (31%)
depict (v.)
to represent in words; describe (29%)
indifferent (adj.)
having no concern; uncaring; apathetic (29%)
anthropology (n.)
the study of humans and society (27%)
futile (adj.)
useless or ineffective; having no useful result (27%)
indignant (adj.)
filled with anger and resentment (27%)
reconcile (v.)
to settle or resolve; to unite (27%)
sarcasm (n.)
a cutting, ironic remark to mock something (27%)
abstract (adj.)
theoretical; difficult to understand (25%)
advocate (v.)
to support a cause or position (25%)
ambiguous (adj.)
unclear; open to interpretation (25%)
eccentric (adj.)
weird or odd; having a wacky personality (25%)
implausible (adj.)
hard to believe; unrealistic (25%)
intemperate (adj.)
having no self-control; reckless and wasteful (25%)
plausible (adj.)
believable; credible (25%)
rhetoric (n.)
the art of using language effectively and persuasively (25%)
rigorous (adj.)
extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate (25%)
subtle (adj.)
difficult to detect or describe (25%)
temperate (adj.)
having self-control; exercising moderation (25%)
archaeological (adj.)
related to the study of people and their history (24%)
arrogant (adj.)
having a sense of superiority or self-importance (24%)
complacent (adj.)
self-satisfied to the point of being unconcerned (24%)
embellish (v.)
to make beautiful; to decorate (24%)
evoke (v.)
to bring forth or call to mind, especially feelings (24%)
immodest (adj.)
lacking humility or decency (24%)
modest (adj.)
humble (24%)
prudent (adj.)
wise in handling practical matters; having good judgment (24%)
suppress (v.)
to put an end to forcibly; bring under control (24%)
vindicate (v.)
to clear from accusation, blame or suspicion (24%)
deride (v.)
to treat with ridicule or contempt (22%)
diligent (adj.)
hard working (22%)
disdain (v.)
to treat with contempt; despise (22%)
empathy (n.)
an understanding of another's situation and feelings (22%)
erroneous (adj.)
mistaken (22%)
fundamental (adj.)
basic; elementary (22%)
improvise (v.)
to invent or perform with no preparation (22%)
mundane (adj.)
everyday and dull; boring (22%)
naive (adj.)
showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment (22%)
superficial (adj.)
shallow; having no depth of character (22%)
whimsical (adj.)
playful and fanciful; imaginative; childlike (22%)
alleviate (v.)
to relieve from pain (20%)
antagonize (v.)
to cause someone to become hostile or unfriendly (20%)
bolster (v.)
to support or build up something (20%)
capricious (adj.)
impulsive and unpredictable (20%)
convoluted (adj.)
complicated or confusing (20%)
digress (v.)
to stray from the main topic (20%)
diminish (v.)
to make smaller; to reduce (20%)
dispute (v.)
to argue about; debate (20%)
dubious (adj.)
having doubts; undecided (20%)
eloquent (adj.)
having persuasiveness and expressiveness as a communicator (20%)
indulge (v.)
to give in to desires excessively, esp. with food or drink (20%)
precedent (n.)
an earlier case or event that is now considered a guide for similar cases (20%)
reprehensible (adj.)
blameworthy; terrible (20%)
resilient (adj.)
able to withstand difficulty; flexible (20%)
satire (n.)
the use of humor, exaggeration, or irony to mock something or someone (20%)
underscore (v.)
to emphasize (20%)
vulnerable (adj.)
open to injury or attack; lacking protection (20%)
amiable (adj.)
friendly (18%)
astute (adj.)
wise; shrewd (18%)
benevolent (adj.)
kind; charitable (18%)
bewilder (v.)
to confuse or baffle someone (18%)
coherent (adj.)
clear and logical; makes sense (18%)
commend (v.)
to praise someone (18%)
elite (adj.)
considered to be superior or the best (18%)
generalization (n.)
a general statement based on specific cases (18%)
impetuous (adj.)
acting or done quickly without thought or care (18%)
negligent (adj.)
failing to take proper care in doing something (18%)
phenomenon (n.)
a remarkable event/situation that is observed to exist (18%)
presumption (n.)
having a particular attitude or assumption as a basis (18%)
reticent (adj.)
quiet and reserved (18%)
scorn (n.)
contempt; hatred; feeling that someone is worthless (18%)
scrutinize (v.)
to examine or inspect closely and thoroughly (18%)
somber (adj.)
gloomy and sad (18%)
tyranny (n.)
cruel and oppressive government or rule (18%)
acquire (v.)
to buy or obtain for oneself (16%)
aspiration (n.)
a hope or ambition of achieving something
augment (v.)
to make something greater by adding to it (16%)
avid (adj.)
having a deep interest in or enthusiasm for something, esp. a hobby (16%)