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64 Terms
John F. Kennedy (JFK)
35th President - youngest man ever elected & first Catholic; won election by NARROW margin over Nixon; inspired HOPE in all Americans; assassinated in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963
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Robert F. Kennedy
Attorney General of the US; he was JFK's younger brother and trusted advisor
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Kennedy / Nixon Debate
Kennedy seemed cool & appealing, spoke to people - Nixon looked sickly, sweaty and uncomfortable
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Worries about Kennedy during 1960 election
He was too young, inexperienced, and Catholic
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Was the name of a popular Broadway musical about King Arthur who fought to make things right -- "Camelot" came to represent the energetic, idealistic image of the Kennedy White House
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Why were many of Kennedy's proposals defeated in Congress?
He did NOT have a strong mandate to push them through
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Public endorsement of a candidate's proposals -Kennedy did NOT have this b/c he won by slim margin; LBJ did have this, he won by a landslide
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3 Goals of Kennedy's New Frontier
(1) Improve the economy / cut taxes
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(2) Fight poverty / provide aid to the poor
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(3) Speed up the space program
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**He gave Americans HOPE for a better future
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Strategies JFK used to improve relations between US and developing countries
Peace Corp & Alliance for Progress
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Peace Corps
Federal programs established to send AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS to help developing nations around the world to raise their standard of living - would help them resist communism
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Alliance for Progress
Program set up by JFK for the US and cooperating nations to send money to LATIN AMERICA in an attempt to help them resist communism
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Berlin Crisis
Soviet leader Khrushchev tried to bully Kennedy (wants US out of Berlin) - Kennedy responds by building up the US military - Khrushchev responds by building the Berlin Wall
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Why did USSR build the Berlin Wall?
Built by the Soviets in order to prevent the EAST GERMANS from fleeing to West Berlin for freedom
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Bay of Pigs Invasion - who planned it?
Eisenhower - he approved plans for the CIA to train Cuban exiles as guerillas to invade Cuba
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Bay of Pigs Invasion - what happened?
1,400 Cuban exiles invaded Cuba on April 17, 1961
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Bay of Pigs Invasion - goal?
To overthrow Fidel Castro, the communist leader of Cuba
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Bay of Pigs Invasion - outcome?
The mission failed miserably - Kennedy's administration humiliated - Cuba gov't turned to USSR for protection from the US
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Cuban Missile Crisis
The confrontation between the US and the USSR that brought them to the brink of a nuclear war
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What event started the Cuban Missile Crisis?
American spy plane discovered Russian missile sites being placed in Cuba
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4 options Kennedy had in handling the Cuban Missile Crisis
1) Do nothing & avoid immediate war
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2) Attack and destroy missile site
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3) Diplomatic pressure to remove missiles
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4) Naval blockade (quarantine)
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How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?
Kennedy set up a naval blockade - Soviets backed off - Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba - US agreed not to invade Cuba
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Results of Cuban Missile Crisis
US promised to remove their missiles from Turkey, US & Soviets signed Limited Test Ban Treaty, US & Soviets establish "hot-line" for future crises
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Nikita Krushchev
Soviet leader (1953-1964) during Berlin crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He and JFK signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, temporarily easing Cold War tensions
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Direct telephone line between US & Soviets that was set up after the Cuban missile crisis; direct line of communication between JFK & Khushchev
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Effect Cold War had on NASA
US was losing the space war to the Soviets, US spent a lot of money on NASA and on science & math education in schools
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JFKs goal for NASA
To land a man on the moon before 1970
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Limited Test Ban Treaty
An agreement between the US & Soviets, and 40 other countries, not to test nuclear weapons above ground; result of Cuban missile crisis
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November 22, 1963
President Kennedy was shot and killed
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Why did Kennedy's assassination deeply affect Americans?
He represented hope for a better future
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Magic Bullet Theory
Theory by Warren Commission that one bullet caused wounds in both Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally, who sat in the front seat of the presidential limousine
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Lee Harvey Oswald
Ex-Marine & communist sympathizer who killed JFK in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 - he was murdered two days later by Jack Ruby
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Jack Ruby
Night club owner who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, he was suspected of having ties to Mafia
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What was the Warren Commission?
A committee that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy
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Findings of Warren COMMISSION
Determined that Oswald acted alone; 3 shots from the book depository
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Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)
Vice-president to JFK; became the 36th president after Kennedy's assassination; reelected in 1964; domestic policy called the "Great Society"
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Great Society
Johnson's domestic policy - series of legislative issues that included major poverty relief, education aid, healthcare, voting rights, conservation, urban renewal & economic development (his programs were a continuation of JFKs New Frontier plans)
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Criticism of the Great Society
It spent too much money on the poor and it gave too much authority to Fed. gov't
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Equal Pay Act of 1963
Law that required both men and women to receive equal pay for equal work
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Civil Rights Act of 1964
A federal law that made discrimination illegal in voting, public places, schools and jobs
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VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)
Federal program to send volunteers to help people in poor communities in the U.S.; includes Head Start pre-school program to help kids from low income families
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Federal program that provides health insurance for Americans 65 and older
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Federal program that provides health insurance to poor Americans of any age who cannot afford it
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Immigration Act of 1965
Law that abolished immigration quotas and increased the number of immigrants allowed into the US
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What is the Warren Court?
Supreme Court named after Chief of Justice Earl Warren during JFK's presidency - he overturned many old laws & rulings & established new legal procedures
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5 matters supported by the Warren COURT
Rights of the accused, voting rights, the poor, civil rights, religious freedom
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Warren Court decision about the way seats in a legislative body are distributed among electoral districts
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Baker v. Carr
Voting districts must be based on population - "one person, one vote"
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Engel v. Vitale
Public schools can't require a school prayer because it defies separation of church and state
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Mapp v. Ohio
Police required to have specific warrants in order to make arrests
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Miranda v. Arizona
Criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination
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Miranda Rule
Ruling by the Warren Court that police must inform persons accused of a crime their legal rights
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Why LBJ won 1964 election by a landslide
He ran against Barry Goldwater who threatened to use nuclear weapons (think of Daisy commercial)
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How did Johnson continue Kennedy's plan to eliminate poverty in the US
He pushed to pass JFKs anti-poverty programs, such as the Economic Opportunity Act (including Head Start & VISTA)
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Relationship between Warren Court & Great Society
Both dealt with the rights of the poor & disadvantaged
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Similarities between the New Frontier (JFK) & the Great Society (LBJ)
Both focused on civil rights and helping the poor and elderly (believed federal gov't should help the less fortunate with their economic & social needs)
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Differences between the New Frontier (JFK) & the Great Society (LBJ)
LBJ had a strong mandate in Congress and was able to get laws passed - JFK did not; LBJ focused on domestic policy, JFk more on foreign
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Panama Canal Zone
Controlled by the US since early 1900's; in 1964, nationalist rioted & demanded US give up control - Panama President and LBJ negotiated treaties
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Invasion of Dominican Repbulic
Attacks on Dominican Republic gov't by rebels. LBJ said it was fueled by Communists - sent 22,000 marines. Gov't & marines took control, attack over, provisional US gov't set up in 1965