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the inhabitants of the Louisiana territory
Why were the French and Spanish settleres upset
they were being moved from one nation to anohter without consideration for their own wishes
What was inexplicable to Jefferson
The reason why Louisianians believed that French or Spanish sovereignty (despite the fact they were absolutest) was more like minded to their easy going way of life than the rebulican overbearing Americans.
How did Jefferson prevent anything from going wrong/any anti-american demonstrations?
He sent troops to the scene
How did the French prevent anything bad from happening?
They organized a fete in New Orleans the day of hte transfer from 3pm-9am. lots of dancing
What were the three nations
America, France, Spain
rulers of each nation and their wine
USA Jefferson: Maderia
SPAIN King Charles IV: Malaga
FRANCE (french republic): Bonaparte: Pink and white champagne
Did the plan to preserve peace work?
What did the government of Louisisana rest on?
Not on the consent of the governend, rather on their indifference
Who managed the affairs of the territory?
A governor and council appointed by himself. Promised (in accordnace with the formula approved by all imperialist powers) a form of government was to be prepared for the inhabitants
What kind of government was prepared for the inhabitants?
âone as mild and free as they are able to bearâ
Jefferson didnât worry about Louisianaâs soverginity until
a swarm of americna pioneers had prepared the French and Spanish residents for the necessary change.
Jefferson found no difficulty in making his choice by
weighing the national interest against constitutional propiety.
How many years has it been since the purchase
150 years
What is the authorâs opinion on Jefferson
a great statesman as well as a master politician
Jefferson was surpiresd when
Livingston and Monroe told him they got an empire instead of a city. But he accepted the issues without hesitation
federalists issues
their remaining power was in deep shit. NE part of the country, where they were the strongest and most rich, now had competition with the Newly owned port of New Orleans. In addition, they didnât like how southern and western lands would not have the same sectional commonalities
mix of people in louisisna territory
free slaves
african americans
white people
who were they worried about adding in to the united states?
The non-anglo, non-english speaking catholics. aka the french.
They were worried that they would answer to the pope rather than the president.
Anticatholic sentiment in the US was present if unspoken in the 1800s
Governance Acts 1804-05
Outlaws the internation slave trade and stated that as soon as the Territory of Orleans had 60,000 free residents it could petition for state hood
This precluded the constitational due date of 808
Southerners were happy because this appreaciated the value of their slaves
What is the boarder of the terrirory
Missisippi river, red river, rocky mountains
How many states came out of this
Napoleons sold us Louisisana in 1803 because
Needed to finance their war with Britain
Napoleonic wars: british, prussia, russia
Losing Hati to a slave revolt. They used Hati as a gateway to New Orleans
independence in 1791-1804
American encroachment was innevitable
Hinterlands had low perceived land value
why did we want the LT
We wanted New Orleans for the western part of the country to transfer and recieve goods
There is no stopping the americans from entering LouisianaâŚ
they were coming, they were american, it is inevitable
What were a huge issues with this purchase
It was unconsitutional + Jefferson was a âstrict constructionalistâ
Federalist (anglo/protestnat/pro-british) saw this act of giving the French all this money was awful and it competes with their NE ports
A bunch of Native Americans, catholic, and slaves were down there
Offers for LT
2 million fro New ORleans
France says no, 10 million. But for a mere 5 million more you get the rest of the land (3-4c per acre)
15 million for whole purchase
who negotiated the LP
Livingston and Monroe
geography of LT
Great plains- a bunch of dead grass
Rocky mountains- largest mountain range in US/ contential divide
Red river
Mississippi river- father of water/great river
Louisiana Delta-port of orleans and gulf of mexico; silt and fertile shit
Lewis and clark expedition 1804-1806
Hired to travel from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean
Scientific/Trade expedition
Took rivers: Misissippi, Missouri, Yellowstone, Snake, Colombia
@fort Mandan they met Sacajewea and her French Husband
shashonee, hidasta, mandan
instrumental in translations, trade, safe passage
When they reached the pacific ocean, they made claims for Pacific NW/Oregan territory and established Fort Clatsop
Only one man died early from apendicitis
Corps of Discovery
Zebulon Pike
explore SW LT. Found Pikes Peak CO, never climbed it just named it.
He wandered into Spanish territory and arrested in 1807 but eventually released. War sabers were rattling, they knew about the Burr conspiracy.
Bro found out more from inside the prision than actually travelling
Essex Junto
Small elitest group of Federalists NE
Concered about anti-british policies
do not like all the new people
mad about feds power waning
think it will lead to the fall of the country just like ROme
Threatened secession from 1800s-1812
unable to be explained
political system in which a single ruler was in complete power
like-minded of plesant and pleasing qualities
assertive in an overly domineering way
to prevent or obstruct
uneasy feelings or problems
extending power through diplomacy/military force
conforming to socially acceptible ideals
convience with the sacrifice of morals and informalities
wandering without a purpose
deeply shocking