Murdock (1949) Functions of the family
Stable satisfaction of sex drive
Reproducing the next generation
Primary socialisation
Meeting its members’ economic needs
Criticisms of Murdock
Functionalist neglects conflict and exploitation
Feminists - family serves the needs of men and oppress women
Marxists - family meets the needs of capitalism
Talcott Parsons (1955)
‘Functional fit’ theory - the functions of different family types will ‘fit’ the needs of the society in which it is found. Family had to adapt to meet the needs.
Nuclear family fits modern industrial society
Extended family fits pre-industrial society
Geographically mobile workforce
Socially mobile workforce
Loss of functions
Inheritance of property
Private property
Ideological functions
Eli Zaretsky (1976) Marxist perspective
A unit of consumption
Criticisms of Marxist Perspective
Liberal feminism
Marxist feminism
Radical feminism
Difference feminism
Personal life perspective (Criticisms)
Personal life families
Nordqvist and Smart (2014)
Criticisms of personal life perspective