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ars nova in france
“new art” coming from new rhythmic innovations
created the duple division, and divided the semibreve into minimus, introduced syncopation
ars nova notation (rhythm division and impact of notation)
long, breve, semibreve, triple divison, duple division, minims
mensuration symbols indicate divisions of time, ancestors of time signatures
music in now permanent and unambiguous thanks to new notation
jacques de liege
published speculum musicae
defended old music and opposed modern ars nova
characteristics of ars nova motet
extends notre dame clausula practice
became longer and more complex
tenor moves slowly as the foundational structure
includes hocketing (two voices rapidly alternating) and isorhythm (duple rhythm)
2 recurring elements elements
talea: repeating rhythmic segment
color: recurring segment of melody
guillaime de machaut
leading ars nova composer and poet
compiled his complete works and discussed methods
motets and masses of machaut
many are isorhythmic and include hocketing, longer and more rhythmicly complex
masses are isorhythmic, song like, chant tenor, and homophonic, and had more imperfect consonances
monophonic and polyphonic songs in the era of machaut
formes fixes: ballade, rondeau, virelai (all add refrain to a stanza)
chansons: treble dominated and treble carries melody, 1-2 untexted voices may be added
ars subtilor
later 14th century polyphonic songs, more elevated style and notation, fascinatino with technique and new extremes, professional performers and courtly audiences
ars subtilor and rhythm/notation
different vertical combinations, voices may have different meters, beats subdivided in many ways, chains of syncopations, harmonies are blurred through rhytmic disjunctions
italian trecento music
secular polyphonic music, largest surviving body of italian music at the time, 14th century italian poetry
squarecialupi codex: source for secular polyphony after 1330
14th century madrigal
2-3 voices all singing the same text without accompaniment, idyllic/pastoral/satirical/love poem,
ritornello: closing pair of lines different music and meter
caccia and ballata
caccia: popular style melody in strict canon for 2 voices, free untexted tenor moving slower, caccia means the hunt, describing the animated and lively content
ballata: later than madrigal and caccia, influence of the treble dominated chanson style, meant to accompany dancing, 2-3 voices
francesco landini
leading composer and musician in trecenta and ballate, lots of 3rds and 6ths and mostly stepwise, less mellismatic, smoother in pitch and rhythm than machaut
14th century manuscripts and performance practice
manuscripts left a lot unspecified, musica ficta to avoid tritone and create cadences