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Process of hypothesis testing
Formulate an hypothesis: What do you expect?
Check study characteristics and variables: Sampling procedure, (experimental) design, measurement levels
Descriptive analyses: What are the sample characteristics, how are the relevant variables distributed (inc. M and SDs)?
Inferential analyses: Test a relation or differences, including a check of the model diagnostics.
Interpret and report results: Report your findings in APA style.
Formulate an hypothesis
RQ: Is class size associated to academic performance?
x predicts y →Class size is associated with study performance
Positive association: Higher x predicts higher y (and vice versa)
→ Average performance increases when class size increases
→ Average performance decreases when class size decreases
Negative association: Higher x predicts lower y (and vice versa)
→ Performance is typically better in smaller classes
→ Performance is typically worse in larger classes
Check study characteristics and variables
RQ: Is class size associated to academic performance?
Cross-sectional study → across randomly selected schools in the Netherlands
Class size: Measured as the average class size in a school
→ Predictor
→ Quantitative
Academic performance: School’s average grade on a standardized test
→ Criterion (outcome)
→ Quantitative
Descriptive statistics
Univeriate descriptives describe single variables
Shape: bell-shaped (skewed/uniform/bimodal)
Location: Mean (Median/Mode)
Scale: Standard deviation (SD) or Variance (min/max)
Scatterplots visualize the association between response (y) and explanatory (x) variables:
Every dot is an observation
Inspect: Is a linear model (𝑦ො = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑥) appropriate to describe the association?
I.e.,does fitting a straight-line make sense?
Yes? We can use Least square estimation to estimate the linear prediction equation.
→This is the best straight line, falling closest to all data points in the scatterplot.
The linear prediction equation
y = a + bx
y = predicted criterion value
𝑎 = y-intercept → Expected Y value when x = 0
𝑏 = slope →Average change in y for a one-unit increase in x
Association between response (y) and explanatory (x) variable can be
Positive (𝑏 > 0): → Higher values of x tend to coincide with higher values of y
Negative (𝑏 < 0) → Higher values of x tend to coincide with lower values of y
Non-existing (𝑏 = 0) →no association between x and y
Least square estimation of linear model
This is the best straight line, falling closest to all data points in the scatterplot
b is positive when low x values often coincide with low y-values, and high x-values coincide with high y-values
b is negative when low x-values coincide with high y-values, and high x-values coincide with low y-values
Interpreting the regression parameters
RQ: Is class size associated to academic performance?
x = Class size
y = Academic Performance
AP = 6.072 + 0.068*CS
𝑎 = 6.072
→ Expected academic performance when for schools with an average class size of 0 is 6.072
→ Extrapolation beyond the data: NOT meaningful!
𝑏 = 0.068
→ Schools with larger classes on average perform better!
→ For each 1-student increase in average class size, academic performance is on average 0.068 higher.
Interpreting the magnitude of regression coefficient b
Caution: We typically cannot use b to interpret the strength of the association between x and y!
→ b depends on the scale at which x and y are measured e.g., a unit increase in seconds is much less than a one-unit increase in hours
Solution: Inspect the effect size (a scale-free measure of association)
Rules of thumb for interpretation: 0 < negligible < .10 ≤ small < .30 ≤ moderate < .50 ≤ large
Some facts about 𝑟:
r is always between -1 and 1
r has the same sign as b:
r < 0 when b < 0; 𝑟 = 0 when b = 0; r > 0 when b > 0
𝑟 = -1 or 1 when x predicts y perfectly: There are no residuals
Predictions are not perfect: Predicted scores and residuals
Variations exists around predicted scores y
y = a + bx → y = a + bx + e
Predicted scores differ from observed scores by e (residual)
→ Vertical distance between observed y and predicted y
Some positive, some negative but on average 0
We can use these residuals to determine how well the model performs in predicting y
Variation on the regression model
For any model we discuss in this course, we can distinguish three types of variation:
Total variation in Y: Total Sum of Squares: TSS = ∑ (𝑦 − 𝑦ത)2 (observed - mean)
Also named ‘marginal variation’
Variation in Y that is not explained by the model Sum of Squared Errors: SSE = ∑ (𝑦 − 𝑦ො)2 (observed - predicted)
Also named ‘conditional variation’
Variation in Y that is explained by the model: Regression Sum of Squares: RSS = ∑ (𝑦ො − 𝑦ത)2 (predicted - mean)
Note: SSE + RSS = TSS!
We can use these different ‘sums of squares’ to inspect how well our prediction model performs.
(Explained) Variation in the regression model
Another measure of effect size is R2
For simple regression, R2 is the square of Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r)
R2 expresses the proportional reduction in error from using the prediction equation instead of the sample mean y to predict y
Better understood as the ‘proportion of variation in y that is explained by the model’.
Rules of thumb for interpretation: 0 < negligible < .02 ≤ small < .13 ≤ moderate < .26 ≤ large
R2 falls between 0 and 1
R2 = when b is 0: The predictor variable has no explanatory power
R2 = 1 when the model predicts y perfectly
The larger R2, the better the model predicts y
Inferential statistics
Using sample data to make inferences about population parameters
We cannot confirm any hypotheses, but we can falsify → By inspecting the probability of finding b (or r) when the null hypothesis (H0) were true
HA: β ≠ 0 (if directional: β > 0 or β < 0)
→There is an association between class size and performance
→ Same as saying population r ≠ 0 or r2 = 0
H0: β = 0
→ There is no association between class size and
→ Same as saying population r = 0 or r2 = 0
Inferential statistics: Two options to test hypothesis
Check the significance of b using the t-statistics
Check the significance of r2 using the F-statistic
Based on the t- of F-statistic determine the p-value → What is the probability of finding a result this extreme, when the H0 were true
F = t2: Both options yield the same conclusion
Inferential statistics: Decision making
Four scenarios are possible, depending on our decision and the condition of the H0.
2x erroneous decision (which we want to avoid)
2x correct decision
Type 1 error rate: Probability of rejecting the H0 when the H0 is true
Determined by the selected 𝛼-level. → In our research area (and this course) we typically use 𝛼 = .05 (5%)
If observed p-value < 𝛼 : Reject H0
Type 2 error (𝛽): Probability of not rejecting the H0 when the H0 is false
Determined by:
The strength of the association (or difference) in the population
The sample size of the study
The selected 𝛼-level
→ There is a trade-off: The smaller the selected Type 1 error rate, the larger the obtained Type 2 error rate!
Assumptions of the linear regression model
For valid conclusions, the following assumptions should hold
Analyses are based on random sample → representativeness (crucial)
The relations between y and x is linear → functional form (crucial)
The conditional variance around b is equal for all x → homoscedasiticity of residuals (other estimators available)
The conditional variance of y for all x is normal → normal distributed residuals (large sample size important: central limit theory)
Results of the Linear Regression Model
A Model Summary table: Provides information about the proportion of variation in y that is explained by the model
An ANOVA table: Provides information about the decomposition of the variation in Y and the significance of the model.
A Coefficients table: Provides information about the regression parameters (a and b)
Some tables (here the model summary and coefficients table) include information about two models:
H0: The null hypothesis model (here, not including Class Size as predictor)
H1: The alternative hypothesis model (here, including class size as a predictor) → Our focus!
Coefficient table shows:
The constant (intercept, a) is 2.99
This is the predicted academic performance (𝑦ො) in schools with a class size (x) of 0.
Note. for the H0 model, the intercept is 6.48. Which is the average academic performance in the sample (𝑦ത).
The coefficient for ClassSize (b) is 0.18
The coefficient is positive. When class size increases by 1 student, we expect academic performance to be 0.18 higher.
The t-statistic for ClassSize is 3.54
Calculated as b/se = 0.18/0.05
With df = n – 2 = 400 – 2 = 398, this yields p < .001.
→statistically significant (when using 𝛼 = .05).
The coefficient for ClassSize thus differs significantly from zero
We can reject the H0 that class size and academic performance are not related (H0: 𝛽 = 0).
The standardized coefficient (𝑟 or 𝑏∗) is
For a 1 SDs increase in class size, we expect school’s academic performance to increase by 0.17 SDs.
This is considered a small effect size.
The ANOVA table shows:
RSS (Regression sums of squares) = 24.60
Variation in y that is explained by the model.
df1 = p = 1
Thus: MSR = 24.60 / 1 = 24.60
SSE (Sums of squared errors [residuals]) = 781.24
Variation in y that is not explained by the model.
df2 = N – 2 = 400 – 2 = 398
Thus: MSE = 781.24 / 398 = 1.96
TSS (Total sum of squares) = 805.84
Note that: TSS/(N-1) = 805/399 = Total mean square = 𝑠2 = 2.02 = 1.422 = variance in 𝑦 𝑦
The F-test for ClassSize is 12.53
Calculated as MSR/MSE = 24.60/1.96
With df1 = 1 and df2 = 398, this yields p < .001
→statistically significant (when using 𝛼 = .05)
The model thus explains a significant portion of variation in academic performance.
Note. For simple regression, 𝐹 = 𝑡2: 12.53 = 3.542
MSR: How much variation is explained per (additional) predictpr in the model?
MSE: How much variation can on average be explained by each additional predictor that we, given the sample size, could potentially add to the model
F = ratio of the two. When F > 1: the additional predictor(s) explain more variation in y than is expected from any randomly selected predictor(s)
The model summary shows:
𝑅2 is .03
Calculated as SSR/TSS = 24.60 / 805.84
Thus: About 3% (a small portion) of the variation in academic performance across schools is explained by class size.
Note. R (the square root of 𝑅2) is 0.17, which is the same as the standardized coefficient: The correlation coefficient.
This only holds for simple regression!