Alfred Adler
Personality, Individual, inferiority, overcompensation, birth order
Mary Ainsworth
Development, strange situation, attachment
Gordon Allport
Personality, trait, cardinal, central
Solomon Asch
Social, conformity, lines study
Albert Bandura
Personality, reciprocal determinism, Social, Bobo, Learning, Observational
Diane Baumrind
Development, parenting styles
Aaron Beck
Abnormal, depression, cognitive triad, attributional style
Alfred Binet
Intelligence, 1st intell test, mental age, Stanford, Binet
Paul Broca
Neuro, broca’s area, speech
Walter Cannon
Emotion, Cannon
Raymond Cattell
Noam Chomsky
Cognition, theory of language acquisition, LAD, nature
Mary Cover Jones
Learning, desensitization, Peter and rabbit
Charles Darwin
History, evolutionary, natural selection, Motivation, instincts
Dorothea Dix
Treatment, humane hospital reform
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Cognition, remembering and forgetting, forgetting curve
Paul Ekman
Emotion, universal facial expressions
Albert Ellis
Treatment, Cognitive, Rational Emotive Therapy, cognitive restructuring
Erik Erikson
Development, Psychosocial stages, discontinuous
Hans Eysenck
Personality, factor analysis, trait, Treatment, effectiveness (2/3)
Leon Festinger
Social, cognitive dissonance, boring task/lie study
James Flynn
Intelligence, Flynn effect, increase in scores, health, nutrition, schools
Sigmund Freud
Personality, Psychosexual stages, id, ego, superego, defense mechanisms, consciousness, repression, Dreams, Wish fulfillment, Treatment, psychoanalysis
John Garcia
Learning, classical conditioning, taste aversions, Garcia effect
Howard Gardner
Intelligence, Multiple Intell (8, linguistic, visual, naturalistic, music…)
G. Stanley Hall
History, 1st APA president
Harry Harlow
Development, cloth mom monkeys, touch
Ernest Hilgard
Consciousness, hypnosis, dissociative theory, hidden observer
Personality, temperaments, humors
Karen Horney
Personality, neo, Freudian, womb envy
William James
History, functionalism, Emotion, James, Lange theory
Carl Jung
Personality, Analytic theory, temperaments, collective unconscious
George Kelly
Personality, Personal construct theory
Lawrence Kohlberg
Development, Morality, stages, discontinuity
Wolfgang Kohler
Learning, insight theory, Perception, gestalt principles
Elizabeth Kubler
Ross, Development, stages of death and dying
Latane & Darley
Social, bystander intervention, diffusion of responsibility, altruisim
Elizabeth Loftus
Cognition, memory, confabulation, misattribution effect, misinformation effect
Konrad Lorenz
Development, imprinting, critical periods, Motivation, instinct theory
Abraham Maslow
Motivation, Maslow’s hierarchy, Humanist, Personality, Holistic Dynamic theory
Master’s & Johnson
Motivation, sexual response cycle
David McClelland
Motivation, achievement, used TAT
Stanley Milgram, Social, Obedience to authority study, ethics
Walter Mischel
Personality, CAP theory, Impulse control, marshmallow test (emotional intelligence)
Ivan Pavlo
Learning, classical conditioning, contiguity model
Jean Piaget
Development, cognitive development stage theory, nature, discontinuity
Robert Rescorla
Learning, contingency model
Carl Rogers
Personality, ideal, actual self, UPR, Therapy, empathy, active listening, true potential
Testing, projective, inkblot
David Rosenthal
Social, “bloomer study’ self fulfilling prophecy
Julian Rotter
Personality, Social Learning theory, internal, external locus of control
Stanley Schacter
Emotion, Schacter, Singer 2 factor theory, cognitive
Martin Seligman
Learning, learned helplessness, depression
Hans Selye
Stress, general adaptation syndrome
Muzafir Sherif
Social, contact theory, superordinate goals
BF Skinner
Learning, operant conditioning, Cognition, language acquisition, nurture,
Treatment, behavior modification, token economy
Charles Spearman
Intelligence, factor analysis, ‘g’, ‘s’, general and specialized intell
George Sperling
Cognition, sensory memory test
Roger Sperry
Neuro, split brain, epilepsy
Robert Sternberg
Intelligence, triarchic theory (analytic, creative, practical)
Louis Terman
Intelligence, Terman’s termites, Stanford, Binet IQ test, formula, nature
EL Thorndike
Learning, instrumental, law of effect, cat puzzle box
Edward Tolman
Learning, latent, cognitive maps
Walter Triplett
Social, group influence on performance, Social facilitation and impairment
Hermann Von Helmholtz
Sensation, vision, Young, Helmholtz trichromatic theory
Lev Vygotsky
Development, zone of proximal development, sociocultural, nurture
John Watson
Learning, Little Albert, aversive conditioning, father of behaviorism
Sensation, difference threshold theories, Weber’s law
David Wechsler
Intelligence, created IQ tests, WISC, WPPSI, WAIS to include adults
Carl Wernicke
Neuro, Wernicke’s area, verbal comprehension
Benjamin Whorf, Cognition, linguistic relativity hypothesis
Joseph Wolpe
Treatment, developed Cover, Jones’s systematic desensitization
Wilhelm Wundt
History, structuralism, 1st psych lab
Robert Zajonc
Emotion, cognition and affect, mere exposure
Philip Zimbardo
Social, Stanford Prison experiment, social roles