New Right
Highly influential on social policy
NR agree with functionalists
that the nuclear family is the best fit for society
State that within a family
Mum should be housewife providing socialisation and the dad out being the breadwinner.
This allows
Child to be better socialised especially as had both male and female role models.
What new right sociologist says..
Murray states, ‘Changing policies surrounding divorce and benefits has led to a decreasing moral standard’
Family diversity threatens the traditional nuclear family unit.
If one person..
in the household does not work and relies on benefits the next generation will think it is acceptable to rely on benefits creating a cycle of social problems. NRT say this because of changing moral standards/policies and increased family diversity.
It is not a single parents fault they are in the situation they are in, through choice or no fault of their own.
Oakley, ‘family is patriarchal new right ideology overlooks this.’
You can choose family
Family diversty is important
new right views are outdated
Stacey, ‘soon there wont be 1 dominant family type in society again.’
Chester says, ‘society has changed and family has adapted, more neo-conventional.’ However they still agree with ideology that nuclear family is the best fit
Family is not benefitable or practical
Tool to capitalism
Zartskey, ‘Men relieve their frustrations out on women this keeps the rich rich and the poor poor.’
What ideology explains family
The new right, as the nuclear family is the most dominant therefore it is the best fit.'
The increase in…
single parent, same sex and cohabiting families has occurred due to divorce rates being 42% so to say there is only one dominant type is wrong
What else has postmodernists argued
they have argued that family is fluid and flexible and that new right have overlooked this
New right counter argument
easy access to divorce and benefits has led to social decay and family structure changing
the new right blame victims, making people reluctant to seek help therefore they will suffer for longer.
Doesn’t support family diversity which just doesn’t work in todays modern world