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Italo-Byzantine: Madonna Enthroned on the Coloseeum
Buonaventura Berlinghieri: St Francis and scenes of his legend, 1234
Buonaventura Berlinghieri: St Francis implores the birds to silence
Cimabue, Madonna and Child with Angels, c. 1280
Pietro Cavalllini, Annunciation mosaic, Rome, S.M. in Trastevere
Pietro Cavallini, Last Judgment (central portion), Rome, Sta Cecilia, c. 1300
Pietro Cavallini, seated apostles from Last Judgment
Assisi, San Francesco, interior of the nave of the upper church
Assisi, upper church, St Francis Implores the Birds to Silence, c. 1290
Padua, the Arena Chapel, interior with frescoes by Giotto di Bondone
Giotto, Last Judgment, entrance wall of the Arena Chapel
Giotto, illusionistic room, Arena Chapel
Giotto, the Wedding at Cana, Arena Chapel
Giotto, the Lamentation, Arena Chapel
Giotto, Madonna Enthroned (the Ognisanti
Duccio di Buoninsegna, the Maestà (front), for Siena Cathedral
Duccio di Buoninsegna, the Maestà (back)
Duccio, Entry into Jerusalem, from the Maestà
Duccio, Crucifixion, from the Maestà
Simone Martini, Annunciation, for Siena Cathedral, 1330s
Simone Martini, Beato Agostino Novello with scenes of his miracles
Ambrogio Lorenzett, Presentation in the Temple, for Siena cathedral (c. 1340)
Ambrogio Lorenzett, Good Government, Siena town hall
Ambrogio Lorenzett, Good Government in the City
Ambrogio Lorenzett, Good Government in the Country
Pietro Lorenzetti, the Birth of Mary, for Siena cathedral
Buonamico Buffalmacco, The Three Living and Three Dead Princes, Pisa, Camposanto, 1340s
Nicola Pisano, Pisa Baptistry pulpit, 1260
Nicola Pisano, Nativity and infancy subjects, Pisa Baptistry pulpit
Giovanni Pisano, pulpit in S. Andrea, Pistoia, c. 1300
Giovanni Pisano, Nativity and other subjects, Pistoia pulpit
Giovanni Pisano, story of the midwives, Pistoia pulpit
Nicola Pisano and others, the Arca of St Dominic, Bologna
Giovanni Pisano, sculptures on the Siena cathedral façade (replaced with copies)
Giovanni Pisano, Mariah, sister of Moses, from the Siena cathedral façade
Arnolfo di Cambio, Madonna from Florence cathedral façade
Arnolfo di Cambio, pope Boniface VIII, from façade of Florence cathedral
Andrea Pisano, Baptism of Christ, from south door of Florence baptistry
Andrea Pisano, Sculpture, from the Campanile of Florence cathedral
Lorenzo Maitani, Scenes from Genesis, façade of Orvieto cathedral
Lorenzo Maitani, Fall of Man, Orvieto cathedral façade
Florence cathedral Plan by Arnolfo di Cambio (after 1279)
Arnolfo di Cambio (after 1279)
Florence cathedral from the air, with the baptistry and the campanile
Façade of Florence cathedral (19th C)
Interior of Florence cathedral; vaults by Francesco Talenti (14th C)
Florence cathedral, choir from the ballatoio
Florence, Sta Maria Novella (Dominican church); façade 15th C
Florence, Sta Maria Novella, interior of the nave
Florence, Sta Croce (Franciscan church) from the air
Florence, Sta Croce, interior (Arnolfo di Cambio)
(Arnolfo di Cambio)
Siena Cathedral façade (c. 1290), by Giovanni Pisano
Giovanni Pisano
Orvieto cathedral façade, by Lorenzo Maitani (early 14th C)
Lorenzo Maitani
Pisa, Sta Maria della Spina (14th C)
Milan cathedral (begun c. 1390)
Milan cathedral, interior of the nave
Burgos cathedral, west façade
Burgos cathedral, south transept façade
Burgos cathedral, lantern tower over the cimborrio
Leon cathedral, west façade
Cologne cathedral, west façade
Bamberg cathedral
Bamberg Cathedral, 'Disputing Apostles' from the east choir screen
Bamberg cathedral, interior looking west
The 'Bamberg Rider', later 13th C
Freiburg cathedral, interior of the nave (14th C)
Cologne cathedral, west façade
Cologne cathedral, exterior of the choir
Cologne cathedral, interior looking east
Naumburg cathedral from the air
Naumburg cathedral, choir screen
Naumburg cathedral, Last Supper from the choir screen
Naumburg cathedral, interior of the choir
Eckhardt and Uta, 'Founder' statues from the choir of Naumburg cathedral
Prague castle, the Vaclav hall: ribbon vaulting (late 15th C)
Bechyne, Franciscan church, 'cell vaults' or 'paper vaults'
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral from the southeast
Canterbury Cathedral, interior of the choir; architect William of Sens
Canterbury Cathedral, 'Becket's Crown', vault over the crossing
Salisbury Cathedral, façade: the Early English style
Salisbury Cathedral, bracing ('scissors') arches in the choir
Salisbury Cathedral, the chapter house
Salisbury Cathedral, vaults of the chapter house
Wells Cathedral, façade: completed in the 14th C Decorated style
Wells Cathedral, from the northeast
Wells Cathedral, interior of the nave
Wells Cathedral, scissors arches at the crossing
Wells Cathedral, complex pier in the nave
Wells Cathedral, capital in the nave
Wells Cathedral, interior of the chapter house
Lincoln Cathedral, interior of the nave
Lincoln Cathedral, 'fan vaults' of the nave
Lincoln Cathedral, illusionistic gallery in the choir
Gloucester Cathedral, choir and retrochoir in the Perpendicular style
Gloucester Cathedral, choir interior
Gloucester Cathedral, choir vaults
Westminster, chapel of Henry VII, exterior; the 'Late Gothic' English style
Westminster, chapel of Henry VII, interior
Westminster, chapel of Henry VII, vaults of the apse