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acute stress
fight or flight
ex: late for work and lost your keys, then stuck in traffic
episodic acute stress
live in state of tension due to recurring stress
ex: work on a poorly managed floor and everyday there
is a new crisis
chronic stress
stress over years
poverty, war, continual worry/anxiety
an event that creates tension and anxiety
how the person interprets the impact of the stressor
stress leading to personal growth is known as ___ while stress leading to illness is ___
eustress, destress
general adaptive syndrome (GAS)
alarm: CNS aroused, increased blood flow, HR, RR, BP
resistance: body stabilizes and responds in an attempt
to compensate for changes
exhaustion: prolonged stress causes breakdown of
coping mechanisms and illness
immune response
psychological response
cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage stress
adaptive: exercising, studying
maladaptive: drinking, drugs, eating
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
develops when a person experiences a traumatic event
resulting in intense fear/helplessness
commonly associated w/: anxiety, flashbacks, depression
neuman systems model
uses systems approach
based on the concepts of stress and reaction to it
roy’s adaptation model
a person has the ability to modify external stimuli to allow adaptation to occur
pender’s health promotion model
promoting health and managing stress
situational factors influencing stress/coping
personal changes (job, finances)
family changes (death, divorce)
maturation factors influencing stress/coping
vary across lifespan
sociocultural factors influencing stress/coping
environmental, social, cultural stressors
ex: acceptance of cultural expression
nursing stressors include…
patient load
acuity of care
lack of training
ethical/moral dilemmas
prolonged stress at work can lead to burnout
nursing burnout
a state of emotional exhaustion that results from the
accumulative stress of an individual’s life
risk factors: idealistic, perfectionistic, Type A
early stages: bad behavior towards coworkers/patients,
alcohol, absenteeism
later stages: medication/treatment errors, increased
infection rates
prevention: self care, time/stress management, goal
setting, identifying underlying problems, realizing early
ADPIE (assessment) stress
gather information
subjective perception of stressor (interview/history)
objective perception of stressor (elevated vitals)
ADPIE (diagnosis) stress
ineffective coping
risk for PTSD
stress overload
ADPIE (planning) stress
smart goals
pharmalogical (SSRI’s) and non-pharmalogical (deep breahing, meditation) interventions
ADPIE (implementation) stress
health promotion
stress management techniques
ADPIE (evaluation) stress
did patient accomplish goals developed during
planning phase?
does the plan of care need changed/discontinued?
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
how we THINK affects how we FEEL which affects how
an awareness of one’s inner self and a sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or some purpose greater than oneself
connecting to one’s inner self
ex: holding a new baby
intrapersonally connected to oneself, interpersonally connected to others, and transpersonally connected to higher power
belief in something w/o physical evidence
energizing source that encourages future outcomes and goals
religious care
helping patients maintain faithfulness to their belief system and worship practices
spiritual care
helps patients to identify meaning and purpose in life
spiritual distress
state of suffering due to impaired ability to integrate meaning and purpose in life through connectedness
caused by stress and near death experiences
ADPIE (assessment) spirituality
gather data regarding patient's faith history to reveal their beliefs about life, health, and a supreme being
listening, direct questions, spiritual well-being scale
ADPIE (diagnosis) spirituality
ineffective coping
complicated grieving
(risk for) spiritual distress
readiness for enhanced spiritual well being
ADPIE (planning) spirituality
smart goals
encourage patient to initiate social interaction with family and friends
ADPIE (implementation) spirituality
help patient use resources
mobilize hope
ADPIE (evaluation) spirituality
are they interacting w/ members of their support system?
do they express hope regarding their situation?