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mirrors the view of their districts
chooses what they believe is best
mix of delegate and trustee; typically follows the trustee model until their constituents push them towards delegate on certain issues
can be used only in the SENATE to stall a bill from being debated on, no time restraint yap
unrelated amendment added to a bill
prevents bill from being brought to the floor for debate (SENATE)
motion to stop debate on a bill and ends filibusters (requires 60/100 members) (SENATE)
unanimous consent agreements
agreement to set terms/rules before considering a bill, typically used to restrict debates or speed up the process (SENATE)
discharge petition
majority of the HOUSE can vote to force a bill out of committee and onto the floor for debate
committee of the whole
consists of the entire HOUSE, called to consider a specific bill with different rules than the regular House meeting in order to make it faster/easier to consider complex bills
standing committee
permanent, proposed bills go here first, where they are edited and marked up and either passed or killed (most bills die here)
joint committees
include both House and Senate, normally used for investigations or communicating with the public
select committees
temporary committees created in each house for a special reason
Conference Committee
temporary committees made from members of both house committees who wrote a bill in order to compromise differences between the version in order to pass the bill
pork barrel legislation
bills made by a representative to get funding/money to their home state
“if you vote for my bill i’ll vote for yours”
“power of the purse”
Congress has the power to create and pass the federal budget
discretionary spending
must be authorized by Congress and President every year (defense, education)
mandatory spending
does NOT have to be approved yearly (“entitlement programs” like Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare)
fiscal policy
taxing, gov spending, federal budget
changing number of seats in House of Reps
formal powers of president
ceremonial head of state, handles foreign policy, enforces laws, veto, appoint federal judges, SCOTUS justices, department secretaries, ambassadors to be approved by Congress, negotiates treaties that must be ratified by 2/3 of Congress, executive agreements (agreements between country leaders, do NOT have to be approved by Congress), commander in chief
informal powers of president
chief of party, bully pulpit, set legislative agenda, build morale, executive order
House impeaches (brings charges against) president by majority vote, Senate holds trial with Chief Justice
ensures that policies and programs created by Congress and executive branch are carried out and enforced
cabinet departments
work directly under the president, heads of these departments are part of the president’s cabinet
independent regulatory commissions
created to regulate some aspects of society (eg: FCC, FEC)
government corporations
created when there are services the government wants to offer to the public but the free-market is the best way to do it (eg: US Postal Service)
iron triangle
relationship between bureaucratic agencies, congressional committees, and interest groups
issue network
a close working relationship formed when issues affect many groups by pro/con coalitions of interest groups, Congress members, and bureaucrats