Steam engine
Was invented by Thomas Savery in 1698 and later improved by Thomas Newcomen in 1712
Revolutionized transportation by powering steamboats and locomotives, enabling faster and more efficient movement of goods and people across long distances.
Clipper Ships
Was invented by John Willis Griffiths in 1841
Fast sailing vessels that contributed to the transportation revolution by significantly reducing travel times for goods and passengers across the seas.
They were known for their sleek design, multiple masts, and ability to outpace other ships, making them crucial for trade and communication during the 19th century.
Erie Canal
Was invented by DeWitt in 1816
In New York State in 1825 was a major event in linking the economies of western farms and eastern cities
The success of this in stimulating economic growth touched off a frenzy of canal-building in other states.
National Road
A paved highway and major route to the west extending more than a thousand miles from Maryland to Illinois.
It was begun in 1811 and completed in the 1850s, using both federal and state money, with the different states receiving ownership of segments of the highway.