they follow a form that is set down, often led by a minister
this form of worship brings people together and allows them to worship God as a united community
often led by a minister who has recieved special training
the service will include readings from the bible and hymns based on the bible are often sung by the congregation
they are more traditional and follow a set pattern
when christians come together to worship God, such as in the celebration of the Eucharist
the Eucharist uses rituals such as processions and sacramental signs such as the bread and wine to symbolise the presence of Christ
priests or ministers are appointed to lead these
they recieve forgivness from God through the priest
they recieve the living presence of Jesus through holy communion
bible readings and rituals
there is no set order or ritual
they emphasis on the word of God in the bible
usually focused on bible readings and a sermon
faith is expressed in a variety of ways
christians can share personal interpretations of the bible
people can take an active part in church without formal training
depends on people’s spontaneous prayers
quaker worship is mainly silent
it is charismatic
To feel closer to God
a rosary - used to count prayers
orthodox christians use icons to aid prayer
it gives individual christians a pattern for how to pray
when used in private prayer, a christian is reminded that she or he must forgive others
it reminds christians that God is the Father of the whole community, not just the individual
it can bring a sense of unity when recited
holy communion
holy orders
the anointing of the sick
people say that they are too young to sin
it removes the original sin
everyone has a tendency to sin and needs salvation
they are welcomed into the church as early as possible
through the divine liturgy in the orthodox church - it recreates heaven on earth - hymns and prayers are said, there is a priest
the catholic mass - greeting from the priest of penance and praise
to feel closer to God and strengthen faith
express sorrows for sin and be forgiven
reflect on their lives
pray for something special or ask for a blessing
seek a cure for an illness
experience a holy place
a place of pilgrimage in the south of France dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus
Mary was said to have found a spring of water with healing properties
now many go to lourdes in hopes to be healed
mainly catholic pilgrims
an island off the west coast of Scotland dedicated to the virgin Mary
some people think that Iona is the veil between the spiritual world and physical world - a place where nature reveals God’s infinite power and presence (general revelation)
it is a place of silence and reflection and meditation and taking in the awe and wonder of God’s creations
multi-dimentional faith
the incarnation of Jesus - God became human flesh
light represents Jesus
it is seen as a time of good will and peace
the birth of Jesus
the day when Jesus rose from the dead and was resurrected
victory of good over evil
life over death
eggs symbolise new life
to proclaim that Jesus came so that the relationship between God and humanity was reconciled
christians argue that original sin was what broke the relationship first - but Jesus came to restore it
they try to follow the teachings of Jesus in working to relieve poverty
e.g the parable of the good samaritan, it teaches the importance of caring for others.
christians believe they should present Jesus to the world through helping the disadvantaged
CAFOD has worked with local experts in Syria and in neighbouring countries for over ten years, responding to the ongoing crisis. Most recently helping with the Turkey/Syria earthquakes
Most recently we have responded to the earthquake in Syria and Turkey with:
food baskets, hygiene kits, and non-food items such as blankets and mattresses, rehabilitation of water and sanitation units
rent assistance to families who have been relocated
direct support to our partners who have been directly impacted by the earthquake
medication for people with chronic disease and baby nappies and milk.
They try to provide a better quality of life for people in need
the body of christ among whom christ is present and active
a building in which christians may worship as a community
it provides help and shelter for disadvantaged people
it provides food - food banks
“for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink” - Matthew
they try to follow this principle
they have a role of stewardship
the church aims to spread the good news to non-believers that Jesus christ is the son of God and our saviour
the main aim of missionaries which involves evangelism is to persuade people to accept Jesus as their Lord and saviour
around 1.5-2.5 billion
up to a third of the world’s population claim to be some sort of christian faith
in 2010 there were nearly 1.1 billion catholics a big increase on the estimates 291 million in 1910
christians in 1899-1901 would go into China and force people to follow the Christian faith - they would also kill people of buddhist faiths or others