Unit 1 Knowledge Review (Biology 1-2 H)

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What are enzyme’s function?

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What was gone over in Pre AP/honors Biology 1-2.

19 Terms


What are enzyme’s function?

To speed up a chemical reaction in substrate.

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What is a monomer?

a molecule that can be bonded with other molecules to form polymer.

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What is monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide?

monosaccharide is one saccharide, disaccharide is two saccharide, and polysaccharide is more then two/many saccharide.

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What is substrate?

the substance that enzymes alter.

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Define an active site.

The site of the enzyme that catches/temporarily bonds with the substrate in order to speed up the chemical reaction.

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Define the word denature.

When an enzyme is affected by high/low temperatures, and/or high/low pH. This causes it to have difficulty bonding with substrates.

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What are the functions of lipids?

they store energy, control hormones, and cushion vital organs.

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What are the functions of nucleic acids?

they store and express genetic information.

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what are the functions of carbohydrates?

used to provide and store energy, and is part of the cell membrane.

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what are the functions of proteins?

They store energy, repair and build tissues, helps structure, function, and regulation of the body’s organs, and it copies and stores DNA.

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What are/is the monomer(s) of nucleic acids?


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What is the monomer of carbohydrates?


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What is the monomer of protein?

amino acids

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Which foods contain lipids?

meat, poultry, fish, seeds, nuts, and plant oils.

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Which foods contain nucleic acids?

Every living thing has these.

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What foods contain carbohydrates?

grains, vegetables, fruit, and dairy.

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Which foods contain protein?

poultry, fish, seafood, and dairy.

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How is the function of an enzyme affected by temperature?

Raising the temperature generally speeds up the chemical reaction, and lower temperature generally slows down the reaction. Above the specific temperature range, the enzymes begin to denature, resulting in less collisions with substrate.

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How is the function of an enzyme affected by pH?

When the charges of amino acids change, the enzyme changes shape due to it, though this shape may not be effective.

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