Used by large companies (banks, utility companies etc) for complex processing tasks.
Large powerful computers that can carry out many different tasks for many different people at the same time.
Connected to a large number of devices (printers, workstations etc
Personal computers – microprocessors do the calculations to make programs work on your computer.
Digital cameras – microprocessors control the flash, zoom and take the pictures etc
Home entertainment systems – control the display on machine, control output (music, video etc). takes signals from remote control
Desktops – Desktops have more space for components than laptops and provide user with option to upgrade and add components. Needs a peripheral device such as keyboard, mouse , screen, speakers to work. Can hold a lot of data. Is not mobile. Has to be plugged in
Laptops – has keyboard, screen, trackpad and speakers built in. Can recharge battery. Mobile and portable. Typically has less storage and processing capability. Smaller screen and keyboard.
Single-board computers – a single chip that is embedded in another device. Designed to control specific functions for devices - Not flexible. Much simpler than desktop. Might use in cameras, dishwasher, tv etc.
specialist phones
For specific target market eg partially sighted
Used for people who work in a challenging environment, waterproof, can withstand higher heats etc.
Mobile phones use a SIM card to connect to a mobile phone network.
The network uses the SIM card to identify the device.
Mobile phones send radio signals to the nearest mobile phone mast. (SIM is to mobile phone like IP and MAC address is to computer).
Can also use Wi-Fi to connect to a LAN network
Tablet screens are bigger than mobile phone screens.
Has a touch screen, apps and WIFI connectivity to provide access to the internet.
Some tablet devices have a sim card slot to allow internet connectivity when not in range of a Wi-Fi signal.
Records digital images or videos that can be stored and transferred to a computer.
Uses light sensors to capture images through the lens.
Allows zoom, picture or video capture, download to a computer (USB) view on TV (HDMI), SD card storage, Many have an LCD screen for viewing.
A computer that allows for games to be played on a TV.
Games are on a disc or are downloaded from the internet.
Peripheral controllers attached by wire or wireless. Some use motion sensors.
Combination of devices used for home entertainment
Tv – pixels moving on screen
sound systems (sonos) – can produce sound through speakers and amplifiers
Video recorder – records programmes to watch later
Bluray and DVD players – watch films
To play audio and video
Content can be downloaded or streamed (content is played as it downloads)
Can get content from network or directly from the internet.
Can also connect to other devices like TV.
Sat-nav use GPS to plan routes and give directions
Other functions include : checking your speed, live traffic reports, rerouting when there is traffic, warning about speed cameras and finding petrol stations.
users give commands to a device through the User Interface. E.g.,
Graphical user interface – controlled by pointer (mouse) on the screen controlled by pointer (mouse) on the screen and uses a screen made up of icons and menus.
Command line interface – users enter text instructions, and the computer system provides results or feedback as text. Commands must be typed precisely, since the interface only accepts certain commands.
Menu driven interface – displays a list of options as a menu. A list of options that are not flexible (only these options and no others)
Voice interface – allows user to give spoken commands. E.g. controlling a smart speaker (ok google, Alexa, Siri etc)
Gesture interface – allows the user to control the device by swiping their finger or fingers across the screen, or by pinching to zoom in or out.
A set of programs that act together to allow the hardware and the application programs to work.
Example; windows operating system, android on a mobile and also hardware drivers like printer software.
When you install a mouse it installs systems software that works in the background
Single user op- allows for a general user without customisation for different users. So, ring doorbell (one login and everyone accesses same account)
Network op- separates user accounts (multiple logins) to ensure that users cannot access each other’s files but provides access to shared storage and shared resources like printers
Stops other people from gaining access to your device.
Uses things like firewalls to stop unauthorised users from getting into the system.
Passwords to access applications.
Word, excel etc
Enables you to do complex work tasks such as word processing and spreadsheets
PowerPoint = presentations
Web browsers = access internet
Databases = contain records
Helps you to plan and track larger work projects. Can create various tasks with completion dates assigned to different people.
Could have a timeline.
Can track the order of tasks.
Free doesn’t mean free in price, it means the freedom to modify the source code and redistribute it.
Can be more flexible to customise the software but it may not be compatible with other software and you need to be an expert to be able to modify the code.
Gives users the right to study, modify, copy or distribute the program.
Volunteers make the source code available to everybody. Open office does word processing and spreadsheets like Microsoft. Sometimes have bugs in them and are not universally used.
Free of copyright and therefore available to anyone.
Costs nothing
Can modify the source code
With many authors it can mean that they share the development and refine it over time. But the downside is that no one owns it, so if anything goes wrong, it is not any one person’s fault.
Owned by the company that develops it (eg Microsoft office).
You have to pay to buy a licence to use it but there are normally limitations: if you buy a licence you cant put it on a friend’s computers because you paid for it on your own device not their’s. If you stop paying, you stop being able to use it.
If there are problems, they will issue a ‘patch’ to fix the bugs.
Allows either users to access devices or programs from another location.
Means you can be more efficient such as working from home.
Also means that the network manager can control other features centrally such as access restrictions and other security features such as firewall and anti-virus.
Why – extra features are added fixes bugs and vulnerabilities, more security, improving performance in general, increase compatibility with new operating systems.
How – small patches are delivered via internet or through physical means like a disc or USB.
compare inkjet and laser priners
cost per copy
colour printing
where used
home printing and photographs
high volume printing (offices)
Known as actuators.
Make something happen in the real world.
Examples : heaters, lightbulbs, buzzers, pumps
A storage device links to the storage media and access to the data on the media.
For example, a CD disk is the media which stores data, the CD drive reads the data on the disk.
Storage device = reader (CD player)
Storage media = contains data (CD disk)
the hard disk drive is the thing that reads the media
Hard disk drives contain hard disk media (the disks that hold the data).
It’s a storage device that reads flash memory media. No moving parts
Same as hard disk drive but reads flash memory instead of hard disk media
Based on electronic circuits
Uses flash memory – a type of electronically erasable programable memory (you can remove what’s on it and put new stuff)
Drawbacks are: more expense form of storage, more limited lifespan
Things like CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray
Read using a laser.
External – can be detached, secondary storage ,
Internal – inside the device(hard disk that plugs in,)
(different to internal hard disk)
DVD/CD player also
Made of platters which make a cylinder that spins on a central spindle. A read/write head moves on an arm across the platter. The amount of time that it takes depends on how fast the cylinder rotates. Normally 5400 rpm.
Holds a lot of data and is fast access (transfers files very quickly)
Stores everything on computer
Like the computer had cds in it
in a desktop or laptop computer there is usually a hard disk
Hard disk is a concentric disk made of platters
Spins on a spindle
A head moves across tracks on the platter to store data.
Optical media – things like CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray
Flash media – used in portable devices. More energy efficient since it doesn’t have moving parts. (SD card)
Devices that connect to a computer externally.
You could have a hard disk drive, solid state drive, optical disk drive
Attached to the device, rather than being stored internally
Can be taken away.
Could be a hard disk