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Alfred Adler
Neo-Freudian psychologist who believed that children experience “feelings of inferiority” and also that birth order affects one’s personality
Mary Ainsworth
Followed the work of Harry Harlow, studying attachment in children, and developed the “strange situation” experiment design; described secure and insecure attachment
Gordon Allport
Early personality theorist who developed a long list of personality characteristics he called traits; also developed the idea of self-esteem
Solomon Asch
Social psychologist who studied conformity; famous for his “line length” experiment
Albert Bandura
Social learning theorist famous for his “bobo doll experiment” and conclusions that much of learning is accomplished through observing others
Aaron Beck
Cognitive psychologist who studied depression and developed a scale for measuring depression
Paul Broca
Neuroscientist who has a region of the brain responsible for producing speech named after him
Raymond Cattell
Trait theorist in personality theory who developed the “16 Personality Factors” and 16PF personality measurement instrument
Noam Chomsky
Studied the development of language and believes that language development is innate and cannot be fully explained with learning theory alone
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Worked in the area of human memory and developed the “forgetting curve;” studied the effect of practice on memory
Albert Ellis
Cognitive behavioral therapist who developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Erik Erikson
Developmental psychologist that proposed the “8 Stages of Psychosocial Development” tracing human development from infancy to old age
Hans Eysenck
Famous for his work on the structure of personality and his attacks on psychotherapy; also his position on genetic influence on intelligence
Leon Festinger
Social psychologist who developed the idea of “cognitive dissonance”, an incompatibility of one’s thoughts and behavior
Sigmund Freud
Father of modern psychology and developer of psychoanalytic theory; considered to be the most influential psychologist of the first half of the 20th century
Harry Harlow
Studied attachment in rhesus monkeys, and concluded that physical contact is an important aspect of parenting
Karen Horney
Neo-Freudian psychologist known for her feminine perspective on psychoanalytic theory and “womb envy”
Clark Hull
Early psychologist who developed “drive reduction theory” of motivation, focusing on physiological needs and drives
William James
Early American psychologist who founded Functionalism, the precursor of behaviorism, and developed one of the 3 most often cited theories of emotion
Carl Jung
Neo-Freudian psychologist who developed the idea of archetypes and the collective unconscious; famous for his work on dream interpretation as well
Lawrence Kohlberg
Cognitive psychologist who studied how children develop morals and developed a stage theory of moral development
Elizabeth Loftus
Modern psychologist who studied long term memory, in particular the fallibility of eyewitness testimony
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic psychologist famous for his “Hierarchy of Needs” theory of motivation
Stanley Milgram
Social psychologist who conducted one of psychology’s most famous experiments, studying obedience to authority
Ivan Pavlov
Early psychologist who “discovered” classical conditioning while doing work on salivation in dogs
Jean Piaget
Famous cognitive psychologist of the early 20th century who studied cognitive development in children and is famous for his stage theory of cognitive development
Carl Rogers
Humanistic psychologist famous for his “person centered theory” and “client centered therapy”
Stanley Schachter
Developed the “two factor theory of emotions”, one of the most influential emotion theories; famous for his experiment with Singer
Martin Seligman
Considered to be the founder of Positive Psychology and known for his work on “learned helplessness”
B.F. Skinner
Famous behaviorist who developed operant conditioning, which elaborated on the “Law of Effect”
John Watson
Early American psychologist who founded behaviorism and studied classical conditioning
Carl Wernicke
Neuroscientist who has a region of the brain responsible for understanding language named after him
Wilhelm Wundt
The father of psychology who developed the first psychology lab and studied the mind; developed the ideas that led to structuralism
Lev Vygotsky
Studied the impact of culture on intellectual and language development
Philip Zimbardo
Social psychologist known for his work in attitude formation; conducted the famous “Stanford Prison Experiment”