Guards behaviour became a threat to prisoners wellbeing
-In 2 days, prisoners rebelled, protested, fought, ripped uniforms
-Divide and Rule tactics used by guards to put prisoners against each other to put down rebellion
-1 prisoner released early due to signs of psychological disturbance
-1 went on hunger strike, guards brutally force fed him.
-Guards became more agressive, some enjoying their power
-Experiment ended after 6 days, 8 days earlier than intended.
Naive paricipant always teacher
Confederate 1 (Mr. Wallace) learner
Confederate 2 experimenter
-Learner strapped in chair with electrodes
Teacher in different room, required to give a shock everytime they gave wrong answer to the word list they were given
15-450 volts
-15 labelled slight shock, 450 labelled danger severe shock
At 300V learner banged on wall and at 315V went unresponsive
Teacher and learner in same room - 40%
teacher force learners hand on shock plate - 30%
Experimenter leaves, instructs via phone - 20.5%
Research support
Lack of internal validity
Cross cultural replications and support
Layers of excuse to ignore the harm that the individual is causing, reducing their moral strain.
Shifting responsibility
Denying damage done
Useful for showing cultural differences in obedience.
Australia only 16% obeyed
Germany 85% obeyed.
This shows that different cultures are more likely to accept authority as legitimate than others.