Formation of new species from pre-existing species over time, as a result of changes to gene pools from gen to gen.
Change of characteristics of species over time due to changes in allele frequency.
Evolution- process
There is variation in a pop. Many offspring r produced. Change in environmental conditions/ selection pressure. There is comp for resources therefore a struggle for survival. Those best adapted/ the fittest survive to breed. Those that survive pass on their beneficial alleles to the next generation. Process repeats over long periods of time resulting in evolution and change in allele frequencies.
What species is considered a new species through evolution?
For a pop to hv evolved into a separate species it must be genetically + reproductively isolated from the pre-existing species pop.
Gene pool
Collection of genes within an interbreeding population.
Sum of all the alleles at all of the loci within genes of a pop of single species.
Changes in a gene pools
Caused by: genetic drift, natural selection, founder effect
Gene pool changes over time- character of species will also change.
Change can become so great- new species forms- evolution.
Reproductive isolation
Mutations that lead to incompatibility of gametes or diff breeding behaviour.
Genetically isolated
Two pop that don’t exchange genes w each other.
Evolutionary relationships in DNA
DNA found in the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts can be sequenced- show evolutionary relationships between species
More similar sequence= more closely related species r
DNA analysis
DNA is extracted from the nuclei of cells. Extracted DNA is processed, analysed and base sequence is obtained. Base sequence is compared to that of other organisms
Only maternal mtDNA is present in a zygote. No crossing over occurs in mtDNA so base sequence can only change by mutations.
Used for research of the origins of species, genetic drift, and migration events.
Estimation- relies on MOLECULAR CLOCK THEORY- assumes there is a constant rate of mutation over time. Molecular clock calibrated by using fossils + carbon dating.
Why is mtDNA used?
Higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA- not protected by histone proteins.
Not associated/ protected by w Histone proteins
Mutates faster than nuclear DNA
Many copies of mtDNA in every cell
Is smaller- fewer genes
mtDNA analysis is faster
No enzymes to repair DNA mutations
Inherited form mother only
No crossing over
Mutations occur at a constant rate
Allopatric speciation- def
Development of a new species following geographical isolation.
Sympatric speciation- def
Development of a new species w/o any geographical seperation.
Allopatric speciation
Result of geographical isolation. Separation creates 2 pops of same species who r isolated from each other. There is no genetic exchange.
Sufficient selection pressure or genetic drift acting to change gene pools within both pops will cause the pop to diverge + form separate species.
Allopathic speciation- Effect
Since the pops experience different selection pressures their morphological, physical and behavioural features change
When both pops r reintroduced to each other they can no longer breed
Sympatric speciation
A group of organisms could be living in the same place but there must be 2 existing pops within the group and NO GENE FLOW occurring for speciation to occur.
Ecological separation
Behavioural separation
Ecological seperation
Pop separated cuz they live in diff environments within the same area. Eg soil pH differs greatly in some areas- affects plant growth
Behavioural speciation
Pops separated cuz they have diff behaviours. Eg. Diff in communication, feeding or social behaviour.
Organism possesses more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes
Morphological species concept
Set of organisms that share similar physical features that distinguish them from other species
Ecological species concept
Pop of individuals living in the same area at the same time
Biological species concept
A grp of organisms which can breed together to produce fertile offspring which is reproductively isolated from other species.
Why isn’t it always possible to know if 2 organisms belong to the same species
Organisms r dead
Time/ facilities not available to attempt to interbreed them.
May not breed in captivity
Organism may only be able to reproduce asexually.
Organisms might be immature + not able to breed yet
Reasons for inability to breed
Individuals not recognising each other as a potential mate.
Physically unable to mate
Incompatibility of pollen + stigma in plants
Inability of female and male gametes to fuse together
Viable but sterile offspring
Failure of cell division in zygote
Non-viable offspring