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examining the CNs allows for examination of what brain structure?
abnormalities of a CN exam can possibly be traced back to what origins?
-CNS pathways to & from cortex, diencephalon, cerebellum, or other parts of brainstem
-lesions in nucleus
-lesions in nerve
-generalized dysfunction of nerve, NMJ, or muscles
what equipment is needed for the CN exam?
-nasal speculum
-2 non-irritating scents
-pocket Snellen/Rosenbaum charts
-color vision assessment cards
-eye cover or notecard
-cotton wisp
-broken tongue blade
-512Hz tuning fork
-sterile tongue blade
how is CN I typically assessed clinically?
-during medical Hx
what is the test for CN I?
-test ability to identify familiar odors 1 naris at a time
what is the technique for assessing CN I?
-check patency of each naris → instruct patient to close eyes → have patient occlude R naris & hold scent #1 under nostril → ask patient to inhale & identify odor → repeat with other naris & scent #2
what is parosmia?
-distorted odor perception triggered by a stimulus
what is phantosmia?
-olfactory hallucination
what are screening tools for the assessment of CN I?
-Self-Reported Mini Olfactory Questionnaire (Self-MOQ)
-Brief & Full Questionnaire of Olfactory Disorders
what is the most common cause of olfactory dysfunction?
-sinonasal conditions
what are the PE findings that are suggestive of sinonasal pathology?
-intranasal mass
-edematous mucosa
-hypertrophy of turbinates
-purulent mucus
what are less common causes of olfactory dysfunction?
-structural pathology
-nutritional deficiencies
-post-radiation to the head/neck
-endocrine disorders
-psychiatric conditions
what nutritional deficiencies are associated with olfactory dysfunction?
-pernicious anemia
-vitamin B12 deficiency
-vitamin A deficiency
-niacin deficiency
what endocrine disorders are associated with olfactory dysfunction?
-Addison’s disease
what psychiatric conditions are associated with olfactory dysfunction?
-major depressive disorder
-anorexia nervosa
what is presbyosmia? what Hx clues should you look for?
-age-related loss of olfactory neurons that leads to reduced olfactory cortex activity
-insidious onset w/o improvements
what neurodegenerative disorders are associated with olfactory dysfunction? what Hx clues should you look for?
-Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease
-insidious onset w/o improvements
how is CN II tested?
-vision assessment
what components of the visual exam are used to evaluate CN II?
-central visual acuity = near & distance vision
-color vision
-peripheral vision (visual fields with confrontation testing)
-pupillary light reflex
-fundoscopic exam
-pupil assessment
-pupillary responses to light & accommodation
testing a patient’s pupillary light reflex evaluates the function of what CNs?
assessing a patient’s pupil appearance & responses to light/accommodation are performed to evaluate the function of what CNs?
why would you perform the swinging flashlight test?
-to assess for afferent pupillary defect
what is a Marcus-Gunn pupil? is this associated with a CN? if so, which?
-deafferented pupils (NO anisocoria) that constrict to consensual but not direct light
-yes → CN II
what is a Hutchinson pupil? is this associated with a CN? if so, which?
-dilated pupil demonstrating anisocoria that doesn’t respond to direct or consensual light
-yes → CN III
what pupillary defect is caused by a lesion of CN II?
-Marcus-Gunn pupil
what pupillary defect is caused by a lesion of CN III?
-Hutchinson pupil
what is Horner’s syndrome? is this associated with a CN? if so, which?
-constricted pupil demonstrated anisocoria with associated ptosis & decreased facial sweating
-no → caused by dysfunctional sympathetics
what is an Adie’s Tonic pupil? is this associated with a CN? if so, which?
-dilated pupil demonstrating anisocoria with an impaired light response & slow constriction with accommodation
-no → caused by dysfunction of parasympathetics
what is an Argyll Robinson pupil? is this associated with a CN? if so, which?
-constricted irregular pupil (w/o anisocoria) that constricts with accommodation but not light
-no → caused by dysfunction of pretectum
what 3 CNs are grouped together in a PE assessment?
-III, IV, & VI
how are CNs III, IV, & VI tested?
-assessment of EOMs & movement of upper eyelid
what components of the visual exam are used to evaluate CNs III, IV, & VI?
-visual inspection of upper eyelids
-visual inspection of ocular alignment via corneal light reflex
-6 cardinal directions of gaze
-other eye movements to test image fixation on the retina = smooth pursuits, VOR, saccades
-visual inspection for nystagmus
how is ptosis clinically defined? how is the severity defined?
-distance between upper lid margin & light reflex > 2mm
-mild = 2mm droop
-moderate = 3mm droop
-severe = 4+ mm droop
what is the vestibulo-ocular reflex?
-oculocephalic/Doll’s eyes reflex that assesses image fixation on the retina
what is saccades?
-redirection of line-of-sight to test eye movements
which CN controls the superior oblique muscle?
which CN controls the lateral rectus muscle?
which CN controls eyelid elevation?
which CN controls pupillary responses?
what are the classifications of CN III palsy?
what causes a nonpupil sparing isolated CN III palsy?
-complete lesion that leads to full internal & external CN III dysfunction
what causes a pupil-sparing isolated CN III palsy?
-partial lesion that causes some internal &/or external CN III dysfunction
what are the internal & external functions of CN III?
-internal = pupil size, responses to light, accommodation
-external = eyelid strength/position, EOM innervation
how can you determine which CN III functions are impaired in a pupil-sparing isolated CN III palsy?
-normal pupil size & reactivity = no internal dysfunction
-dilated, poorly reactive pupil = partial internal dysfunction
-dilated pupil that is non-reactive to light & accommodation = full internal dysfunction
-intact EOMs w/o ptosis = no external dysfunction
-partially impaired EOMs &/or ptosis = partial external dysfunction
-completely impaired EOMs & ptosis = full external dysfunction
what EOM actions are controlled by CN III?
-ipsilateral adduction (medial rectus)
-elevation (superior rectus & inferior oblique)
-depression (inferior rectus)
what are the common etiologies of CN III palsy?
-structural lesions
-cerebrovascular dz = intracranial aneurysms, ischemia, CVA
-inflammatory/infectious = meningitis
how does a CN III palsy typically present?
-sudden onset of binocular, vertical, or oblique diplopia
-eye pain
-no pupil reactivity
-paralysis of adduction, elevation, & depression → eye rests in “down & out” position OR weakness in actions
what are the PE findings of a CN III palsy?
-unreactive pupil
-paralysis of weakness of adduction, elevation, & depression → resting eye position that is “down & out”
what are the classifications of CN IV palsy?
what are common causes of CN IV palsy?
-microvascular dz
how does CN IV palsy typically present?
-binocular vertical diplopia
-compensatory head turn/tilt
how is a CN IV palsy diagnosed on PE?
-Parks-Bielschowsky 3-step test
why would you use the Parks-Bielschowsky 3-step test?
-to diagnose CN IV palsy
what is the most common CN palsy to occur in isolation?
what are common causes of a CN VI palsy?
-vascular dz
how does a CN VI palsy typically present?
-binocular horizontal diplopia
-eye pain
-compensatory head turn/eye closure
-medial drift of affected eye when looking straight ahead
-deviation more obvious with R/L gaze
how can you differentiate between a CN IV & CN VI palsy?
-IV = binocular vertical diplopia
-VI = binocular horizontal diplopia
which CN palsy involves ptosis?
what CN provides primary facial sensory innervation?
what is the motor innervation of CN V?
-temporalis muscles
-masseter muscles
how is CN V tested?
-assess light touch & superficial pain in all 3 branches
-strength testing of temporalis & masseter muscles
-assess corneal reflex
what are the 3 branches of CN V?
what condition is also known as tic doulourex?
-trigeminal neuralgia
what is trigeminal neuralgia?
-rare condition that causes recurrent brief episodes of unilateral electric shock-like pains that abruptly begin & end when triggered by innocuous stimuli in the distribution of 1+ trigeminal branches
what is the diagnostic criteria for trigeminal neuralgia?
-a: recurrent episodes of unilateral facial pain in proper distribution
-b: pain lasts from a second-2min, is severe, & has electric shock-like, shooting, stabbing, or sharp qualities
-c: precipitated by innocuous stimuli
-d: no better Dx
what CNs are evaluated when assessing the corneal reflex?
-CN V (trigeminal)
-CN VII (facial)
when would you assess a patient’s corneal reflex to evaluate CN functionality?
-patients in stupor/coma
-objective assessment of ophthalmic branch “numbness”
the corneal reflex may be absent in what patient demographic?
-contact wearers
what are the motor & sensory functions of CN VII?
-motor = primary muscles for facial expression & corneal reflex
-sensory = anterior 2/3 of tongue (taste)
how is CN VII tested?
-motor = have patient demonstrate facial expressions (raise eyebrows, puff out cheeks, smile with teeth, smile w/o teeth)
-strength = pull up on upper eyelids while having patient try & close eyes
-sensory = not routine
what is the expected dysfunction of CN VII with UMN pathology?
-inability to close contralateral eye
-inability to raise contralateral corner of mouth
what is the expected dysfunction of CN VII with LMN pathology?
-Bell’s palsy
what is the UMN distribution of CN VII?
-R & L LMN for moving forehead up/down
-contralateral LMN for lower face movement
what is Bell’s palsy?
-LMN dysfunction of CN VII that causes sudden paralysis/weakness of ipsilateral facial muscles
what are the hallmark features of Bell’s palsy?
-loss of forehead wrinkles
-inability to close contralateral eye
-inability to raise contralateral corner of mouth
-decreased naso-labial prominence of contralateral side
how is dysfunction of CN VII graded?
-House-Brackmann FN Grading system
what are the grades of the House-Brackmann FN Grading System?
-I = normal facial function in all areas
-II (mild) = mild weakness, mild synkinesis, & complete eyelid closure with minimal effort
-III (moderate) = obvious, non-disfiguring facial asymmetry, noticeable but moderate synkinesis, hemifacial spasm/contracture, complete eyelid closure with effort, mildly weak mouth with maximal effort
-IV (moderately severe) = disfiguring facial asymmetry, facial weakness, inability to move forehead, incomplete eyelid closure, asymmetric mouth despite maximal effort
-V (severe) = minimal barely noticeable facial movement, asymmetric facial appearance, inability to move forehead, incomplete eyelid closure, minimal movement of mouth
-VI (total) = no facial movement
what are possible complications of CN VII dysfunction?
-permanent facial weakness
-blindness due to corneal injury
which CN is responsible for hearing & balance?
how is CN VIII tested?
-hearing assessment = conversational, finger rub, Weber, Rinne
-vestibular function = balance assessment (gait, Romberg), nystagmus observation at rest & with Dix-Hallpike maneuver, caloric testing
what is the normal result of the Rinne test? what result indicates conductive hearing loss? sensorineural hearing loss?
-AC > BC by at least 2:1
-conductive = BC > AC
-sensorineural = AC > BC but < 2:1
what is the normal result of the Weber test? what result indicates conductive hearing loss? sensorineural hearing loss?
-no lateralization
-conductive = lateralization to deaf ear
-sensorineural = lateralization to good ear
how is the Dix-Hallpike maneuver performed?
-have patient sit with head turned 45* & eyes wide open → help patient lean back with 1 ear pointed to ground & hold position for 1-2min → while in position, check eyes for nystagmus
how is caloric testing performed?
-inject cold H2O into 1 ear while watching eyes for nystagmus
what are the 2 main types of nystagmus?
what is jerk nystagmus?
-alternating phases of a slow drift in 1 direction with a corrective quick “jerk” in the opposite direction
which type of nystagmus has a fast & slow component?
how is jerk nystagmus classified?
-by trajectory (downbeat, upbeat, horizontal, torsional) OR by evoking factor (gaze-evoked, positional)
what is pendular nystagmus?
-slow sinusoidal, “pendular” oscillations to & fro
what are pathologic causes of nystagmus?
-vestibular lesions
-cerebellar lesions
-brainstem lesions
what are pathologic causes of nystagmus?
what are the symptoms commonly associated with nystagmus?
-blurred vision
-abnormal head positions
what is the most common symptom associated with nystagmus?
how can you differentiate between central & peripheral nystagmus with the Dix-Hallpike maneuver?
latency period before nystagmus = 2-20s
nystagmus for < 1min
unidirectional nystagmus
severe vertigo
1 position elicits vertigo
vestibular paresis exhibited with caloric & rotary testing
no latency period before nystagmus
nystagmus for > 1min
no fatigability
nystagmus may be multidirectional
minimal vertigo
2+ positions elicit vertigo
hyperactive responses, impaired fixation, & suppression exhibited with caloric & rotary testing
what is the function of CN IX?
-sensation to posterior pharynx & larynx
what is the function of CN X?
-motor innervation of soft palate, pharyngeal muscles, & vocal cords
how are CNs IX & X tested?
-have patient open mouth → use tongue blade & light, have patient say “ahhh” → observe for elevation of soft palate & uvula
-elicit gag reflex
dysfunction of CN IX causes what?
-ipsilateral deviation of uvula
what is the function of CN XI?
-motor innervation of trapezius & SCM muscles
how is CN XI tested?
-assessment of SCM strength → resisted cervical rotation to R & L
-assessment of trapezius strength → resisted shoulder shrug