To what extent was the League of Nations a success?

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Aims of League of Nations

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Aims of League of Nations

  • discourage agression from countries

  • to encourage countries ro cooperate

  • encourage nations to disarm

  • improve living and working conditions of people

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Article 10

  • Most important of 26 articles which all members followed

  • Collective security(members should prevent war by defending lands and interests of all nations)

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Membership of League

  • Britain + France most powerful members

  • Japan and Italy permanent members of council

  • Brotain and france had role of running the league but they were poorly suited because they weak after ww1

  • USA did not join so lack of resources

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Sections of League

  1. the council

  2. the assembly

  3. secreteriat

  4. permanent court of international justice

  5. international labour organization

  6. league of nations commissions

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The Council

  • Smaller group than assembly

  • Met 5 times a year and in case of emergency

  • Included permanent and temporary members

  • All permanent members had a Vito

  • Council ised to solve disputes between members - sorted out tru discussion

  • could also use moral condemnation

  • Economic and financial Sanctions

  • Military force(barely did that)

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The Assembly

  • League’s Parlament - Every country sent a representative

  • only met once a year

  • decisions had to be unanimous(everybody had to agree)

  • Could vote on adding new members, Budget and other ideas

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The Secreteriat

  • Was a Civil service

  • kept records of league meetings and made reports

  • had specialost sections cpvering different areas

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Court of International Justice

  • Key role was settling disputes between countries peacefully

  • court was based in the Netherlands

  • gave legal advice to assembly and Council

  • court had no way of making sure the countries followed its rules

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International Labour Organization

  • Brought together employers, workers and governments once a year

  • Aim was to improve conditions of working people

  • Collected information abput working conditions and gave suggestions

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League of Nations comssions

  • refugees committee

  • Slavery commission

  • Health Committee

  • mandates commission

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Weaknesses of league structure

  • infrequent meetings

  • no actual army - difficult to enforce decisions

  • uneven balance of power

  • unanimous voting in assembly

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Initial weaknesses

  • defeated powers were nit invited to join the league

  • Ussr was not a member -powerful

  • Usa not member

  • Powers never agreed on anything

  • idealistic principles that were impossible

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Usa not joining league

  • Didnt want to get involved in europe problem

  • didnt want to do sanctions

  • american ppl didnt want to fight in other wars

  • didnt wanna pay

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Vilna 1920

  • Poland invades Vilna

  • League tells poland to pull out but it doesn’t

  • France and britaim were unwilling to act

  • Failure for league of Nations

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Aaland islands 1920-21

  • Dispute between sweden and finland about ownership of islands

  • sweden accepted the leagues ruling without resistance

  • success for league of nations

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Corfu 1923

  • Mussolini invades corfu after italian general gets killed

  • League condemns him but mussolini rejects

  • France unwilling to act

  • League couldnt enforce ruling against more powerful states

  • failure for LoN

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Bulgaria 1925

  • Greece invades Bulgaria

  • League rules unfair and forces greece pay compensation

  • they accept so success for LoN

  • However also failure because League showed there were different rules for big and small countries

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Humanitarian work LoN

  • Reduced Child Labor

  • Saved prisoners of war

  • Helped displaced people

  • Freed slaves

  • Funded disease research and vaccines

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Result of the depression in the 30’s

  • Increased unemployment

  • Country re-armed to give people jobs

  • countries too involved in their own problems so league didnt work

  • Japan decided to take over weak countries for all raw materials

  • Germany elected Hitler

  • Italy - Mussolini attempted to build empire(Abyssinia)

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Manchurian Crisis 1931-34

  • Chinese troops attacked japanese railway -excuse

  • China appealed to LoN

  • LoN started making report

  • A year later showed that manchuria should be given back to china

  • Japan resigned from LoN in reaponse and argued it was self defence

  • League was powerless without Usa, so was unable to do anything

  • League shown as powerless and weak

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Disarmament conference

  • After Manchuria pressure increased about arming problem

  • 3rd feb 1932

  • question asked if everyone should disarm like Germany

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German Disarmament

  • At conference countries didn't about equality with germans and germans walked out

  • Agreement was reached to treat germany equally and they rejoined the conference

  • Hitler began to secretly re-arm germany

  • Hitler withdrew from disarmament conference

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Disarmament failure

  • doomed from the start -no one was serious

  • Britain and France had devided opinions

  • Every country was looking after itself and ignoring the league

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Invasion of Abyssinia 1934

  • Mussolini uses previous incident between Italian soldiers as excuse to invade

  • British and French singed Stressa pact - Italy stands up against Hitlee in return for Ignoring abyssinia crysis

  • two months after invasion league puts economical sanctions on Italy

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Hoare-laval pact

  • Pact to call of invasion and give Mussolini 2/3 of abyssinia

  • Details of secret pact was leaked to the press and gave league a bad impression

  • people who made pact fired after going against league

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