The Berlin Blockade was the more than 15 month long soviet blockade blocking the citizens of east germany from the west. Since Berlin was split into two halves, this blockade was created to try and get the allies to leave East Berlin. The Blockade started because the people on the west side of Germany and the west side of Berlin were looking over at the prosperous west germany and were migrating there. So, the soviets were losing workers and population. To stop this they made the blockade. But this blockade consequently trapped the free West Berlin in a sea of communism. After this blockade was enacted the US knew that they had to supply West Berlin somehow. Thankfully, the soviets built corridors for the US to fly planes to supply them. Stalin did this because he was giving them a chance that he thought was impossible to actually achieve and was hoping for them to give up and abandon Berlin. But the US persisted and chose Curtis LeMay to organize the airlift. They used C-54s to airlift many many tons of food every day. There were planes landing and taking off every 3 minutes at the airports. This airlift would save Berlin throughout the blockade until it was ceased. This blockade hurt East Germany even more than before it had the blockade.