The northern plains had more water ways which is where agriculture and farming would prosper.
Why did most people live in the northern plains? (map)
It is geographically isolated because of land features such as the Himalayan mountains
Why is India called a Subcontinent?
Ganges and Indus Rivers
Two important rivers
A new group of people invaded India around 1500 BCE. Traders nor builders, and did nothing to improve the cities they conquered, just left them in ruins. Created their own language and religion
the religion created by the Aryans, based on the Vedas and through generations mixed with early Indian villager religious beliefs and created….
a collection of attitudes, experiences, and practices defined by behavior rather than beliefs
Hindu teachers worked to interpret the
sacred literature/ religious teachings of the Aryans
a collection of comments about the Vedas
H: a state of perfect understanding of all things; enlightenment; liberation from desires and suffering
he or she reaches moksha and that a soul’s karma follows from one reincarnation to another
Hindus believe that a person is reincarnated until
A person’s karma is also connected to their
individual soul or spirit born again and again; rebirth
deeds (good or bad) that follow the soul through reincarnation/affect his or her fate
each person is bound to perform certain duties, which vary depending on the persons social standing and caste
Darma - karma- reincarnation- moksha
in order of achievement to enlightenment
Hindus consider: to be the world soul or the creator/ the great spirit
caste system/Rules of the caste
a closed social group from which he or she could not hope to escape, determined the persons occupation, marriage parter, and how he lived
Brahmans(preists), Kshatriyas(warriors), vasiyas(farmers and traders), Sudras(laborers and servants)
completly outside- Untouchables(did unclean jobs, no upper class should have contact with)
Hindu caste system
Brahma- the creator
Vishnu- the protector/preserver
Shiva- the destroyer
three different gods of Brahman
obeying caste rules and following complex rituals performed by Brahmin priests
For Hindus, the only way to gain salvation was by
No single person started it, there is no single religious book, and there is no main group of leaders to decide what is right or wrong.
How is hinduism different from other religions?
Siddhartha Gautama
Buddhism was founded by
Indian prince born in 563 BCE; later known as Buddha
Sorrow and suffering are part of life
People suffer because they are constantly trying to get things they cannot have
The way to escape suffering is to overcome these desires and reach a state of “not wanting”
To reach nirvana people should follow a “middle way”
Four Noble Truths:
B: state of enlightenment
having neither too much or too little pleasure
Buddhism placed more importance on how one lived than on one’s caste;
Buddhists did not find value in Brahmins’ complex rituals; and,
Buddhists do believe in reincarnation, but that it is not necessary for becoming pure
Three main differences between Hinduism and Buddhism are:
Buddhism split into two schools of thought:
buddhists who remained close to original teachings; spread to Sri Lanka, Burma, and Southeast Asia
Buddhists who developed a complex religion with temples, saints, and statues of the Buddha'; spread into China, Japan, and Korea
Moksha vs. Nirvana
Hinduism vs. Buddhism state of enlightenment
Mauryan Empire
kingdom in 6th century BCE, ruled the entire plain of the Ganges(the area around the Ganges river), and much of northern India.
Gupta empire
5th century empire, aka “India’s classical age”
Chandra Gupta
First emperor of Gupta empire, organized the large empires by breaking them up into small provinces governed by family. Cities were constructed with an organized structure, although he was a efficient ruler he was brutal to the people.
Women under the Gupta empire
enjoyed more freedom, girls had a education, women could be philosophers, women often worked as midwives and could own their own property
they were still subjected to their husbands and fathers and arranged marriage happened among girls around 10 years old, and unable to remarry as widows
hinduism traditional suicide done by widows by throwing themselves into their husbands on fire funeral pyre to ensure 35 million of happiness in paradise
Grandson of Chandragupta. Around 269 BCE, he began his time in power by ruling harshly and conquering the people of Kalinga, but became guilty and remorseful and converted to Buddhism and became one of the worlds greatest rulers
holy people; spread the message of Buddhism to Asia the Middle east and North Africa
Indian language of literature
Religion of Gupta empire
Invasion of the huns
Reason of Gupta empire decline
From the 700s to the 1500s, most of the Indian peninsula was united under __________ rule.
basic principles- the number of Gods (1 vs many) and equality of people (equality vs caste system)
Conflict Between Hinduism and Islam
occupied all of India north of the Deccan Plateau
In the 11th and 12th centuries, Muslims
separate Muslim kingdom
ruled for 49 years and controlled most of India, he was well respected and supported
Lessened the conflict between Hindus and Muslims
He had religious tolerance and allowed religious freedoms, removed the tax on non-muslims, Jizya, and lessened the conflict between Hindus and Muslims
Sha Jahan
Akbar’s grandson, who took the title of Shah in 1628, built the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife as a tomb and is one of the Wonders of the World
Khmer Empire
Reached height around 1200 CE, improved rice cultivation to remain wealthy, and the capital of Angkor, rulers built city and temple complexes
city and temple complex; one of the world’s greatest architectural achievements, architectural wonder of the world for the Khmer empire
Koryu dynasty
Around 935 CE, a new king took power and established the _________, Producing lasting achievements for the Korean culture
another word for Japan meaning “land of rising sun”
earliest inhabitants of Japan
the sun goddess of Japan
regular trees grown to be miniature
strong winds that effect the climate of Japan
Ring of fire
area that encircles the Pacific ocean that is prone to earthquakes
Japanese were close enough to Korea and China to feel the effects of their civilization, were far enough from Korea and China to be safe from invasion
Japanese Advantages of being separated from Korea and China
island group or chain
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu
Japan’s 4 main islands (in order from north to south)
Sea of Japan
West of Honshu
Pacific Ocean
East of Honshu
mild climate with plenty of rainfall= fertile soil
the country is too mountainous to farm and natural resources are in short supply; natural disasters also threaten the area
“way of the gods”, based on respect for forces of nature and worship of ancestors, followers believe in Kami
Varied customs and beliefs over time combined to form the religion
How did shinto form?
sacred/divine spirits that dwelled in nature, associated with human ancestors
Yamato clan
first and only Japanese dynasty, the leading clan by 400CE, calling themselves emperors of Japan
rival clans fought and claimed control and land in emperors name- dual structure was an enduring characteristic of the Japanese government
How did the Yamato survive despite lacking real power?
Kamakura shogunate
What form of government Yorimoto set up that lasted from 1185 to 1333 BCE?
Heian Period
Arts and literature of China flourished in Japan during the
The Tale of Genji written by Lady Muraski
First novel written in Japan
a political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military protection/service
Feudal pyrimid (in order)
The person at the top doesn’t have the most political power
What is different about the feudal pyramid?
barbarian-defeating general
warriors, perfecting military skills and lived by bushido
the samurai code; the way of the warrior
ritual suicide, done if a Samurai was dishonored in any way, and committing brought honor back to himself and his family
the civil war between the objecting group and the pro-Buddhist group resulted in the victory of the pro-Buddhist group, the rulers accepted the religion and used it as a basis for reforming the government
How did Buddhism become the official religion of Japan?
Emperor(holds no political power), Shoguns (hold all political power), Daimyo(controlled local affairs/own land), Samurai(received land), Peasants(worked the land)
order of political power
Land was the most important measure of wealth
landowners held greater political and military power than kings/emperors
knights and samurai fought back with weapons and armor and lived by warrior code
European Feudalism vs. Japanese Feudalism- similarities
E: one village and surrounding land, J: daimyos could have peaces of land anywhere, J: Peasants never became serfs, and could leave the land when they wanted to, E: lasted 600 years, J: lasted 800 years
European Feudalism vs. Japanese Feudalism- differences
Japanese women were not oppressed by Confucianism or Chinese culture(foot binding), women inherited property, and could choose to not live or live with their family after marriage, later women lost their status of the rise of warrior culture
Women in Japan
divided the society into four classes Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (skilled traders, merchants), and Shudras (unskilled workers)
the untouchables
Eightfold path
the path to nirvana, using right views, intentions, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration
Chandragupta Maurya
seized power of Magadha Kingdom in 300 BCE, the empire included all of northern India and part of present-day Afghanistan, had a strong central government
Mogul Empire
Babur, a descendant of Genghis Khan, led his army into India, he succeeded in establishing a new empire in India. This empire was called the ____ _____, coming from the Persian word for Mongol.
tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans
series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean
a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third
a classical form of Japanese theatre, mixing dramatic performance with traditional dance
Indus River Civilizations
had 2 cities: Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa; cities were laid out in a rectangular pattern, intersected at right angles, water system, public baths, 2 story brick houses and garbage chutes for the wealth, and people prioritized function over beauty.