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a group of atoms combined together in a specific ratio
compounds in which the atoms are held together by shared electrons (covalent bonding)
valence electrons
which electrons of an atom are responsible for the chemical behavior of an element?
chemical formula
represents how many atoms of each element are present (subscript number notes how many atoms)
Elements are listed from most _____ to least _____ in a chemical formula for a compound
What is the element that is typically the exception in terms of order of elements in chemical formulas?
Ionic compounds
Compounds composed of a metal and a nonmental
One or more electrons is transferred away from the metal in an ionic compound, making the metal a _____
One or more electrons is given to the nonmetal in an ionic compound, making the nonmetal an ______
covalent compound
compound composed of two or more nonmetals; characterized by atoms sharing their electrons
covalent bond
bond in which electrons are shared
binary compound
compound that contains two different kinds of elements
In an ionic compound, which element is listed first? The metal or the nonmetal?
What is the suffix for the nonmetal in an ionic compound? (include the dash in your answer)
Main group element
An element found in groups 1, 2, and 13-18 (not a transition element, but a ____)
What additional aspect must be included when naming an ionic compound containing a transition metal? The ____ of the transition metal
polyatomic ion
a collection of covalently bonded atoms that have an overall ionic charge
Polyatomic ion name for: NH4+
Polyatomic ion name for: C2H3O2-
Polyatomic ion name for: CN-
Polyatomic ion name for: SCN-
Hydrogen Carbonate
Polyatomic ion name for: HCO3
Polyatomic ion name for: CO32-
Polyatomic ion name for: C2O42-
Polyatomic ion name for: ClO-
Polyatomic ion name for: ClO2-
Polyatomic ion name for: ClO4-
Polyatomic ion name for: Cr2O72-
Polyatomic ion name for: MnO4-
Polyatomic ion name for: NO2-
Polyatomic ion name for: NO3-
Polyatomic ion name for: OH-
Polyatomic ion name for: O22-
Dihydrogen Phosphate
Polyatomic ion name for: H2PO4-
Polyatomic ion name for: PO43-
Hydrogen sulfite
Polyatomic ion name for: HSO3-
Polyatomic ion name for: SO32-
Hydrogen Sulfate
Polyatomic ion name for: HSO4-
Polyatomic ion name for: SO42-
Polyatomic ion name for: S2O32-
waters of hydration
water molecules that are bound in definite quantities within the crystalline structure of ionic compounds
the term given to an ionic compound that has had its waters of hydration removed
What’s missing in this outline for a hydrated compound?
ionic compound prefix-____
suffix for a polyatomic ion with more oxygen atoms?
suffix for a polyatomic atom with less oxygen atoms?
True or false? When naming covalent compounds, both the first and second element get prefixes (unless there is only one of the first element)
What is the suffix added to the second element in a covalent compound? (include the dash)
binary acid
aqueous compounds made of a hydrogen and a nonmetal ion
What’s missing from this setup for naming a binary acid?
___-anion-ic acid
what is the requirement for something to be considered an acid? (assume it has already been written with hydrogen in its name)
How many elements do binary acids contain?
a molecule in which hydrogen is bound to an oxygen-containing anion that dissociates when dissolved in water
one or more oxygens in the acid’s formula
What suffix replaces the -ite ending of a polyatomic when naming an oxyacid?
What suffix replaces the -ate ending of a polyatomic ion when naming an oxyacid?
organic compound
a compound that contains carbon and hydrogen
the simplest category of organic compounds; contain only carbon and hydrogen
number of carbon atoms
what does the prefix indicate when naming an alkane? (___-ane)
prefix for one carbon atom in a linear alkane
prefix for two carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for three carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for four carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for five carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for six carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for seven carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for eight carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for nine carbon atoms in a linear alkane
prefix for ten carbon atoms in a linear alkane
What is the formula for determining the number of hydrogen atoms in a linear alkane based on its name? (or based on the number of carbon atoms)
octet rule
Rule stating that atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a full valence shell
what do atoms typically do with electrons in covalent compounds?
Lewis dot notation
a method of drawing atoms with dots representing the valence electrons of the element
straight line
what are shared pairs of electrons denoted by in Lewis structures?
single bond
a bond consisting of a single bonding pair (2 electrons)
double bond
a bond consisting of two bonding pairs (4 electrons)
triple bond
a bond consisting of three bonding pairs (6 electrons)
the degree to which an atom pulls electron density toward itself in a covalent bond
Trend for electronegativity moving from left to right on periodic table?
Trend for electronegativity moving from top to bottom on periodic table?
partial negative
What charge builds up around the more electronegative atom in a bond?
partial positive
What charge builds up around the less electronegative atom in a bond?
polarized bond
Bonds with an unequal sharing of electrons are called this
dipole moment
the magnitude of the charge separation between electron-poor and electron-rich regions within a compound or an individual bond
distance between two charges
What do we multiply partial charge by to calculate the dipole moment?
electrostatic potential diagrams
colored contour maps used to represent electron density
non polar covalent bond
a bond that features the equal sharing of electrons (EN difference is between 0 and 0.5)
polar covalent bond
a bond that features the unequal sharing of electrons (EN difference is between 0.5 and 2)
ionic bond
bond that features no sharing of electrons (EN difference is greater than or equal to 2)
pure covalent bond
a bond where the difference in electronegativity values is exactly zero
bond order
the number of electron pairs shared between two atoms
central atom
which atom in a compound has the lowest electronegativity? (Excluding hydrogen)
row 3
Which row of elements and below are you allowed to exceed an octet of electrons in a Lewis structure?
The name for species with more than one unpaired electron
formal charge
the charge assigned to an atom in a molecule based on the number of bonding and nonbonding electrons
number of valence electrons - number of nonbonding electrons + 1/2(number of bonding electrons)
equation for calculating formal charge
resonance structure
Lewis drawings that differ only in the position of bonding and non-bonding electrons (not in the connectivity of the atoms).
the phenomenon in which an electron pair is spread out over two or more covalent bonds
the name for compounds with the same molecular formula, but different structures
What is the rule used to predict the most stable isomer of a molecule/polyatomic ion? Formal charges are _____
enthalpy charge
the amount of heat transferred between a system and its surroundings at a constant pressure
organic molecules
an important class of compounds based on a framework of carbon atoms that contain a limited number of other elements (mainly N, H, O, and halogens)