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What was a major innovation of vertebrates?
-Neural Crest/Tube (a bunch of cells that break away to make stuff like nerves, eyes, etc)
What was Garstang’s hypothesis on larval tunicates
-Larval tunicates never become adults
-Straight from larval tunicates to Cephalochordates and Vertebrates
Explain “calcichordates” and their characteristics
-Marine Organism (sand dollar)
-Calcium carbonate plates all over body
-No evidence of: Pharyngeal gill apparatus, notochord, nerve chord, or segmented musculature
Explain “paedomorphosis”
-Larval or juvenile traits in adults
-Adult retains juvenile characteristics from ancestors
Explain who the “conodonts” are and their characteristics
-Marine organism
-Segmented muscles
-large eyes with muscles
-mineralized exoskeleton
-Dentine and bone cell presence
-MISSING gill apparatus
Explain “ostracoderms” and their characteristics
-Extinct jawless fish
-Bony external cover
-Characterized by: body armor, lack of jaw, and paired fins
Explain where to find hagfish and lamprey
-Hagfish can be found only in Marine environments
-Lamprey can be found in both Marine and Freshwater environments
What characteristics do hagfish and lamprey both lack?
-Paired fins
-Lymphatic Vessels
-Genital ducts
What do Lamprey and Hagfish both have?
-Cartilaginous skeletons
What do Hagfish lack but are found in Lamprey?
-Well-developed eyes
-Extrinsic eyeball muscles
-Radial muscles associated with median fin
Describe the characteristics of the integumentary system of hagfish
-Smooth and scaleless
-Thin epidermis (coating mucus)
-Thick and complex dermis
-Hagfish use mucus from pores on side to coat the gills of an enemy and tie in knots
Describe the characteristics of the integumentary system of lamprey
-Smooth and Scaleless
-Thin epidermis (mucus)
-Thick and complex derma
What are the parts of Lamprey and Hagfish cardiovascular system
1)Sinus venosus
4)Conus arteriosus
What are the 3 accessory hearts that hagfish have and their functions
1)Portal Heart (pumps blood from liver)
2)Cardinal Heart (Move blood from head)
3)Caudal Heart (push blood out from tail)
What are the mouth morphology of lamprey
-Mouth inside buccal funnel (tongue with horny epidermal teeth)
-Attaches to host via teeth
What are the feeding habits of lamprey
-Suck on blood and body fluids of other marine animals
-Can be considered parasitic
What is the mouth morphology of hagfish
-Lack oral disks
-Feed Apparatus (two dental plates with two curved rows of sharp horny cusps)
What is the feeding habits of hagfish
-Feed on dead carcass
-Tie itself into a knot to pull on tougher parts on carcass
Describe the digestive system of lamprey
-Food goes in order of pharyngeal region→ esophagus → straight intestine
-Has folds in intestine (Typhlosole) (Gives more surface area to ingest food/nutrients)
-No stomach
-No swim bladder
-Intestines open into cloaca
Describe the digestive system of hagfish
-Has feed apparatus (two dental plates with two curved rows of sharp horny cusps)
-Food goes in order Pharynx → esophagus → straight intestine → cloaca
-No swim bladder
-No stomach
Describe the sensory systems of lamprey
-Has a lateral line system
-Has two lateral eyes
-Both have well-developed olfactory organs, dorsal nostril, and nasophpophysial sac
Describe the sensory systems of hagfish
-Has rudimentary light-sensitive eyes
-Has barbels (helps sense the environment)
-Both have well-developed olfactory organs, dorsal nostril, and nasophpophysial sac
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their dorsal fins?
-Hagfish doesn’t have dorsal fins
-Lamprey has 1-2 dorsal fins
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their pre-anal fins?
-Hagfish has a pre-anal fin
-Lamprey doesn’t have a pre-anal fin
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their eyes?
-Hagfish have rudimentary eyes (Not fully developed)
-Lamprey has well-developed eyes
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their lateral-line system?
-Hagfish doesn’t have a lateral-line system
-Lamprey has a well-developed lateral-line system
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their semicircular canals?
-Hagfish has 1 on each side
-Lamprey has 2 on each side
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their barbels?
-Hagfish has 3 pairs of barbels
-Lamprey doesn’t have any barbels
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their external gill openings?
-Hagfish has 1-14 on each side
-Lamprey has 7 on each side
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their cranium?
-Hagfish has a poorly developed cranium
-Lamprey has a cartilaginous cranium
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their branchial skeleton?
-Hagfish has a rudimentary branchial skeleton (not fully developed)
-Lamprey has a well-developed branchial skeleton
How do lamprey and hagfish differ in their vertebrae?
-Hagfish doesn’t have a vertebrae
-Lamprey has a present vertebrae
What kind of kidneys do hagfish have?
-Pronephric Kidney
What kind of kidneys do lamprey have?
-Opsithonephric kidney
Explain how hagfish reproduce?
-Little is known
-20-30 large yolky eggs with hooks to attach to seafloor
-Sex ratio skewed towards females
Explain how hagfish grow?
-Life history is unknown
-Young hagfish look like mini-adults
Explain how hagfish develop?
Explain how lamprey reproduce?
-Spawn in freshwater
-Eggs and sperms go directly into the body cavity and exit through abdominal pores
-Shallow gravel bottom streams
Explain how lamprey grow?
-Extended larval stage (ammocoetes)
-Marine or freshwater adulthood
-Dies after breeding
Explain how lamprey develop?