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These disorders occur after the exposure to a traumatic or stressful event. Symptoms can be understood within an anxiety- or fear-based context. Anxiety is regarded as a warning signal that helps alert a person to impending or imminent danger and enables the person to deal with the threat of harm. Fear is similar, but is markedly different.
It is seen as a response to a definite and/or known hazard. Anxiety is a response to an unknown or unspecified threat. Fear is an acute reaction, while anxiety is considered chronic.
Failure to seek and respond to comforting when distressed. Minimal emotional regulation. Reduced positive affect. Episodes of unexplained fearfulness, inhibition, and anxiety. Children at a higher risk show a history of living in settings that limit attachment opportunities: Being separated, ignored, or neglected by their birth parents (or primary caretakers), placed in multiple foster homes where they can’t form relationships, or Raised in settings where there is minimal individualized care.
A lack of comfort-seeking when distressed vs. lack of capacity for self-regulation in social situations (overly emotive).
Shows a limited interest in interaction with unfamiliar adults vs. Shows an interest in, and willingness to interact with, unfamiliar adults.
Symptom presentation is less clear in adolescence vs. Social and verbal intrusiveness and attention seeking are more often seen during childhood, and superficial peer relationships along with enhanced peer conflicts in adolescence.
More vulnerable to internalizing disorders such as MDD vs Greater risk for developing externalizing disorders such as ADHD, ODD, and CD
What is re-experiencing the even in PTSD?
What is heightened arousal in PTSD?
What is the time criteria for PTSD?
Intrusion, negative mood, dissociation, avoidance, arousal
Efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, feelings, about the event. Trying to avoid external reminders such as avoiding people, places, conversations…
This diagnosis is reserved for individuals who exhibited clinically significant distress but did not meet the criteria for a more discrete disorder. Think about the individual who is going through a difficult time (death, breakup, going to college). The difficulty is likely time limited in that the person will likely resolve that which is distressing. The person can typically put his/her finger down on what it is that has distressed him/her.
What is the Prevailing Pattern Adjustment Disorder?
What do you have to do for diagnostic purposes for adjustment disorder?
see if the person’s distress is out of proportion to the severity or intensity of the stressors. This person is having a hard time with a stressor. Onset can be specified as acute (lasting for less than 6 months), or chronic (lasting longer than 6 months).
(5) With depressed mood, With anxiety, With mixed anxiety and depressed mood, With disturbance of conduct, Unspecified: for maladaptive reactions that are not seen as one of the specific subtypes of adjustments.
applies when the person’s symptom picture does not meet full criteria for any of the other disorders. We may see: Adjustment-like disorders with delayed onset of symptoms that occur more than 3 months after the stressor. Adjustment-like disorders with prolonged duration of more than 6 months without prolonged duration of stressor. Ataque de nervios, which is generally reserved for individuals of Latino descent, and characterized by symptoms of intense emotionally upset including acute anxiety, anger4, or grief; screaming and shouting uncontrollably; attacks and crying; trembling; heat in the chest rising to the head; and becoming verbally and physically aggressive. Other cultural syndromes as listed in the DSM-5 “Glossary of Cultural Concepts of Distress.” Persistent bereavement disorder