Call and Response
Consists of two distinct phrases, where the second phrase is heard as a response to the first phrase (call)
A short melodic phrase repeated throughout a piece of music
Rhythmic Ostinato
A short, constantly repeated rhythmic pattern
Ground Bass
A kind of ostinato used particularly in music of the Baroque era. It is a bassline that is continually repeated throughout a composition.
Riff is a kind of ostinato particularly used in jazz and rock music. It is short repeated rhythmic and/or melodic phrase
A temporary displacement of a regular metrical accent where the accent shifts from a strong to a weak beat
The use of more than one key simultaneously
Whole Tone Tonality
A piece using the whole tone scale
A key change within a piece
Music that is created ‘on-the-spot’, without preparation
The use of accidental notes outside the prevailing diatonic key
The restatement in succession of identical musical material in two or more parts
A continuous unchanged note or set of notes that do not contribute to the harmonic development of the piece
Pedal Point
Sustained (often bass) note that supports the harmonic movement of the music by creating tension and resolution. Pedal notes can vary in length.
Where the melody is embellished (or decorated) with ornaments; such as trills, mordents, turns, grace notes, glissandi, slide, pitch bends, drop notes, scoops, flams
Meter Change
Where the meter (time signature) changes within the piece
The simultaneous combination of contrasting rhythms, where the notes of one rhythm are not divisible by the notes of the other.
Irregular Time Signature
A time signature that does not conform to either a duple, triple, or quadruple meter. Examples include time signatures representing five or seven beats in the bar
Tempo Change
An ongoing change in the speed of a beat often occurs at the commencement of a new section of music.
The restatement of a theme where the notes are of a longer duration
The restatement of a theme where the notes are of a shorter duration
Where the intervals of an original musical motif are reversed
The immediate restatement of a motif at a higher or lower pitch in the same voice
Where a musical theme (or motif) is played backwards